Linux Mint 21.3 has been released (
from to on 12 Jan 2024 14:59


threaded - newest on 12 Jan 2024 15:24 next collapse

i hope they bring a clipboard manager in the next one on 13 Jan 2024 00:21 next collapse

I use Parcellite on Mint. It works pretty good for me. on 13 Jan 2024 21:04 collapse

i gave it a shot a while back, but it caused the whole os to crash frequently on 13 Jan 2024 10:19 next collapse

You could probably install one from the package manager. on 14 Jan 2024 21:27 collapse

diodon works exactly how I wanted it and no less. I’ve mapped Super+V to it as well and disabled the applet icon on 15 Jan 2024 14:10 collapse

so far working well. only missing feature is the ability to pin something permanently, but not that important on 13 Jan 2024 09:23 next collapse

I just switched from Ubuntu, which I’ve been using for almost twenty years, to Mint 21.3 and I’m impressed. Not only does it seem to have solved my printing problems (at least with one day of use so far, but I’ve had zero failures compared to multiple failures per day with Ubuntu), it just seems snappier (or is that snapless?) and smoother overall. Just dumb little things like remembering my sound device settings after reboot and letting me know the printer was out of paper. Ubuntu just seems clunky by comparison now. Hopefully it isn’t just the honeymoon phase. on 14 Jan 2024 10:35 collapse

No it’s not just a phase. Mint really is very good which is why it’s very popular and widely regarded as the overall best distro whether beginner or advanced user.

The team really do make it their goal to have a user friendly, capable OS that helps you instead of hinders you.

I use Linux Mint Debian Edition because I’m done with Ubuntu but the Ubuntu based mint is still excellent compared to Ubuntu itself. on 14 Jan 2024 11:12 next collapse

No it’s not just a phase. Mint really is very good which is why it’s very popular and widely regarded as the overall best distro whether beginner or advanced user.

Mint widely regarded as the best distro for advanced users? I must have missed it.

Not trying to shit on it or anything, but I’ve never heard the sentiment. on 14 Jan 2024 14:10 next collapse

All the distros are Linux, they are identical underneath basically. Mint is Ubuntu. You don’t think advanced users use Ubuntu? Ever heard of The Enterprise?

All I’m saying is that it’s NOT ONLY a newbie distro. It suitable for all levels. on 14 Jan 2024 14:18 collapse

Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of Debian’s and by extension Ubuntu’s development and distribution model. That being said, it’s my personal preference, and not an objective judgement on quality.

Mint doesn’t really have any features that make it especially interesting for advanced users that it doesn’t inherit from Ubuntu or by extension Debian. Or does it?

Again, not trying to shit on it or anything, but Mint’s goal was always to create an easy distribution, which is no small feat. But this is nothing I’d associate with “advanced users”. on 14 Jan 2024 14:57 collapse

Don’t think of Mint as an “easy distro”, but rather as a distro that tries to stay the hell out of your way as much as possible to get things done. Any OS - Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD, or Unix is merely the means to the end goal of the user and not the reason itself. I don’t want an interesting or complex distro. I want a distro that helps me to do a task.

You want something interesting? Give LFS, (Linux from Scratch), a try. That’s an advanced distro that you can make as interesting as you desire. on 14 Jan 2024 15:01 collapse

I wouldn’t call LFS an actual distribution. Also, while anything but easy, getting a Linux system up from scratch is the easy part. Actually building an infrastructure to maintain it is hard. on 14 Jan 2024 14:38 collapse

I’ve fooling around with Linux distros since RedHat 5 and Mandrake 6. Even wore the sackcloth and ashes of Slack for a bit. What I have learned is that it’s fine to use a “beginner’s distro” or run Slack and boot directly into a terminal to run Emacs all day.

Whatever gets the job done or floats your boat. It’s all about choice. on 14 Jan 2024 15:13 collapse

As I mentioned somewhere else, getting a system to do what you want is the easy part. The impressive part is offering a solution that can be sustainably maintained long-term, at low effort for the user. on 14 Jan 2024 13:51 collapse

I just downloaded the default (Cinnamon) Mint. Is there a particular reason to go with the Debian version? on 14 Jan 2024 14:29 next collapse

Just my opinion, but no I don’t think there is a generalized reason to choose LMDE over LM or the other way around. Try them both and see which you like the best. Use that and be happy.

Typed from my LM Cinnamon 21.3 upgrade from 21.2. on 15 Jan 2024 07:28 collapse

No. The regular version is fine and gets updated more often. For people who want their system not updated so often, the Debian edition only gets a new base every 2-3 years on 15 Jan 2024 14:01 collapse

Sounds like I made the right choice.

I did have the same old printer failure today though. I suspect its endemic to Linux (or WiFi printing in Linux) given a Google search turns up the same issue in a bunch of different Linux forums. Debian based and otherwise. It was quicker to right itself in Mint than it was in Ubuntu anyway. on 15 Jan 2024 04:16 collapse

Great news, I’ve been using Linux Mint (Cinnamon) since 2016 as my only operating system without any regrets. The newer versions of Cinnamon keep getting more and more stable too. I have virtually no hard crashes or freezes anymore.