How do you find projects to work on when learning a new language?
from to on 27 Apr 15:11

I have been learning C++/Elixir recently and I’ve made a distributed port scanner & and a streaming platform with Elixir (what an amazing language to work with) and some fun in C++ (also super cool to use).

I feel like I gained basic mastery of the languages, but I’ve been meaning to deepen my knowledge of them. However, I don’t know where to start now…

Can you give me ideas, open-source project that I could help, etc… ? Thanks!


threaded - newest on 27 Apr 15:19 next collapse

I don’t, i just think of app that can be useful for me on 27 Apr 17:38 collapse

100% this. I find an itch to scratch and build it using something new. on 27 Apr 15:40 next collapse on 27 Apr 16:14 next collapse

I just do a random program to help me with a problem or as small task on 27 Apr 19:57 collapse

a random program


alert(Math.random()) on 27 Apr 20:04 collapse

it keeps saying “42” … on 27 Apr 19:25 next collapse

Man. It must be nice not to be drowning in 30 unfinished projects with another 30 on your mind to start all the time.

Usually, if I learn a new language, it’s because it seems like the right language for whatever project I’m wanting to undertake rather than “I want to learn a language; let’s see if I can come up with a project to do in that language.” on 27 Apr 20:20 collapse

Before doing something good you must scrap a lot of bad ideas ;) it’s alright ! on 27 Apr 20:37 next collapse

Whenever I find myself wishing for a tool to do (whatever), I habitually add its description and distinguishing features to a list that I keep for this purpose.

Then, when I want to try a new language, I already have a list of project ideas.

Not every new language is a keeper for me, so the project I choose doesn’t necessarily get finished in that language. That’s okay, because the process still gives me the real-world experience to find what I like and dislike about the language. It also leads to improved design and faster development when I pick that project up again in some other language, because I’ll have already explored the underlying issues. on 27 Apr 22:41 next collapse

A few ideas:

Try to create a service that lets you send a message over ActivityPub to a lemmy community.

Try to use Elixir to read and then flip the 3rd bit of an arbitrary byte stored in your system’s RAM.

Try to make a simple game in c++ compiled to Webassembly to be played in a browser. on 28 Apr 10:22 collapse

Wow thanks that’s a good idea on 29 Apr 00:10 collapse

I don’t know which idea was good, but that’s why I shotgunned 3 of them at you.

Have fun! on 29 Apr 09:32 collapse

(ActivityPub) on 27 Apr 23:56 collapse

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