!vegan@vegantheoryclub.org, the online space to discuss veganism fully managed by vegans.
from Beaver@lemmy.ca to newcommunities@lemmy.world on 26 Jun 02:48


The online space to discuss all things vegan.

Please join if you’re interested in learning how to live more ethically and sustainably.


threaded - newest

DerisionConsulting@lemmy.ca on 26 Jun 03:17 next collapse

you missed the “!”, so browsers parse that as an email address

Beaver@lemmy.ca on 26 Jun 03:18 collapse

Thank you for the correction.

andrew_s@piefed.social on 26 Jun 03:32 next collapse

Your instance rejects Follow requests from instances not on your 'Allow list', which is a pretty small list.

Edit: the list has since been expanded.

Beaver@lemmy.ca on 26 Jun 03:55 collapse

Sorry about that. We will try to fix the issue.

[deleted] on 26 Jun 04:12 next collapse


maegul@lemmy.ml on 26 Jun 04:55 collapse

And what would a non-vegan want to do in there?

What’s wrong with minority views and practices creating their own spaces?

On which, is there any non-vegan/anti-vegan thought or idea that a vegan is likely to have not heard already? How many haven’t they heard relative to the amount of decent “pro-vegan” ideas they also haven’t heard of?

Maybe a specialised space, echo chamber even, makes sense in order to balance against the gravity of the mainstream?

[deleted] on 26 Jun 04:58 collapse


maegul@lemmy.ml on 26 Jun 05:24 collapse

Right. Well, I think the instance name “vegantheory.org” was doing that already, and I’m betting you drew your conclusion from the public description of the place too (and aren’t in the modlog or anything for challenging their ideas).

[deleted] on 26 Jun 05:40 collapse


maegul@lemmy.ml on 26 Jun 05:48 next collapse

they drive away potential allies because the concept of harm reduction is anathema to their binary thinking. If you’re not ALL in, you’re the enemy.

I can resonate with that. But I come back to … “it’s totally ok for people to create their own spaces, especially on federated social media and especially for minority groups/ideas”.

There are likely plenty of other spaces for “potential allies” to engage and talk about veganism if they want to, or plenty they, or you, could make on their own.

Tacitly admitting that vegans are usually antisocial zealots. “It’s right in the name!”

Well, they’re running their own social media platform, so I’m not sure how anti-social they are.

CarbonatedPastaSauce@lemmy.world on 26 Jun 05:52 collapse

Agreed for the most part. But you can absolutely be antisocial to your ‘other’ or ‘out group’.

Future@mander.xyz on 26 Jun 05:50 collapse

Veganism tends to be a religion for a lot of vegans and they drive away potential allies because the concept of harm reduction is anathema to their binary thinking. If you’re not ALL in, you’re the enemy.

That is a strawman and a lie as vegans are always celebrating the small wins for the increased protections on animal rights.

CarbonatedPastaSauce@lemmy.world on 26 Jun 05:54 collapse

I’ve experienced it first hand. I am not a liar.

maegul@lemmy.ml on 26 Jun 06:12 collapse

I believe you … gate-keeping types are all over the place really.

But vegans or the “vegan-curious” aren’t one thing or one kind of person, at least not any more. I personally have only ever had positive conversations with vegan types.

This instance, in being insistent on not entertaining any “harm reduction” or “compromises”, makes sense though … because it’s a space for people to talk about that sort of dedicated approach.

OlPatchy2Eyes@lemmy.world on 30 Jun 16:01 collapse

Is it any different from the existing vegan community?

Beaver@lemmy.ca on 30 Jun 16:22 collapse

Not much other than the fact the admin is a vegan who guarantees that there is no meat eater bias against the community on the instance. Lemmy is great for redundancy just in case ;)

OlPatchy2Eyes@lemmy.world on 01 Jul 05:02 collapse

I agree, was just curious thank you.