Animation (and Comics) After 30: a community for older fans of cartoons, anime, graphic novels, manga, webtoons, and all other related media (
from to on 04 Mar 2024 20:56

A place for reviews, rants, recommendation requests, and memes for the older (30-year-old and up) crowd, because it can be difficult to keep the passion for animation and comics going after you’ve aged out of the medium’s key demographic.

Whether you’re curious whether Netflix’s newest adult animation series is any good, are seeking recommendations for romance manhwa with middle-aged protagonists, have a “Millennial humor” webcomic to recommend, want to discuss the latest developments in your favorite “salaryman” manga, or simply want to wax poetic (or mournfully cringe) about how your favorite animated movie as a kid holds up decades later, this is the place for you!

No hate or gatekeeping of younger fans and newer series intended, however interests and tastes inevitably change over time and it’s helpful to know whether that anonymous online user emphatically urging you to check out their favorite series is 14 or 40. (Or maybe you are one of those younger fans and are looking for an older adult’s suggestions for animated films you can watch on family movie night that your parents won’t immediately veto.)


threaded - newest on 04 Mar 2024 21:14 next collapse

Seems interesting, but where is the link? on 04 Mar 2024 21:34 collapse

Well damn, the image url seems to have overwritten the hyperlink. I’ve added the link to the body text. Thanks for the heads up! on 05 Mar 2024 06:48 collapse

Ain’t it fun?

Lemmy: the Tupolev TU-144 of social media! on 05 Mar 2024 07:06 collapse

Yeah Lemmy’s definitely got a few kinks still to work out (but at least it’s no longer the bug-riddled mess it was last summer)

Also, TIL about the Soviet Concorde! on 04 Mar 2024 21:18 next collapse

!animationafter30 on 06 Mar 2024 03:42 collapse

For some reason I feel like the vast majority of lemmy users are 25+. on 06 Mar 2024 04:05 collapse

Same. I’ve got a big IRC crowd vibe. (37.)