How can I fix this rotation issue?
from to on 14 Jun 13:33

I’m using EndeavourOS with KDE.

The display is correctly oriented when logged in but it doesn’t rotate correctly when I’m logged out.

EDIT: corrected the post. This happens when logged out, locking the screen has it displayed correctly.


threaded - newest on 14 Jun 13:55 next collapse

This is SDDM, the default login manager used by KDE.

The Arch Wiki has an article about it, look under section 2.6. on 14 Jun 17:59 collapse

Great answer! on 14 Jun 13:57 next collapse

If you’re using Wayland, you can go to Settings -> Colors & Themes -> Login Screen (SDDM) and click “Apply Plasma Settings…”

<img alt="" src="">

If you’re using X11, it looks like you’ll have to resort to hacky scripts, unfortunately.

Source:…/3377 on 14 Jun 14:41 next collapse

Unfortunately, I’m having to use X11 because of work (context). Thanks for the help! on 14 Jun 19:36 collapse

I suppose xrandr can help you here: See the Arch wiki about xrandr on 14 Jun 16:01 next collapse

This is why X11 is better. I’d rather have settings like this in a text file that I can copy over to my next machine than have to navigate a UI that will change on a different DE or the next upgrade.

Backwards compatibility, portability, and text-based interfaces are a virtue.

X config files aren’t “hacky scripts”, they are fundamentally more powerful, customizable, usable, and future-proof. Xrandr is a powerful and capable interface with applications across the system.

When Wayland adopts these kinds of powerful interfaces with decades of refinement I’ll switch to it. I don’t want to keep track of whether my DE uses wlroots or gnome or plasma and their independent/redundant/feature-lacking randr alternatives. Randrs should be more fundamental to the display operation than the DE. Wayland is fundamentally hacky and broken.

Edit: thank you all for the discussion. I’d like to clarify a point. I don’t just want a text file with configuration settings that implement features that I need to beg/bother the devs for. They are likely to have better things to do and it might not be a priority for them. I want access to powerful tools via the configuration files that I can make do pretty much anything if I read the documentation. Xrandr is such a tool. I don’t want setting for a feature that has to be baked into the DE which I have to beg to have implemented and which will be implemented differently across different DEs. I want flexible, dynamic, modular tools. on 14 Jun 16:28 next collapse

Okay grandma, let’s get you to bed on 14 Jun 16:35 collapse

Give me real tools or get off my lawn rewilded patch of native plants and bugs! on 14 Jun 16:35 next collapse

Not sure if you’re a troll, but if you’re serious, nothing I say is going to change your mind, so I won’t bother. on 14 Jun 16:40 collapse

I am serious, and I’ll tell you exactly what will change my mind. I need real tools instead of “upgrades” that have less functionality and are less usable. If Wayland (or whatever comes next) can deliver on functionality, I’ll sing its praises. For now I’m on X. on 14 Jun 16:47 next collapse

Yeah that difference in configuration definitely makes it so much better, it completely outweighs the fact that Wayland does proper multi-monitor VRR, fractional scaling, HDR and much more. on 14 Jun 17:00 next collapse

I’ve never needed any of those things.

I do need to change monitor configurations.

I once had an old TV that I used as a monitor that had 1027p worth of pixels instead of 1080p. Auto detection tools said it was 1080p. With xrandr I was able to modify the output to 1027p so I didn’t lose the edges of the display to the TV’s broken forced overscan design. Could you do that with Wayland? on 14 Jun 17:50 collapse

Literally yes. And you don’t even need to know the exact pixel resolution of the TV.

<img alt="" src="">

Edit: Here are the problems with you “Wayland isn’t good enough” people.

First, you don’t use Wayland, so you don’t even know if it’s fixed whatever weird issue you encountered with it before or if it supports a niche use case, for example.

Second, Wayland won’t get good enough for you until you start using it and reporting bugs. You think X11 was a bed of roses when it first started? Or do you think they bumped the version number 11 times for fun? on 14 Jun 18:09 next collapse

Good to know that this has been implemented in your favorite DE! Considering how Wayland often implements things, it’s probably implemented on the DE-level, leading to a fractured configuration ecosystem. Being implemented in Wayland is different from being implemented in some of the DEs that use Wayland.

edit: if I’m wrong about that, and it is implemented in Wayland itself, please continue to correct me! on 15 Jun 03:28 collapse

First, you don’t use Wayland, so you don’t even know if it’s fixed whatever weird issue you encountered with it before or if it supports a niche use case, for example.

Bingo. So many complaints I’ve seen about Wayland have been from Nvidia users who tried it three years ago when the driver support was beyond fucked. I get Linux development moves slow sometimes but holy shit… on 14 Jun 21:36 collapse

Not OP comment but I had no idea Wayland supported all of that. Thanks for sharing! I really need to leave my Linux bubble more often. on 15 Jun 03:26 collapse

And now you know why it’s so funny to read people on the internet exclaiming that X11 is so much better despite its lack of development… on 14 Jun 17:38 next collapse

I never configured anything on X with a DE, let it be KDE, Gnome or Cosmic, but configure everything with config files I can just copy on sway. It has nothing to do with X or Wayland, but the DE/WM you use. on 14 Jun 18:05 collapse

That’s kind of my point. Something like randr is more fundamental than the DE, and its configuration shouldn’t be fractured by being DE-dependent. I personally don’t like DEs at all, and like the ability to control a more minimal system. on 14 Jun 17:31 next collapse

You can’t be this stupid, Wayland also uses a config file, you just have a GUI button to copy the configs from inside your session to the login screen. Or do you think the button recompiles the login screen with a different configuration? on 14 Jun 19:55 collapse

Ironically SDDM itself still runs on X11 afaik, Wayland support is still experimental. on 17 Jun 06:10 collapse

I think you have to manually enable it (may depend on your distro/DE) but SDDM works fine with Wayland as it stands now. on 14 Jun 17:43 next collapse

Uh, all that button does is write your configuration to the sddm config. Of course you can also do that manually. on 14 Jun 18:06 collapse

It’s not just about it being a config file, it’s also about having access to a powerful tool like xrandr within that config file. on 14 Jun 19:28 collapse

wlr-randr on 14 Jun 21:34 collapse

In Wayland, the compositor is the window server ( the equivalent of Xserver ). What you are looking for has to be a feature of the compositor and it is.

As others have said below, wlroots based compositors offer wlr-randr. There is also gnome-randr. For KDE, there is Kscreen-doctor. For X ( the window server being used by SDDM here ), there is xramdr.

Now, some people may see it as a problem that we have multiple Wayland implementations. I am mostly not fighting that battle. I will say that I hope these are not the same people that winge about systemd though and push for alternate init systems. I hope nobody that thinks MUSL is cool Is clinging to X11.

I would prefer that there was a common configuration standard for this stuff on Wayland. It will probably come eventually. Maybe as part of the stuff.

Generally, I believe the Linux ecosystem has been stronger in areas where there has been competition between implementations ( even compilers ). I hope that Wayland will be one of those areas. As the core problems get fixed, the pace of innovation will increase. I believe we are already seeing that. There are more examples every day of things Wayland can do that X11 cannot. Let’s hope for more of that. on 15 Jun 00:28 next collapse

Thanks for pointing out that in this case the DM is using X regardless of whatever graphical environment gets loaded when the user logs in. This really is a moot point/discussion. I’m still glad I raised it to get perspectives like yours.

You’re right that I should play around with wlroots a bit more. It’s been a while, personally. Mostly because it’s been a while since I’ve had time to just play around with my system. My life is at a point that it looks like I’ll have that free time soon, for better or for worse.

I’ll note that I do like alternative init systems for diversity and competition and because systemd was very hungry and rigid. An init system is also a bit more fundamental to system stability than a display server, so I think it’s reasonable to be critical of systemd and Wayland for contradictory reasons. Systemd has also come a very long way in the past decade plus. I have also seen it learn from the other ideas implemented in its competition, mirroring your argument. Diversity and unification are not at odds with each other, but are different parts of the same cycle of improvement. on 15 Jun 03:21 collapse

You left a very gracious reply so let’s not fight.

I see a certain amount of irony in the overlap between the group of people ranting that Wayland has too many implementations and the group demanding more implementations of everything else. So that was my point.

Certainly we can agree though that there is nothing wrong with demanding more of both.

One my favourite new distros, Chimera, uses both Wayland and dinit (and Turnstile ).

I am interested to see where the diversity that Wayland provides goes actually. Have you seen this? on 15 Jun 04:25 collapse

Thanks for the leads and the good conversation. I have found that being an idiot in public and then deescalating is one of the fastest ways to gather information. on 16 Jun 06:35 collapse

There are more examples every day of things Wayland can do that X11 cannot

What are the examples Wayland can do and X11 cannot? on 14 Jun 16:45 next collapse

Oh, I didn’t know that button existed. Great! Even though I just tried it and it didn’t apply my rotation settings correctly. on 14 Jun 20:32 collapse

I’m using Wayland, where do I find this settings gui? on 14 Jun 22:15 collapse

This is the system settings application for the KDE desktop environment. on 15 Jun 00:17 collapse

Ah, so being on Hyprland means I can’t really gain access to this, right? on 15 Jun 01:29 next collapse

Correct. Unfortunately, it’s something that each desktop environment or window manager has to implement themselves. But all the button is doing is moving some config files around, so you can probably do some digging to figure out what it’s copying to where. on 15 Jun 20:59 collapse

Yeah, I’ve largely figured out how to change all these settings from configs for myself, just always on the lookout for a nice gui. I’m slowly working to make a Linux experience I can install for my relatives that makes the transition from crapware Windows relatively painless. on 15 Jun 02:17 collapse

XDG_SESSION_THEME=KDE got my hyprland config to work on everything except the cursor (other than in Firefox/steam for some reason). Took me way too long to find the old reddit post that had this tip, so I hope it helps! on 14 Jun 13:57 next collapse

Is this when the screen is locked or when you’re logged out? Those are two different things and I suspect it’s the latter. That’s probably sddm and I suspect it can be fixed by using Wayland with it. Should be some option in /etc/sddm.conf or so. on 14 Jun 14:14 collapse

I corrected the post, thanks for calling it out! It’s fine when locked but the issue happens when logged out.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 13:42 next collapse

. on 14 Jun 14:07 next collapse

This sort of passive-aggressive “help” feels like a relic of the early 2010s we could do without. on 14 Jun 14:51 next collapse

OP probably wasn’t aware it was an SDDM issue. Or even what SDDM is, hence the question.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 14:56 collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:29 next collapse

Well, there was zero effort documented in the post.

You’re not their teacher. It’s not your job to decide how much effort they’ve put forth, or to grade whether or not that is sufficient.

Take a look at Ubuntu trying to teach newcomers how to ask a question.

And if they documented their research process, you’d say “tldr just ask the question.” Stop trying to be paternalistic and gatekeepy. Just answer or don’t.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:34 collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:37 next collapse

That’s totally the biggest problem with the internet. And definitely deploying self-important moderaptors is the way to fix it.

/s, of course. Get off your high horse. on 14 Jun 21:56 collapse

Now we have millions of useless posts being archived like this one.

The archives! Why won’t anyone think of the archives!?

If we have room for comments like yours in the archives then we have room for legitimate questions by beginners in there too. Your post history shows a significant amount of deleted comments and downvotes. I bet they were all very productive and helpful comments for the archives, right? on 14 Jun 18:39 collapse

We aren’t Ubuntu here. As far as I’m concerned OP’s question was just fine.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 19:33 collapse

. on 14 Jun 19:58 collapse

The goal of Ubuntu’s help forum is to solve users’ problems efficiently and effectively. That goal is better achieved if questions are posed in certain optimal ways.

The goal of Lemmy is for people to have discussions (like this one! ;). That goal is not better achieved with well posed questions.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 20:57 collapse


[deleted] on 14 Jun 14:29 next collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:24 collapse

How do you think the OP is supposed to know that “SDDM” is the issue to look up? You don’t get to enforce another person’s effort. If all you want to provide is "you’re looking for ‘SDDM,’ that would provide help and empower them without sounding like you’re biting the newbie for not knowing everything.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:29 collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:34 next collapse

Yes. I would assume that the problem is in X11 or Wayland before thinking it could be SDDM, frankly. But even then, googling “Linux login screen” doesn’t immediately reveal SDDM to be the point of concern.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:37 collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:41 collapse

I’m not moving any goalposts at all. I’m expressing how inexperience and bad assumptions can make one’s searching unfruitful through no fault of their own. That’s all I’ve ever been saying.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:43 collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:39 collapse

Ah, you made an edit. Yeah, “kde login rotation” does, but “EndeavourOS login rotation” gives you no results mentioning SDDM. Giving people the benefit of the doubt costs you nothing over assuming that they’re lazy, and the added bonus is that you don’t sound like a jerk.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:53 next collapse


[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:55 collapse

. on 14 Jun 14:30 collapse

This type of answer wouldn’t exist if people typed the question into google instead of reddit/lemmy/forums/etc… on 14 Jun 15:17 next collapse

When you search for a problem like this one, often the results with helpful answers are on forums. These wouldn’t exist if no one ever asked their question on a forum.

To put it another way, google doesn’t create any content. That’s what we’re here to do instead. on 14 Jun 15:37 next collapse

Yup, and it might be necessary to reproduce a lot of the answers that people used to find on reddit. on 14 Jun 15:45 next collapse

I have no problem with questions on forums, sometimes I ask them myself, but I think that if you expect people to try to answer your question, people should be able to expect you to have tried looking for an answer yourself. on 14 Jun 16:25 next collapse

I don’t know about other people, but it’s way easier to google something than to ask a question and then wait for the answer. I’m not OP, but if I’ve asked a question, it’s only because I’ve exhausted my ability to find the answer on its own. on 14 Jun 16:42 next collapse

Sometimes people like community conversation; it often gets to the heart of the issue better than parsing a semi-related post from 12 years ago, and it allows back-and-forth discussion to get details and drill down issues.

On top of that, redundancy for technical issues is never something we should reject. on 14 Jun 18:47 collapse

Why though? Seriously, why is it a problem for you if they ask here first, instead of asking somewhere else first? What is the actual harm to you?

Some people would rather interact with other humans. Some prefer to find their answers without interacting with other humans. It’s all good.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 16:25 collapse

. on 14 Jun 18:13 next collapse

What is the harm, to you or anyone else, when someone makes a forum their first resort, instead of last? If having people ask questions here that aren’t “good questions” according to you is bothering you, perhaps you are the problem. on 14 Jun 22:53 collapse

I support this idea, and based on the things I read here, it seems to me that different cultures have different norms for asking a question, and that’s a good thing, but can create not so pleasant social situations here in the internet on 14 Jun 17:57 collapse

My goodness, people complain that this place lacks content. A person as for help which creates content for the site and you come to bash on them?

Come kiddo! You can do better.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 19:17 collapse

. on 14 Jun 15:19 collapse

Google wouldn’t have any answers if no one ever asked their question in a forum instead.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 15:42 collapse

. on 14 Jun 16:02 next collapse

a valid forum question

I wouldn’t presume to judge this, and I dont think you should.

There is no issue related to a deluge of “invalid” or even redundant forum questions. That’s simply not a real problem. on 14 Jun 22:16 collapse

Then offer education or ignore the post. You know what’s easier than OP googling the question? You not responding to OP if you don’t have anything of value to add. You’re here with a passive aggressive “let me Google that for you” bullshit attitude yet YOU’RE upset at OP for not being better at searching for their answers?

I agree people should put more effort into trying to figure it out on their own and learning how to ask good questions but the tone of your comments is more detrimental to the quality of these communities than a “stupid question” ever will be. on 14 Jun 15:33 next collapse

usually monitors can be freely rotated. if yours can’t, the back usually has a square vesa mount on the back and you can just take out the four screws and reattach it the way you like. on 14 Jun 15:42 next collapse

I kinda love this aside from it being unusable on 14 Jun 16:36 next collapse

I’ve just been logging in upside down for a couple years. My monitor’s vesa Mount is like 3 inches from the top for some reason so having it upside down is the only way I can get a reasonable ergonomic height

Which display manager are you using? on 14 Jun 16:43 next collapse

On the arch wiki for SSDM I found this:

Changes to your display configuration made in a Plasma Wayland session (e.g. monitor layout, resolution, etc) will not persist to SDDM. To make them persist open Plasma’s System Settings and navigate to Startup and Shutdown> Login Screen (SDDM) and click “Apply Plasma Settings…”. You will need to have permission to perform this action.

You should give that a try on 14 Jun 16:55 next collapse

Can I have that wallpaper? on 14 Jun 17:22 next collapse

Search gruvbox Linux I think I found the light version…/c87d329daeef94762661443e3e934246.p… on 14 Jun 17:28 collapse…/1336x768/

Edited the photo and used bing search lol on 15 Jun 09:40 collapse

Thank you on 14 Jun 18:39 next collapse

Rotate the left display 90 degrees clockwise. Now they’re both in landscape. Ta-da!

Sorry, I’ll see myself out. on 14 Jun 18:48 next collapse

Easily fixable, just use Windows bro on 15 Jun 10:28 collapse

If you think this is very witty and a gotcha, you’re wrong. This argument doesn’t work in reverse because whoever is using Linux already knows all about Windows, since, y’know, it has most of the Desktop market in its grip

This is like yelling about straight pride on 15 Jun 14:57 collapse

It’s satirical/sarcastic, I even added the bro and everything. You see Linux users doing the same on every fucking Windows post so I couldn’t resist. on 15 Jun 15:27 collapse

Damn, guess I got wooshed on 14 Jun 21:07 next collapse

That’s not the point here but can you share your wallpaper? 😄 on 14 Jun 23:13 collapse

I can’t remember where I found it, but here it is. I thought it might be from here (I’ve used these previously) but it is not. on 14 Jun 23:30 next collapse

Seems fine to me on 15 Jun 00:56 next collapse

Turn your head on 15 Jun 02:49 next collapse

Your screen on the left appears to be rotated vertically, rotate it 90 degrees clockwise and it should be better. on 15 Jun 02:59 next collapse

The command is

swaymsg output DP-2 transform 90 on 15 Jun 03:27 next collapse

Put one hand on the top and one on bottom and rotate the screen by 90° or π/2 radians on 15 Jun 03:58 collapse

If you have to read PDFs regularly having a vertical monitor is a lifesaver. on 15 Jun 03:50 next collapse

You could use Windows 11 from Microsoft, it can do both landscape and portrait. on 15 Jun 05:53 next collapse

Bruh on 15 Jun 14:13 collapse

I couldn’t resist on 15 Jun 15:01 collapse

Right? I had to do the same on 16 Jun 04:53 collapse

I vow to do the same on each appropriate thread my Liege

It’s only right on 15 Jun 06:41 next collapse

It’s true though, every thread about Windows is full of Linux users saying how you should just use Linux, and others saying they still can’t because it still doesn’t work properly after all this time. Then you get the Linux users saying “iT jUSt wORks”, then posting shit like this demonstrating that it clearly still doesn’t on 15 Jun 10:27 collapse

If you think this is very witty and a gotcha, you’re wrong. This argument doesn’t work in reverse because whoever is using Linux already knows all about Windows, since, y’know, it has most of the Desktop market in its grip

This is like yelling about straight pride on 15 Jun 13:04 collapse

You type well for someone holding their head at 90° on 15 Jun 15:24 collapse

Jokes on you, I typed this on a mobile device on 16 Jun 04:55 collapse

If you think this is very witty and a gotcha, you’re wrong. This argument doesn’t work in reverse because whoever is using iOS already knows all about Android, since, y’know, it has most of the mobile market in its grip

This is like yelling about straight pride on 16 Jun 20:41 collapse


I could also shoot off both my testicles with an M1911. on 16 Jun 21:35 collapse

Is that what it takes to get two different desktop orientations using Linux? on 15 Jun 08:05 next collapse

From Archwiki > xrandr:

Tip: Both GDM and SDDM have startup scripts that are executed when X is initiated. For GDM, these are in /etc/gdm/, while for SDDM this is done at /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup. This method requires root access and mucking around in system configuration files, but will take effect earlier in the startup process than using xprofile. on 15 Jun 14:07 collapse

You still use X11? on 15 Jun 15:16 collapse

SDDM is still X11 based, no matter which desktop you run with it. I have tried enabling Wayland on it, but it’s been… Unstable to say the least. on 15 Jun 11:18 next collapse

I recommend playing Penguin Pursuit on Lumosity on 15 Jun 14:18 next collapse

Fix what? It looks perfect /s on 16 Jun 04:03 collapse

You just need to look at the problem from a different angle