/c/StarTrek@lemmy.world is under refreshed management
from Stamets@lemmy.world to newcommunities@lemmy.world on 02 Mar 2024 23:58

Hey there! You may recognize me as a mod over on !TenForward@lemmy.world, a Star Trek-themed meme and shitposty community. We love having our fun and hanging out but we’re also not averse to some serious discussions or news as well! While it is always allowed in TenForward, we realize that there might be a better place for it.

Recently, a group of us had a chat. The mods of TenForward as well as @GuyFleegman, original creator of /r/Risa and /c/Risa, and @Tenthrow, mod extraordinaire and the owner of !StarTrek@lemmy.world. We all had different (and some same) reasons for wanting to start a fresh Trek community that was a bit more serious that what we currently had access to. So after some work (and this late posting by me), we have reopened !StarTrek@Lemmy.world!

As mentioned, we hope to make the place more inviting and welcoming for Star Trek based news as well as Trek themed discussions and debates. We also plan on posting regular discussion ideas as mods and highly encourage everyone to participate and to post your own questions too! Nothing gets a Trekkies warp core revving like a good bit of theory crafting.

Beam on over and check things out! Shields are currently down and no nebulae in range so don’t worry about interference. Just pop on over and join in on the fun!


threaded - newest

originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com on 03 Mar 2024 00:15 next collapse


Stamets@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 05:48 collapse

Oh yeah, derp. I keep forgetting about that. Thank you! Sorry to everyone <3 Updated the main text

aeronmelon@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 01:33 next collapse

Now all we need is a new Daystrom and we’ll have a complete set.

Stamets@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 05:48 next collapse

Sort of rolling Daystrom into the community at the moment, or at least our discussions and what have you

aeronmelon@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 06:45 collapse

Daystrom classes will be held in the temporary buildings out in the school parking lot.

It’s just temporary.

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 12:28 next collapse

I honestly don’t know if Daystrom would do all that well on Lemmy. You need hardcore fans who are willing and able to come up with a plausible explanation for the most ridiculous things in Star Trek and that just doesn’t seem to be a thing here.

Which is fine with me, I don’t need that to talk about Star Trek. I’m happy saying “I guess the writers didn’t think about that.”

Daystrom, at least for me, was fun to occasionally dip a toe in, but it was way too stuffy to stay there for any real length of time.

Anyway, to change the subject, I’m another mod on c/StarTrek and I would like to invite you to all come by and check us out. I promise, we keep the salt vampire in the brig and I’m sure there won’t be any sort of unforeseen power failures…

yuriy@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 16:47 next collapse

I miss shittydaystrom the most tbh, but risa kinda fits that bill already

GuyFleegman@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 03 Mar 2024 18:25 collapse

Creator or Daystrom here: the conditions that created Daystrom eleven years ago don’t exist on Lemmy. More simply, Lemmy isn’t big enough to host a new Daystrom.

I made Daystrom because /r/startrek was so full of memes and jokes that it was increasingly difficult to have an actual discussion about Trek. Discussion posts were drowned out between low-effort posts like memes and jokes and even if you did get a discussion prompt to garner some votes, the thread itself would have a bunch of jokes at the top, because jokes are easy to upvote. If you wanted actual discussion, you had to go hunt for it.

On Lemmy, the meme subreddits have already taken off and so it’s unlikely that StarTrek@lemmy.world is going to be flooded with memes. StarTrek@lemmy.world is so small that if you posted a discussion prompt right now, it would very likely be the top post in the community for the next 24 hours.

Now of course, there’s no guarantee that if you posted a discussion prompt in StarTrek@lemmy.world, the answers won’t be jokes and dismissive replies. For whatever reason, Trekkies love to respond with comments like “the real answer is ‘don’t think about it!’” which is mildly rude, honestly: if someone makes a thread about it, obviously they would like to think about it. But, outside of the very largest communities on Lemmy, there is so little comment activity that it’s easy enough to sift through the replies and discuss with people who would like to discuss.

One could make a community that enforces Daystrom’s two key rules: only discussion prompts allowed, and no memes/jokes/dismissive comments. But daystrominstitute@startrek.website exists… and it’s pretty much dead. Enforcing these rules in a place as small as Lemmy comes across as heavy-handed.

So, tl;dr if you want “Daystrom on Lemmy,” I invite you to post discussion prompts to StarTrek@lemmy.world.

dohpaz42@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 03:43 next collapse

Great! I’ve got a lot of questions about Ahsoka and how he beat out Sauron in the Goblet of Phoenix episode!

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 16:27 collapse

So say we all!

magiccupcake@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 04:24 next collapse

This really should be a sign that the admins of startrek.website are running their communities in manner that is upsetting their own community.

Stamets@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 05:48 collapse

Oh that shot across the bow was made a while ago…

magiccupcake@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 05:58 collapse

You were the one who really showed me what it was really like over there, so now I’m back on my lemmy.world account instead.

It’s a damn shame they can’t act in accordance with their power and star trek principles.

Stamets@lemmy.world on 04 Mar 2024 05:58 collapse

The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth.

Some people fail that duty quite frequently.

MajorHavoc@programming.dev on 03 Mar 2024 05:56 next collapse

Bravo! May it live long and prosper!

Stamets@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 14:02 collapse


Peace and long life, my friend

ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 08:24 next collapse

Awesome. Joined. Thank you.

Stamets@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 14:01 collapse

Glad to have you on board, buddy!

WanderingVentra@lemm.ee on 03 Mar 2024 18:49 collapse

I hate seeing everything concentrated on just lemmy.world. The startrek.website admins need to fix their shit so we have instance variety again.

RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de on 03 Mar 2024 19:24 next collapse

Yeeeah, I am not sure they are going to change anything. They’d have to handover that whole instance to new people to fix that. Not gonna happen. And that’s sad, its such a killer instance name, and Star Trek being basically the “federation” which is so crucial for Lemmy.

WanderingVentra@lemm.ee on 03 Mar 2024 20:02 next collapse

I agree, just venting. It’s unfortunate =(

Stamets@lemmy.world on 03 Mar 2024 20:51 collapse

Yep. Will never happen. It would require @Corgana, owner of Startrek.website, to stop letting @ValueSubtracted walk all over him. Corgana either simply doesn’t care, has gotten too deep and doesn’t want to deal with the fallout with Value, or simply has no spine. Everything could be changed but it revolves entirely around the behavior of Corgana and the decisions he will make. From everything that I’ve seen, he’s a really good person who has a really good head on his shoulders. I don’t know why he’s decided to throw his chips in with a manipulative narcissist like ValueSubtracted.

Value has no power and, hilariously, zero value of his own. He does not contribute to the running of the site, he only contributes to posting. He has no involvement outside of reporting back to Corgana. Corgana, consequently, doesn’t really post anything himself. If Corgana is relying entirely on Value to make the content then he’s driving away all of the other people who want to engage because they would have to deal with the ineptitude, petty behavior, childish temper tantrums, abuse, lies, and manipulation of ValueSubtracted. However if he got rid of Value then the community would thrive under its own power because they wouldn’t have to deal with the sporadic emotional freakouts of Value.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly pathetic.

bigfoot@lemm.ee on 04 Mar 2024 21:29 collapse

What do Admins need to fix? I have never had a problem with the communities there.

WanderingVentra@lemm.ee on 06 Mar 2024 02:07 collapse

Honestly, I don’t know lol, but for some reason enough people have been made mad that /c/Risa died and a whole new community was made, and now it’s happening again. Something is clearly up.

bigfoot@lemm.ee on 06 Mar 2024 15:41 collapse

I don’t think so. OP was banned from startrek.website for harassing and I think they are just mad. I am inclined to believe the admins here since they are the same ones from reddit.