Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things (tonsky.me)
from testeronious@lemmy.world to programming@programming.dev on 18 Apr 19:25


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[deleted] on 18 Apr 20:08 next collapse


[deleted] on 18 Apr 20:25 next collapse


onlinepersona@programming.dev on 18 Apr 21:10 next collapse

CSS! Who would’ve thought?

Always the same culprit.

Anti Commercial-AI license

spartanatreyu@programming.dev on 18 Apr 23:16 collapse

It seemed pretty clear to me that the article states that css is doing it’s job and it’s actually fonts that are the problem

Beetschnapps@lemmy.world on 19 Apr 00:35 next collapse

Meanwhile in reality css totally confounds the well paid experts in c# and the whole world suffers.

But yea fonts…

onlinepersona@programming.dev on 19 Apr 07:10 collapse

Like the other dude, I didn’t get through a quarter of that article because of the stupid mouse pointer trolling. It seemed like a joke article, so I left a joke comment.

Anti Commercial-AI license

themusicman@lemmy.world on 18 Apr 21:18 next collapse

The dark mode on this site… Hardest I’ve laughed in a while. A+ trolling

Edit: only works on desktop by the looks

kralk@lemm.ee on 18 Apr 21:23 next collapse

I know very little about this subject - is this guy right?

Anticorp@lemmy.world on 18 Apr 23:47 next collapse

At one point about 15 years ago he would have been right. Now? No, he is wrong.

pantyhosewimp@lemmynsfw.com on 19 Apr 01:07 next collapse

No. It’s a joke. Proper computer science is not about this level of computer programming. Computer science is more a field of mathematics that studies the computability of things. Like making the traveling salesman problem more efficient. Or how to most efficiently determine if a giant number is prime. Or how to scramble a message such that it is unduly difficult to unscramble without a key factor.

ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de on 19 Apr 12:00 collapse

Look at the pictures of bad examples. If at least half of them mildly infuriate you, he’s right. I disagree with icons-in-a-text-file with him because in a pinch (when you care so little about the font that you just use sans-serif), Unicode icons look passable if you overlook the platform inconsistencies. Of course, there is no gear icon but what are you gonna do about it? The ⚙️ emoji is close enough.

RGB3x3@lemmy.world on 18 Apr 22:56 next collapse

That’s exactly why people love web programming so much. There’s always a challenge.

Ha, I swear, this must be sarcasm.

Great article nonetheless!

AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.net on 18 Apr 23:07 collapse

Haha yeah, I get what you mean. I think the author might mean “people who actively choose to do primarily web programming”, and isn’t being sarcastic. It’s baffling to me too, but I am glad that this subsection of odd challenge seekers exist, even if I can’t fathom people genuinely loving web programming.

Anticorp@lemmy.world on 18 Apr 23:46 next collapse

Centering with CSS hasn’t been a problem since the death of IE in like 2016. That’s 8 years ago.

ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de on 19 Apr 11:41 collapse

Have you read the article?

[deleted] on 19 Apr 12:41 collapse


grue@lemmy.world on 19 Apr 00:21 next collapse

Centering things is a graphic design problem, not a computer science problem.

AngryPancake@sh.itjust.works on 19 Apr 06:58 next collapse

As a computer science problem it ends at position = window center / 2 - object width / 2

Trollception@lemmy.world on 19 Apr 13:36 collapse

Is not always this simple though. If the window has yet to be spawned in some languages the width will be unavailable, until after. Sometimes the window can be seen before it moves to the center which is a bit jarring.

ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de on 19 Apr 12:23 next collapse

The hardest graphic design problem is indıcatıng sarcasm in a way only autıstıc people notice.

Edit: this was sarcasm, and so is the artıcle’s tıtle.

UckyBon@lemmy.world on 19 Apr 13:03 collapse

That’s a pretty good summary of the article actually.

The design is bad because the people who made the tools are doing a bad job.

pkill@programming.dev on 19 Apr 00:47 collapse

thought Saint Terry A. Davis already pointed out what actually is the hardest problem in CS