from to on 09 Feb 2025 10:01
When I was in high school I found Sublime Text and learned “multiple cursors”. Since then, I’ve transitioned to vscode, mainly because I need LSP (without too much configuration work) for my work.
I keep hearing about how modal editing is faster and I would like to switch to a more performant editor. I’ve been looking at helix, as the 4th generation of the vi line of editors. Is anyone using it? Is it any good for the main code editor?
The problem that I have is that learning new editing keybindings would probably take me a month of time, before I get to the same amount of productivity (if I ever get here at all). So I’m looking for advice of people who have already done that before.
My code editing does involve a lot of “ctrl-arrow” to move around words, “ctrl-shift-arrow” to select words, “home/end” to move to beginning/end of the line, “ctrl-d” for “new cursor at next occurrence”, “shift-alt-down” for “new cursor in the line below”, “ctrl-shift-f” for “format file” and a few more to move around using LSP-provided “declaration”/“usages”.
I would have to unlearn all of that.
Also, I do use “ctrl-arrow” to edit this post. Have you changed keybindings in firefox too?
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I use Jetbrains’ products for all my coding needs.
Do you use “home” “end” “ctrl-arrow” or any other interesting keybindings?
ctrl shif s - settings alt j - select next occurrence double tap shift - search functions and files
I’ll add shift + f6 for refactor rename and ctrl + 6 for redefining your function i.e. add/remove parameters and/or return value.
I used to use Jetbrains when I was using C# (mostly stopped now), because it was better that VS and tooling elsewhere is mediocre, on purpose by ms. But beyond that I don’t see the point. I say that as someone who has it for free through a student license. They’re such heavy editors, only kinda cross language, extension ecosystem not as good as vscode.
Great default keybindings though, I’ve adopted a lot of them elsewhere too
Same. Jetbrains makes the best IDEs hands down IMO and I say this after 20 years of coding and using numerous IDEs. I also use vscode as a backup but as more of a glorified text editor.
Netbeaners! Unite!
A coworker has told me that in a previous job, he was talking to an intern and mentioned IRC and intern asked what was that. He told him that it is the “old instant messaging”, which another senior coworker overheard and chimed in that “no, IRC is the new messaging thing”.
If someone would be asking be what netbean is, I’d say “an IDE from the old generation of editors”, but I guess that is all relative :D
I use neovim but i think helix is honestly better ootb.
I took a look at Helix when I was trying to learn vim and found it very easy to get started with, but was concerned about missing out on learning more standard vim bindings and functionality.
I found LazyVim + NeoVim got me pretty much the same experience without diverging as much from vim. Mostly I appreciate having access to a cheatsheet for commands.
What do you mean? Do the standard vim bindings have some specific quality that you are after? Or do you work with many different servers and would have to use what ever editor is installed there?
Well I was mostly looking to learn vim and was trying to use Helix as a way to do that because it looked like vim, but with a commands window that popped up to help learn the commands. They’re upfront about making some breaking changes from vim though, and while I may not need to jump into a bunch of different machines that often I do like the flexibility of being able to hop into vi, vim, nvim, or some GUI editors with vim bindings relatively comfortably. So I found that LazyVim was more what I was looking for personally and nearly as easy to work with out of the box.
I am glad to see the project seems to be going strong. That was another minor concern of mine, there’s little risk of vim going anywhere, but I remember being excited about the Atom editor a while back and that just kinda faded away. If it passes the test of time I’d be happy to try it again in the future. I figure it would be easier to go from vim -> helix than vice versa.
Vscode has helix bindings.
If I’m working on a Qt project, I use Qt Creator, for a Java project I use Eclipse, otherwise I use VSCode.
Helix is absolutely wonderful.
Used to use Vim/Neovim, but the hassle of setting it up and maintaining huge configuration files was a pain (for me).
Also I never really got it working the way I wanted and never had LSP working for all the languages I needed.
Helix on the other hand. My config file is under 20 lines, LSP works super for all my needs. Well thought out keybindings (mostly) and overall a joy to use.
Nice features and fast.
Still a bunch of things missing, it is a rather young piece of software, but I have been using it as my only editor for the last 1 1/2 years.
Yeah, keybindings are well thought out. The most off-putting thing of default vim is that there are about 5 different “delete” commands. One for a character, one for the whole line, one for selected text, one for end of line. In helix, this is all just “delete selected text” and then “x” is for selecting a line. Make so much more sense.
No unicode support though. For that try
… but for work I still use Eclipse (sigh)
Throughout my career, I have used (in no particular order)
Switching your muscle memory takes a long time, which is why you have things like spacemacs, or different keybind presets for almost all of these editors.
There is more value in understanding how to extend and customize your editor than in searching for a new one. Use whatever your workplace provides the best support for, and then customize it from there.
That’s how I ended up with a latex plugin for intellij
I think there’s something to be said for shaking up your environment periodically as well and trying new things. Sure, there’s a week where you edit at a snails pace, followed by a month where you edit a bit slower than normal, but different tools really do have different pros and cons.
For the code bases I’ve worked in, this evolved from necessity as the code files were so large many editors were struggling, the rules for the style so custom that editors can’t be properly configured to match, or the editor performance in general was questionable.
I went through a journey of sorts from IDEs to Electron based editors to Emacs and currently am working with Kakoune (and I’ve passed over a bunch of other editors like Sublime, Helix, and Zed that couldn’t meet my requirements or didn’t match my sensibilities – even though a thing or two here or there really was excellent). Pretty much every change has been the result of the editor pain points that couldn’t be addressed without actually working on the editor itself.
VS, VSCode, Sublime, Neovim,
I use Sublime for short scripts in Python, VSCode for angular|typescript, VS for c# and neovim for elixir, elm and all new stuff I learn on my own.
Honestly I’ve yet to hear a good argument for this. It feels like such a major investment to switch to vi-like editors, I need a pretty good argument before considering it
Also a good argument for “why does it matter”? Speed of editing is rarely a bottleneck when editing code. If it is, you might want to consider why your code is so verbose and repetitive to make it so
Modal editing for just raw text input would actually be slower, because you also enter and leave Insert Mode. I find it’s very fast and powerful for navigating around the text, which you probably do a lot more than actually editing it. And when it does come to editing, there are a lot of higher-level tools (at least in Vim) for accomplishing things more quickly, like the ‘s’ command and ‘q’ macros.
I think getting into a mental “flow” state is really valuable, and muscle memory is important for being able to stay there. If your muscle memory is to navigate around using the mouse, that’s great, but Vim feels faster to me.
That’s a good argument. The editing speed is not the limiting factor in my workflow.
Honestly, I think my interest for modal editing is a bit irrational. Maybe I don’t want to be a normie, using the default keybindings :D
In my personal experience, it’s a little faster but not a huge speed difference. However, it’s much more pleasant and ergonomic. I enjoy the act of modal editing much more than modeless.
I used vi for a few years so have the muscle memory and the sole advantage in my perception was that everything is simple typing with hands remaining in the home keys position (except Escape, ironically).
So it’s more relaxed if you find using modifiers onerous, but I don’t find Ctrl or Alt significantly worse than Shift, and I don’t find it any worthwhile advantage.
I read that, originally, Caps Lock was supposed to be the mode-changing key. For some historical reason that changed to Escape.
If I went back to the vi interface for some reason I’d at least use
. I dislike lifting my hand more than I dislike using modifiers.It’s more that the position of the escape key changed. This was they layout of the keyboard vi was written on. Note the arrow keys too.…
Input speed is not “just” input speed.
Note: I’m not about to argue for or against modal editors, I just want to answer: why is input speed really really really important, when (we agree) its not a big percent of total time.
5min at 80mph over a bumpy dirt path is very very different than 5min of flat smooth straight driving. And not just because of effort.
A senior and junior dev could spend the same amount of time to rename a var across 15 files, move a function to a new file, comment out two blocks, comment one back in, etc. But. When I try to have a conversation while they do that, or when I change my mind and tell the junior to undo all that, its a massive emotional drain on the junior.
But effort isn’t the whole picture either: speed is a big deal because pausing a conversation/mental thought for 5 seconds while you wait to finish some typing, is incredibly disruptive/jarring to the thought-process itself. That’s how edge cases get forgotten, and business logic gets missed.
Slower input is not merely input time loss, it also creates time loss in the debugging/conceptualizing stages, and increases overall energy consumption.
If the input is already fast enough that there’s no “pauses in the conversation” then I’d agree, there’s not much benefit in increasing input speed further. BUT there’s almost always some task, like converting all local vars (but not imported methods) in a project to camel case, that are big enough to choke the conversation, even for a senior dev. So there’s not necessarily a “good enough” point because it’s more like decreasing how often the conversation gets interrupted.
It’s not just that though, its moving around your code. Being able to jump between matching brackets, follow references etc. it’s just quicker and easier with a modal editor.
Well, I’ve successfully used LSP for Sublime Text before. Would probably still use it if I hadn’t transitioned to Neovim recently.
I do still use sublime as a “note” app, where I a “cheatsheet” open with a bunch of common commands I need for our project + a todo.
I use Helix
TLDR: Yes I think helix is worth trying out. It has some missing features but it is an amazing piece of software.
Yes I use helix daily. It is very fun to use and you can do many things faster. It is particularly good when navigating a (large) codebase you know fairly well. You are able to jump around and find/edit relevant code very quickly.
Compared to vs code:
Compared to neovim I think it is:
The downside of helix compared to both neovim and vscode is that it does not have plugin support yet so you will need to use other tools in combination with it to get an equivalent experience. Here are some tools that are commonly used with helix:
Helix really shines when:
I recommend you use the tutor (
hx --tutor
) for a few minutes each day to learn the keybidings.I happily use Helix for Rust, etc projects, and as a general editor. I switch back to VSCode for TypeScript/Svelte projects because the plugins make it more productive for me. I do miss the editing experience and need to check if there’s a VSCode plugin that lets me not confuse my muscle memory.
Helix was the thing that finally made me remap my caps lock key to
.I’ve recently taken to kakoune which was one of the inspirations for Helix.
It’s not as fancy (in terms of built-in features) out of the box, but it’s very performant, integrates with tmux well, and for the C++ and Python I’m writing I haven’t felt the need for much beyond token based word completion and grep.
The client server model it uses has really let me improve my tmux skills because I’m working inside of it more and using it for editor splits.
I don’t know if Helix does this, but I’ve also come to love the pipe operator (where you just pipe a selection into some external program and the selection gets replaced with the output, so you can use the e.g. the sort command to sort text). You can also pretty easily add in custom extensions via command line programs.
Ahhh nice, I have thought about trying out Kakoune as it supports plugins. Do you use many plugins/find them useful?
Helix does have a pipe command also.
I’ve mostly just tweaked the configuration and built my own comment formatter/reflow command based on the comment style at work.
It’s almost more about what it doesn’t have for me, because what I’ve run into a lot with trying newer editors is they try and manage the code too much and the code base at work has its own style guide that doesn’t match what the editor tries to do. So the editor might make me slightly more productive … until I find myself fighting with it every 3 lines because of auto formatting or some language server quirk.
Thanks for the overview. I’ll work with tutor and see how frustrated I get :D
Regarding language servers:
Recently, I got into this philosophy of “every project needs a declarative environment”. It means that there is a committed file that should contain all tooling need to work with the project. Compilers, formatters, test runners and also: language servers.
This fights with vscode extensions which try to be clever and download their language server / bundle it into the extension itself. “No, rust-analyzer, I don’t want your build because it does not work with xtensa target arch I’m using in this project”.
So actually, this ties nicely with helix not providing the language servers itself, but allowing you to bring your own.
Yeah I agree, I like that aspect too!
On windows i use vscodium, on linux neovim.
As others say i think helix is cool, but the limited customization is kind of meh for me. I love the keybinds for it though.
I use Emacs and love it. It’s an amazingly frustrating (and just plain amazing) piece of software, but it’s hard to move away from it because it’s the only thing like it. Maybe if Lem every gets mature enough I might switch.
I probably wouldn’t recommend it though as it doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for.
Doom Emacs and lazyvim nvim.
Don’t know about helix, and don’t really care.
Modal is incomparably more comfortable, that’s the main benefit.
Do you imagine vi-based editors don’t let you use your mouse or what? Go through vim-tutor, learn the basic shortcuts you need, and you’re back to your old productivity in a few days. You don’t need to learn vi" to select a string, you can just use your mouse.
No offense to you or your habits, but C-arrow is an idiotic movement scheme. If you have to leave the home row to move around the text, you fucked up.
Just go through vim tutor…
I’ve always been skeptical that optimizing text input speed would make a significant difference to overall performance. IMO if you are unhappy with your setup then look around but if you’re not you don’t need to have FOMO about it.
That’s the thing: I do feel vscode being slow. On my work machine, it’s fine - it takes about two seconds to open a project from start. But on my older laptop, that’s a solid 10 sec before I can start editing.
It depends. For fixing bugs, text editing speed does not matter. For explorative and iterative design it can matter. It just needs to be fast enough to not distract you or hold you back
Sublime Text.
The only thing I need from my editor is syntax highlighting and not be slow.
(Assembler, C, Python, Java and Bash are the languages I mostly work with)
How do you debug?
Depends on language and platform ;) Ghidra, strace, printouts gets you quite far. The only language I regularly step would be assembler.
Ghidra seems intense when gdb is right there. Lol. What advantages do you see in using Ghidra on your own code? It seems interesting.
A lot of what I do (hw/fw hacking) involves running Ghidra on code by others so it's just a tool I know well. As I mentioned I seldomly step through my own code while debugging high level languages.
Gdb doesn’t support arm macs. I’ve switched to lldb.
Nice. Does it work well for you? How does it compare?
If you know gdb, you know lldb… it’s pretty much a drop-in replacement.
Panic Nova on macOS, VSCode on Windows, neovim in the Shell.
neovim. i much prefer the motions of helix, but there’s just some plugins i can’t live without.
Vscodium. Anything else (ESPECIALLY VIM, SO DON’T TELL ME TO USE VIM) makes my brain want to eject itself into the 37th dimension to look for Nirvana and the true purpose of life.
Haha, I know that feeling from earlier when I was trying out
hx --tutor
. Just staring a the keyboard trying to remember which key to press, only to press the wrong one and have it do something completely unexpected.Hey have you tried using Vim? I like it better than Emacs
Have you tried
?I use the vi option or plugins for Sublime, PHPStorm, and Pycharm or whichever IDE I’m using. Works for chrome and Firefox too.
seeing mscode/codium/vswhatever makes my brain hurt. geocities of code. now i am using Zed. problem solved.
Why geocities of code?
like geocities pages back than by default everyone is lowkey ricing it to look like shit.
Helix’s is amazing. It’s pretty simple and it has tons of out of the box features like lsp support. I switched from vim and never looked back tbh. It’s far superior
vim with appropriate syntax highlighting, or kate
I use Kate – part of the KDE project ecosystem (for anyone else wondering) – on all platforms, including Windows. So worth it.
IMO Kate is just VS Code or Sublime Text but worse. The LSP never works, I can’t have multi-caret editing, it’s harder to extend it’s functionality, etc. etc.
Just use open source VS Code (or better yet VS Codium), at that point.
I mainly work with C#, where I use Visual Studio. I think I mainly changed bindings for expand selection, and go to definition, declaration, implementation (ALT+A/+S/+D). All other bindings work out for me.
Cursor and selection “jumping” with CTRL and SHIFT, and using multiple cursors is a regular occurrence for me. I largely keep using keyboard, but for navigating I do often switch to or combine it with mouse.
When it’s not C#, it’s often VS Code, or otherwise Notepad++ for non-IDE simple editing. For even simpler quick edits I also use Double Commanders integrated text editor.
I use TortoiseGit, and its diff editor. I sometimes make changes there too. I also occasionally use KDiff or Winmerge.
I think whether it’s worth to learn a new one should be determined by 1. what are your pain points/shortcomings, 2. what are the promises or your hopes, and 3. testing it out.
If you explore a promise and quickly find it not useful to you, it may be easy and simple to dismiss a switch without investing more.
Have you ever tried Rider? I found it such a pleasure to use in place of Visual Studio and I’ve never looked back.
Any times I’ve loaded VS since it just feels so slow in comparison.
I’ve tried it briefly, but didn’t like it/did not find an intuitive or preferred way into it.
@verstra I use Jetbrains for pretty much anything except C++, their editors are the best. I use it for PHP, Go, Java/Kotlin, C#, databases, Typescript and I'm probably missing something.
Depends on what device I'm using. On my tower(s), I'm typically reaching for Rider, Pycharm, or Zed. On my laptop(s) it's pretty much always Helix or Zed. On servers it's vim 100% baby. I've gotten pretty comfortable working with theses tools, so I haven't really needed to look into alternatives at all.
Is the lack of debugger in Zed not a problem for you?
Nah. When I'm using Zed it's typically for Elixir/Erlang and I'm usually run debugging tools outside of Zed in a separate shell. When I'm using
I like to use a full screen terminal on a separate workspace/tab than the editor itselfMost code I write is Java and I use IntelliJ for that. When I write Python I use PyCharm, anything else, Visual Studio Code or VSCodium.
All of these have plugins for vim keybindings which are always the first thing I install. I almost never disable them.
Please, do yourself a favor and ignore that noise. It is more a question of like/dislike and training. Personal sidenote: I daily alternate between PhpStorm and Neovim. Can’t say doing things in either is faster/slower to any significant degree (PhpStorm is mostly there for the things I have not yet configered properly in Neovim, like looking through git history)
This should be looked at and tested objectively: is it working with big files that is the problem? Or navigating the code base? Or something else? Maybe it is better to tweak vscode instead?
Spyder (with conda) Arduino IDE
Do you have a minute to talk about my lord and savior VIM? Wanna see my dot files?
I mostly use Jetbrain’s IDE’s and NeoVIM when changing configs through the terminal.
Android Studio or VSCode usually.
But really, there’s no single best option here - use whatever works the best with you and the tech you’re targeting. The same advice applies for programming languages, libraries and just about everything in tech
I use JetBrains Rider for dotnet (with Vim emulation), VS Code for general misc code editing (with Vim emulation), and NeoVim for quick in-terminal edits and Git workflows. I even have vi-mode enabled in my terminals, but I haven’t bothered trying to do it in browser yet.
My experience is that modal editing is only a little faster, but it’s much more comfy, even fun! I enjoy coding with modal editing much more so than modeless. Being able to zip around the code without having to move my fingers to the arrow cluster just feels nice.
I’ve used everything, vim, nvim, emacs, visual studio, vscode, sublime, codeblocks, android studio, xcode, bloodshed, intellij, eclipse, VB, geany, dreamweaver, qt, atom, and cursor (even though it’s really just a plugin)
It doesn’t matter. It will never matter. I use vscode today because it handles everything I throw at it and it’s easy to make extensions for. Or cursor if I’m feeling lazy, the agentic mode with claude is pretty damn good if your codebase is well established.
Don’t get hung up on the editor, just use the tools available to get the job done, at the end of the day programming is converting concepts to text.
I used to use vim but imo it’s not worth the time it requires to configure to get working properly. These days I don’t code without a debugger so if there’s not a good way to set breakpoints I don’t even start
I’ve moved on from vim to neovim, and I think I’ll continue using something in that family in the future. It’s a pretty stable experience overall, but the inclusion of LSPs and tree-sitter have been good improvements too.
Ultimately editors are tools, similar to keyboards, os-es, screens, chairs, shoes and so on. There are some objective quality differences between a well-constructed tool and some slapdash nonsense, and there are a huge amount of subjective quality differences. What suits me may not suit you, and vice versa.
It’s generally good to try out some new (to you) stuff and see if you like it. If you do, great; if you don’t, well, now you know. I think my worst experience was with Acme (or Wily? can’t remember), during a phase where I experimented with Plan 9 stuff. Ultimately very not my cup of tea, but apparently Rob Pike (who made it) and some other gophers still enjoy it? Which is good for them, just like it’s good for me that I can choose not to use it. It’s just personal tastes, and I still think it’s good that I gave it a go.
The debate over holding down modifier keys vs modes is also a part of the Emacs vs vi debate from many decades ago. There might be some statistics for what works best for the most people now, but again, use what suits you. And try some new stuff when you get curious, it’s generally good for you.
I switched to and exclusively used vim for about a year. I switched back to Sublime one day, and found I was like 10x more productive and comfortable.
Just use the editor you like. There’s no right or wrong answer!
… And btw, Sublime 4 has improved LSP support. Just install the base LSP plugin + plugins for the languages you want. Some even give the option to install the LSP server automatically if if’s not detected.
Vscode. I am surprised to see a lot of people still use sublime text. I was a long hold out on that one but it’s just so much worse than vscode in every way.
Why do people use vscode over codium? (Minus the two people who actually know the answer)
VSCode with the Vim plugin most of the time. Vim if I’m just editing something small and was already in a terminal.
Every IDE worth trying has Vim mode or a plugin for it, you don’t need to use actual Vim to benefit from it!
Don’t Speculate
Go to Twitch/YouTube. Watch a senior Vim/Jetbrains/Emacs/VS Code/Helix dev churn out code for a hackathon/advent-of-code, and see what you are (or are not!) missing out on.
If you have “how the hell did they just do that” moments, figure out what that feature is, and STEAL IT. If its too hard to steal, then maybe you are being limited by your editor. Base your “fear of missing out” on what you see rather than random people tossing their opinions around. Only you can answer "how much is that feature worth to me and my workflows?"
I get this, but an IDE should be invisible and grow as you do and not require you to learn lots of janky things before it becomes a little bit useful for you.
Need the basics, great, here they are. Don’t understand some advanced feature? Well the IDE has it here, but it isn’t in your way, mess with it as and when you want. It’ll still be there.
I don’t think one IDE does everything for different languages and its ok to swap editors depending on your workflow, your project and your ever-changing skillset.
Why not say “I get this, and …” ?
I don’t think the idea of a learn-as-you-go editor goes against the idea of watching skilled devs with their favorite tool
nano is the best (imho) for up to medium size files. It’s preinstalled in most Linux boxes , it’s simple and flexible enough, takes a minimal amount of time to learn basic for keys and then use them all the time
You should check out Micro. It’s a slightly more sane alternative to nano:
Thanks, will take a look
I just use Vim out of habit. I’ve been using it as my main text editor since I was like 13 or so, maybe more like 10 I don’t really remember. It works perfectly well for the vast majority of my use cases. I use Jetbrains IDEs if I feel I need the power of a full IDE. Jetbrains has an IdeaVim plugin if you want it to be a modal editor, or if your fingers are accustomed to Vim keybindings.
VS Code with your favorite plugins is pretty fantastic for any editing in my experience. I’ve tried others and they do seem to work well, but not well enough to warrant switching, and they often come with quirks that are just annoying enough to make me want to switch back.
I suggest trying others to know what’s out there, even if you ultimately end up back on VS Code.
Amateurs. I use butterflies.
+1 for Helix. Selection then action always made more sense to me than action then selection.
On a more serious note: Neovim for quick file-edits, doom-emacs as my IDE.
Doom-emacs does most of the stuff you are already using out of the box, is highly configurable and it lets you use vim-keybindings. It’s also free (as in freedom) software!
this, evil is the real 4th generation vi
Sublime text, vi, eclipse, emacs depending what I’m doing
Fresh from university I found a job with terrible keyboards. After about 4 months I started to feel constant pain in my wrists. I then switched to vim.
And it solved my wrists issue. But also, I discovered a way to edit text that was so much optimized fat beyond my expectations.
I wrote this article for people that would like to familiarize with vi keybindings.…/Learn-Vim-Progressively/
I personally enjoy using pycharm and vscode, depending on what I’m working on and what tools I need/want.
Mostly emacs, vi, or what IDE I happen to be using like Eclipse.
I use Neovim. It feels like a second nature after using it for years. I love how effortless the interaction with the editor is after you have spent hundreds of hours learning it. I have no reasonable arguments to convince anyone to do that though. I just do it because I enjoy the hell out of it 🤷♂️
The main reason I like vi/vim is that if you’re having to use multiple different computers (such as if one is a sysadmin, or in my case, does scientific computing), because if you’re running on Linux, you can be confident that vi/vim will be on it.
For personal use, I’ve been using emacs, but I can’t recommend that without feeling like I’m suggesting you try some heroin. I enjoy emacs because of it’s complexity and how much power it gives me to modify it. It’s very easy to fall into feature creep and over complexity though. That’s why I can’t recommend it — it’s good for me because I am a chronic tinkerer, and having something to fuck around with is an outlet for that.
I would recommend learning the basics of vim though. As you highlight, getting back to your current level of productivity would take a while, even if you loved vim and committed to it wholeheartedly. It is possible to try it out with little commitment though, for the perspective. If you’re on a machine that has vim installed already, try the
command, which will start the ~30 min long inbuilt tutorial for vim. I liked it for giving me perspective on what on earth vim even was.I know you don’t use it anymore, but I just want to fistbump you re: sublime text. I really loved that as a basic text editor that was, for me, just a slightly nicer notepad.
I use pycharm at work for most things. Work paid for it. It has some nice stuff i like. I’m sure other editors do all of this, too, but nothing’s been causing me enough pain to switch
It does have multiple cursors but I’ve rarely needed that.
I use sublime for quick note taking. Mostly I like that it has syntax highlighting, and it doesn’t require me to explicitly save a tab for it to stay open
xfce text editor and sublime text, and vim but only when i want to work within the terminal
Zed, for the last few months, and happy with it (previously vscode) - I code in Scala, so Metals provides the complex hints / actions.
NeoVim plus tmux.
Great multi dimensional way of operating. You have access to the terminal and your ide.
It’s beautiful
Dev of 25 years here: Cursor, for the LLM integration. It’s based on VSCode, just way tighter AI integration. It’s so good.
Doom Emacs
My editors
My opinions on learning new editors
I use the godot integrated code editor, but i am debating switching to writing the code in google slides and copying the text into notepad in a virtual machine
I use vim, or spacemacs with evil mode (emacs distribution with sensible shortcuts and vim emulation). Or VSCode with spacemacs emulation.
You will pass your current productivity in less than a month. All of the things you describe are easily done in VSCode with vim emulation (I prefer the full spacemacs emulation but it’s not actually a huge difference). You won’t have to move your hands away from the normal typing spot on your keyboard – no home and end, just 0 and $. No control+arrow keys, just w and b (or e or even more motion options). Highlighting is as easy as v and then motion commands. And there are so many more useful things that vim (and vim emulation) make simple and fast. Orthogonal VSCode features like multi cursors still work.
Not dev but I’m in IT/Cybersec mostly as it’s much easier to find jobs there and I use vim just about everywhere, usually with tmux and i3 with custom vim-like keybinds (super+j move focus right etc), I use vim even on my phone in termux, with gboard.
I don’t use LSPs cause CBA but I only use Python and C and maybe occasionally bash for homelab stuff and I don’t have large projects (😭).
If I’m doing any ML stuff from scratch (not refining or writing API for local llm model or integrating it with another API but just building classifiers etc) for fun I use Jupyter. Such a wildly different way of coding honestly ngl it’s wild, but great when you need to document what you’re doing.
At uni I used to use fucking Visual Studio with C# and Netbeans with Java, but I learned it pretty well. I don’t think they ever even taught us how to run code outside those 😂
At work I use gedit and gnome terminal for navigation cuz it’s company time unless I’m personally interested in what I’m doing.
I hate to be that guy but (neo)vim has served me well for too long. I don’t even use any crazy maps or plugins; it’s just comfy.
I’ve tried to learn Vim in the past but IMO it is not worth it at all. In a world without multiple cursors… sure, maybe. With multiple cursors? No way. I can can edit just as fast as I’ve seen any Vim user do it, and without having to remember a gazillion mnemonics and deal with the silly modal thing.
Multiple cursor editing even has some significant advantages over Vim style, e.g. it’s interactive, so you can do your edit gradually and go back if you make a mistake. Rather than having to write a complex command and only finding out it if works at the end. (If you’ve used regex find & replace you’ll understand that problem.)
I’ll probably get downvoted for this since Vim is kind of a cult, and Vim users get a sense of superiority from it. Kind of like audiophiles - they don’t appreciate it if you tell them their £10k valve amp doesn’t actually sound any better than your £1k digital amp.
For editing on remote computers I use VSCode remote or Micro for quick tasks.
vi WAS almost ubiquitously installed on any host you’d connect to, so it was worth learning.
The reason we like it is because it’s been iterated over to be useful for modifying the types of files you’d be editing. It has a significant plugin ecosphere and does its job well.
and vim is the 10k amp in your analogy … huh.
vscode + whatever connection plugin you need + vim plugin
I swapped to neovim 10 months ago. Haven’t looked back. Actually, I’ve looked back a LOT for the first few weeks because I couldn’t figure out how to do certain things. But the more you learn the better it becomes. Not needing your mouse is SO good.
I started with neovim because I hate my laptop’s mousepad, and that’s often pushed as a benefit of modal editors, not needing the mouse. After I used it for a while I found that not only could you do stuff easily that would be difficult in, say vs code, but it was also pretty fun. It’s honestly a bit of a power trip sometimes, makes me feel like a 90s tv hacker. Also plugins. So many neat plugins.
i really wonder why mousepads sucks
I’m still learning to code, but I tried out a bunch and I’ve liked using Vim, VScodium and Pycharm.
Neovim, Emacs, Helix and VSCode.
Zed has been fun.
VsCode and Pycharm are just too slow for me. You need a very fast machine with a lot of RAM.
Did you mean Visual Studio the second time?
I use emacs when on my personal machines. VS Code at work.
The fastest tool is the one you are best at using. I find that my tool doesn’t make me fast, my ability to solve issues makes me fast. I very rarely learn a new tool unless it accomplishes something for me my other tools do not.
For example, at work I use windows and regularly ssh to servers. My entire job is spent ssh’d into other servers. Emacs terminal emulator is spotty at best when using ssh on windows. There are ways to make it work, but some modifications get flagged by our SEIMs. So in that case I use vs code, and the ssh remote connection options and split terminal interface.
At home I use emacs. I have all Linux machines so my terminal plays nicely. I also am working on reducing my RSI from years of tech work. The less mousing I have to do, the better. Emacs allows me to keep my hands on my keyboard.
I used to use VSCodium, but in my quest to touch the mouse as little as possible I switched to Neovim.
I use Lapce, which could be a great native alternative to VS-Code (Also it’s built with Rust, this is for the Rustaceans)
There was a time where I used Geany as well, I still like it
I left a comment before but I thought I’d address the concerns around modal editing. It’s not as hard as it seems, once you wrap your head around hjkl you’ll be fine.
Use Lazyvim to get started and install the vim plugin in vscode. Try it qutebrowser too you won’t look back honestly.
Consider helix too, it works out of the box but the keys are slightly different to Vim which makes it challenging for me.
I’ve tried helix and used it for work today. At first, it was super slow, relearning how to jump between buffers, but at the end of the day, i got decent at it.
But I cannot hjkl. It’s just unnatural. The moment I stop thinking about it, my hand is back at arrow keys.
I’m using helix with arrows. On a standard layout its not so great, but on my main keyboard I have a layer with arrow keys near hjkl. So I can use that on all software even on my BÉPO (DVORAC like) layout.
I use VSCodium atm.
Neovim genuinely makes me happy. I love it to bits.
vscodium. Easy to use for beginners (i’m a beginner too), fully open-source, all microsoft tracking binaries removed. Aviable for Windows, Linux, macOS, darwin, propably bsd, or even as a webview, and supports a lot of architectures. Great for intrepeted languages, but supports compiled ones too
Zed and Helix for the GNU/Linux side, and VSCodium for the Windows side.
Helix because it’s easy to setup and hassle free, and it runs well on my 2009 ASUS Eee
vscodium and neovim extension
I’ve been using Vim for over 10 years. The first few years I used it badly. Later I took time to really learn it. Now I can use it fairly decently, but I still learn new things every now and then.
It feels like a really good investment. It’s been around forever, it’s gonna be around forever, it’s installed on almost all computers, and you’re going to be forced to use it at some point or another.
I really enjoy being able to go to any computer and starting up a familiar editor, without installing or configuring stuff. I also use a very vanilla Vim. If a coworker’s laptop or some server has a different Vim config than mine, I can usually do
vim -u NONE
to get back to a familiar place.I switched to helix last year after over twenty years of vim. I really like helix, but it did take some getting used to. Using multiple cursors instead of repeated commands etc
Perhaps you want a touchscreen.
I learned basics of vim, I can recommend. But also, it takes time to master. And I’d put other stuff first like fundamentals of git (stashes, staging area, branches and rebase.)
Also, don’t underestimate using an IDE that’s popular, I had switched over recently and found it convenient when a colleague asks for help. I can’t tell them ‘oh yeah I know how to do that on my setup’ (though is valid…)
Like 3 years ago, I was into emacs, which I used with vi keybindings. Many extensions provided quality of life (tramp, magit, which-key) that others (vscode) only emulated and required hardware I lacked. Anyway…
If this is really about keys, go for gnu readline flavor instead of vi. I didn’t, and those are way more ubiquitous. Anyway, research that and make your own decision.
Ps, here’s a rabbit hole…