Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit
from to on 03 Jul 19:54

Welcome to Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit !

This is a community where we gather around and talk shit about how fucking stupid Arthur is, and how much of a piece of shit he is.

His video game opinions are garbage and he’s just generally wrong about mostly everything.

You should especially join this community if Arthur banned you from, his ‘don’t answer arthur’ community, which also serves no purpose and makes no fucking sense.



threaded - newest on 03 Jul 20:28 next collapse

I don’t know why we’re still federated with troll instances like this… on 03 Jul 21:16 next collapse

Ugh. on 03 Jul 21:25 next collapse

Imagine putting this much effort into something you dislike instead of something you do like. on 05 Jul 04:54 collapse

Have you ever seen Statler and Waldorf? Some people enjoy disliking things. on 03 Jul 22:31 next collapse

this poster is back again? no one finds you funny. on 03 Jul 22:31 next collapse

Yet another hilariouschaos troll community to block. on 04 Jul 02:50 collapse

I don’t think they are trolls, either lots of breathless enthusiasm, or performance art on 04 Jul 01:27 next collapse

Hmmm… I have blocked in my settings, but I keep seeing posts from the site owner’s sock puppets.

Is there a way to block ALL USERS from a site, not just the communities? on 05 Jul 05:10 next collapse

I mean I only watched a few episodes of Arthur on PBS after school back in the day. He was kind of an asshole but I’m over it now. on 05 Jul 07:36 collapse

Hey guys what’s the deal with hilariouschaos? I’m genuinely asking, I’m out of the loop