93% of Paint Splatters are Valid Perl Programs
from moonpiedumplings@programming.dev to programmerhumor@lemmy.ml on 20 Oct 2024 06:21

Source: 0x2121.com/7/Lost_in_Translation/

Alt Text: (For searchability): 3 part comic, drawn in a simple style. The first, leftmost panel has one character yelling at another: "@+_$^P&%!. The second comic has them continue yelling, with their hands in an exasperated position: “$#*@F% $$#!”. In the third comic, the character who was previously yelling has their hands on their head in frustration, to which the previously silent character responds: “Sorry, I don’t speak Perl”.

Also relevant: 93% of paint splatters are valid perl programs

3 part comic, drawn in a simple style. The first, leftmost panel has one character yelling at another: "@+_$^P&%!. The second comic has them continue yelling, with their hands in an exasperated position: "$#*@F% $$#!". In the third comic, the character who was previously yelling has their hands on their head in frustration, to which the previously silent character responds: "Sorry, I don't speak Perl".


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