Board games (board games, card games, table top RPGs) related active communities promotion post
from to on 09 Sep 2024 14:12
from to on 09 Sep 2024 14:12
Active = at least 1 post last week
threaded - newest
! (Inactive, but I’d love to see this one get some new activity, I just started getting into more OSR stuff recently)
A quick check shows me that there is also ! which is also kinda unactive.
3 posts, mod gone since 7 months, should probably be closed with a pinned post to the LW one
I really wish the munis were more consolidated in general. It seems like the ubiquity of has made it hard for other instances to carve out a niche
It very much does. Every time I see someone opening an RPG community on LW, I ask them why they didn’t do it on, usually they didn’t know about it, and now it’s too late, they are committed to their new community
! Spanish speaking board game community that’s more active than any English counterparts I could find.
Thanks for sharing, is usually quite active
! is the one I normally use now is down. It seems a bit dead though.
! is active as per your criteria.
Ah, thanks for these. I wasn’t sure where people went after fedditde shut down.
Did the fedditde boardgames community move to !
Edit: Doesn’t look like it. Is there a general board games community?
Posted in the fandom thread but is around if you enjoy Magic the Gathering
! - main community
! - new card reveals
! - MTG artwork
There are also format specific communities for Standard, Modern, Pauper, Commander, etc… but they don’t see as much use
Is TTRPG live play community allowed?
! For live play D&D show Critical Role (and all their other ventures, including Daggerheart). Currently it’s just us 2 mods posting mostly even though we get comments from other members here and there.