ArtToCope - Art that you made to help deal with emotions (
from to on 05 Apr 2024 14:05

ArtToCope is a subreddit I followed on Reddit for a long time, and one of the only communities I missed when I completely ditched Reddit for Lemmy. Recently, I talked to the moderator and we agreed that I should make a Lemmy community for it, as they had also wanted to move off Reddit.

The community is focused on art made to deal with emotions you have, with a large focus on mental illness, with a lot of the most popular posts on the subreddit being about self harm and CPTSD.

I made a ‘welcome post’ for the community here and I encourage everyone who would like to to post there, all art is valued. :)



threaded - newest on 06 Apr 2024 11:48 next collapse

Not a community I’m personally interested in, but I love seeing more niche communities on Lemmy and am happy to hear that Reddit moderators are continuing the exodus. Thank you and good luck! on 20 Apr 2024 11:03 collapse

Thank you! on 20 Apr 2024 13:06 collapse

Interesting community, thanks!