Do you use VS Code?
from to on 22 Jul 2024 18:19

I have not used an IDE since I ditched Turbo Pascal in middle school, but now I am at a place where everyone and their mother uses VS Code and so I’m giving it a shot.

The thing is, I’m finding the “just works” mantra is not true at all. Nothing is working out of the box. And then for each separate extension I have to figure out how to fix it. Or I just give up and circumvent it by using the terminal.

What’s even the point then?

IDK maybe its a matter of getting used to something new, but I was doing fine with just vim and tmux.


threaded - newest on 22 Jul 2024 18:22 next collapse

lazyvim is enough for me. on 22 Jul 2024 18:33 next collapse

Sublime Text with plugins. It’s 100% because it’s what I’m used to. on 22 Jul 2024 18:33 next collapse

Idk where you got the “just works” idea from, but maybe you’re looking for something more like the jetbrains IDEs?

I still use the terminal all the time with VSC. on 22 Jul 2024 19:52 next collapse

Yeah, I guess the idea of VSCode isn’t to be a “ready to use” IDE, but to be configurable — which it is.

The main thing that makes it popular nowadays is the ecosystem of plugins around it. Ex: when Copilot was released, I believe the VSCode plugin was the best one.

Also many frameworks docs have instructions on how to use it with VSCode and which plugins to install, such as some web frameworks and Flutter. on 23 Jul 2024 02:15 collapse

On top of being super bloated, Intellij’s Rider is far from “just working” in my experience. Not only is it super slow to boot, but it also changes asmdefs in my Unity project unprompted, in a way that prevents my project from working (creates cyclic dependencies). The debugger also sometimes doesn’t trigger breakpoints 😵‍💫

I absolutely despise it, viscerally. on 22 Jul 2024 18:35 next collapse

I use VS code, mainly for the jupyter notebook integration. on 22 Jul 2024 18:46 next collapse

I agree, thought Atom was kind of a fun text editor but silly for being an entire Chrome browser, then it mutated into this intentionally held back IDE where not even developing PowerShell or C# can be done without mucking about first.

There is barely any functionality without add-ins but not because they want to keep the base program light. And it siphons all the data it can get, of course.

It’s pretty clear to me that they don’t want it to be better than Visual Studio proper, so you don’t get a sane menu structure or out of the box functionality. Microsoft made an editor that is somehow more opaque and unintuitive than vi, not because of necessity or for practicality reasons but because it has to be different from the flagship product.

I’d much rather work with Spyder, Netbeans or Eclipse. Or some Jetbrains product. Or Notepad3 + Terminal and a browser. on 22 Jul 2024 18:55 collapse

so you don’t get a sane menu structure

Not saying they shouldn’t have a sane structure, but in 6 years of using VS Code I never cared about menus because everything can and should be accessed through the command palette (F1 / Ctrl+Shift+P).

To me complaining about menus in VS Code sounds like complaining of modes and motions in vi / vim. Maybe the editor is not for you. on 22 Jul 2024 23:33 collapse

vi is the way it is for very good reasons, I don’t really see that with VS Code. Even gVim has menus. You can have both accessibility and flexibility/speed.

I would still try to adapt to it, but the PowerShell experience I had a couple months ago put me off it (and VSCodium) for good. Install IDE, install plug-in, hangs forever until you figure out that the useless error message means you need to install some additional .msi from Microsoft. Blergh. on 23 Jul 2024 00:38 collapse

use linux on 23 Jul 2024 09:38 collapse

I am, only reason I’m dealing with Powershell is work. on 22 Jul 2024 18:50 next collapse

I do. I used to juggle between Code::Blocks, PyDev, NetBeans and others, depending on projects. I find VS Code kind of fulfills the promise of Eclipse of being an all-purpose IDE, without the bloat Eclipse became synonymous with. It really clicked for me when I started using devcontainers. I am now a big fan of the whole development containers concept and use it in VS Code daily…

<img alt="Write and lint Markdown documentation ? VS Code Build fairly complex C++ software ? VS Code Debug slapped together Bash scripts ? Also VS Code Hobby-grade Python fun times ? Believe it or not, also VS Code" src=""> on 23 Jul 2024 09:42 collapse


This still exists? I played around with it’s portable app eons ago.

development containers

How does that compare to Vagrant? on 23 Jul 2024 12:20 collapse

Code::Blocks is still chugging along, albeit at a glacial pace.

The rise of Docker has made containers very popular in the last 10 years or so. Nowadays you can run a single WSL2 VM on Windows with a Linux distro, and run any number of containers inside it. Vagrant is useful if you need full-fledged VMs for your environments. on 23 Jul 2024 15:53 collapse

I just read about it, apparently Vagrant has now tooling for containers in their VMs. on 22 Jul 2024 19:01 next collapse

I don’t think VSCode’s mantra is that it “just works”. It’s definitely a “platform” IDE like Eclipse was. on 22 Jul 2024 19:05 next collapse

This post reads like going to a Linux forum and asking for issues with the GTX660, which absolutely does not work on Linux: your concerns are legitimate and it’s reasonable not to buy all the good comments on VS Code based on your personal experience. However, it works on my machine. And it also works for many others.

You also mention to have been doing fine with “just vim”. I’d argue that you should face VS Code with the same humility you faced vim. If you’re up to the task, take your time to learn its quirks just like you did with Vim’s. Otherwise, you’re better off ending your career with the toolsuite you know for now. on 22 Jul 2024 19:10 next collapse

Any IDE is going to take some getting used to and some setup. VS Code is easy to get started with but if you really want everything to be optimal, it’s going to take some effort. on 22 Jul 2024 19:22 next collapse

I use vscode as I develop this model in Scala3, whose language-server ‘metals’ integrates well with vscode, and when scala3 was new in mid-21 this was the platform they first targeted. But the scala command-line tools do the clever analysis, vscode provides the layout, colours, git integration, search/regex, web-preview etc… Now considering other options (eg zed) as vscode too dependent on potentially unsafe extensions (of which too much choice), also don’t want M$ scraping my code. Long ago when same model was in java I used netbeans, then eclipse. Would prefer a pure-scala toolset. on 22 Jul 2024 19:24 next collapse

I mostly use VS Code for notes and configuration files. Sometimes Python scripts. I agree with you, it requires a lot of setup. It has replaced Vim for me either way.

Most of my programming is done in IntelliJ, which works mostly out of the box. I’ve also used Visual Studio (not to be confused with VS Code).

I can’t imagine working without a proper IDE for any serious programming anymore. Working without IDE is like self imposed handicap. on 22 Jul 2024 19:25 next collapse

Nope, at work, we use JetBrains IDEs and for my personal stuff, I’m using Kate.

Seeing the hype wave for VS Code was so bizarre, like millions of people discovered features that were just bog standard in IDEs for a long time. Two colleagues tried to sell it to me and the features they chose to do so with, were the commit GUI and the embedded terminal.

My best guess is that if you weren’t a programmer, then you didn’t use an IDE and there just wasn’t many good editors on Windows. Like, Notepad++ has been there since forever, but it doesn’t have that many features. And Sublime has been around for a long time, too, but never made it big. on 22 Jul 2024 19:58 next collapse

The problem with Sublime is that it’s a paid one, and not everybody wants to pay for something that is perceived by the community as something that should be free and open source. on 23 Jul 2024 01:56 collapse

It’s paid like WinRAR is paid. on 23 Jul 2024 05:34 next collapse

The thing about VSCode is that it was lightweight and modular with the extensions. At least for me. on 23 Jul 2024 06:24 collapse

Lightweight compared to a full-featured IDE, sure, but it starts a whole bloomin’ web browser to render a text editor. That is not lightweight at all, compared to Notepad++, Sublime, Kate, Vim, Emacs etc… on 24 Jul 2024 16:08 collapse

And yet, they don’t have the same features, which make the comparison pointless on 23 Jul 2024 20:56 collapse

Sublime was pretty big before Atom. Atom just had absolutely abysmal startup speeds. Using Atom like an IDE was fine because it stayed open but using it like an editor was awful. Code fixed those problems. on 22 Jul 2024 19:30 next collapse

The problems you’re facing aren’t very clear. Can you expand a bit?

Lots of things in VS Code just work if you use the non-FOSS version and don’t need to install any system dependencies. For example, there are a ton of code formatters that you can install and run without tuning (eg I installed a SQL formatted last week with nothing else to do). There are also some that you need underlying dependencies for (eg if you want Rust extensions to work, you need the Rust toolchain; same for LaTeX); however this is true in any editor based on my experience (although some editors eg JetBrains might mask that through their GUI). Across both options, you often need to tune your extensions based on your use case or even hardware in some cases (eg setting up nonstandard PATH items).

YMMV for VSCodium, the FOSS version, primarily because it relies on a different extension registry per the terms of use. You can get around this as a user; as a vendor they cannot. Outside of tweaking the registry I’m not aware of anything else you need to do for parity.

Edit: forgot to tie all this back to my opener. What do you mean when you say it requires all sorts of work? Are you experiencing other issues than something I called out? on 22 Jul 2024 21:50 collapse

VSCode seems to have fun ignoring my “don’t guess encodings and assume this one” on files.

VSCodium respects that setting. on 23 Jul 2024 11:51 collapse

I was doing some Jinja templating in a Flask app the other day and VS Code would not respect my explicit file typing through the GUI over restarts. I had to change my file extensions and install an extension for Jinja syntax highlighting to get that to work.

I feel that pain. on 22 Jul 2024 19:47 next collapse

everyone and their mother uses VS Code

This is usually a good reason to avoid something. Especially if that something comes from Microsoft. on 23 Jul 2024 05:36 collapse

So things stop being usable as soon as they become mainstream? on 23 Jul 2024 12:15 collapse

Monocultures are bad. Popularity very rarely tracks quality. And once something is overwhelmingly popular, it usually goes to shit, because the momentum is enough to keep it successful.

See: Windows. Outlook. Reddit. CrowdStrike. on 23 Jul 2024 20:20 collapse

But vscode hasn’t gone to shit…

Lots of things have also gotten popular without going to shit either. on 23 Jul 2024 22:11 collapse

Give it time. This is Microsoft we’re talking about. Look at GitHub or Skype. on 24 Jul 2024 00:17 collapse

Err… Those are bad examples.

Skype was bad before microsoft lol. If anything, Microsoft actually made it more usable… Skype was NEVER good lol

And very few people in the real world have an issue with Github. The evidence is that you’ll notice projects aren’t moving away from it, and Github is growing fast. I found there’s a small number of people making 99.99% of the noise (like the first main “enshiffication” post on Lemmy, which was mainly pointing towards comments made by a developer without many commits and as a open source project, they weren’t even paying for github). If you want a good example, Sourceforge would be a better one (although, it’s possible even they cleaned up their act)

Nobody would call VS Code bloated or anything. There are some things I don’t like, but i have tried so many IDE’s in the past 20 years, and can honestly say that VS Code survived because its hugely easier, and it’s actually a high quality product. Anyone who has tried stuff like Atom or Eclipse will attest to that (Eclipse was great at the time, but was painfully slow)

I did see a post about a rust one upcoming that did seem interesting, but its really just a slightly faster version of VS Code (and VS Code itself is no slouch). on 22 Jul 2024 19:49 next collapse

There are some things about it which are a bit annoying and not easy to initially work out, but overall I’ve found it to do pretty much everything I want, and a few things I didn’t know I wanted until I found out it did them. on 22 Jul 2024 19:49 next collapse

No, it was far too “fiddly” and I have no problem with the performance of full ides from jetbrains. on 22 Jul 2024 20:05 next collapse

What issues specifically?

It takes maybe 10 minutes to find good extensions and get them set up on 22 Jul 2024 20:14 next collapse

I use Vim, more specifically Neovim with the LazyVim setup. It turns it into a full fledged IDE basically, with LSPs, hotkeys and everything setup. I started a few years ago with original Vim without plugins. I have 2 problems with my current setup: a) I don’t understand the complete setup and don’t know Lua enough, and b) LazyVim actually updates ton and sometimes things break.

And last time it broke something with my Rust setup, I could not find a solution quickly, but was working on a Rust project. So I installed VSCode the first time, but the Open Source version just called Code in the Linux repositories. But because it is Open Source, it does not come with the VSCode addon repository from Microsoft. I didn’t want do that, so I went back to solving the issue with my Neovim setup. Shortly after I found the solution and worked on my (little) project.

All in all, if you just want an out of the box experience without too much tinkering or problem solving, I wouldn’t recommend the Vim route. There is lot of stuff you have to setup, or at least change settings and understand how to do this. I assume the VSCode version from Microsoft has a better out of the box experience, from the just works perspective. on 22 Jul 2024 20:23 next collapse

I’m in a love hate relationship with vscode. Used Neovim for a year or two but got fed up of debugging plugin problems after updates. Currently giving vscode a go again but it somehow feels dirty lol. It seems to get better though and it is very popular. Like others have said, if you want something really polished Jetbrains is very good. on 22 Jul 2024 20:53 next collapse

Sublime Text is much faster to use a quick editor and IntelliJ is much better as a full featured IDE and totally worth the cost. IntelliJ saves me on a ton of time on merge conflicts, it much faster in large projects, code analysis to find unused stuff and issues is better… VSCode can handle merges but it requires extensions and isn’t as good / you’ll have do to more manual work. on 22 Jul 2024 21:06 next collapse

No way. I’m happy about the stuff it brought (LSP, remote debugging protocol, maybe other stuff), but VSCode itself is just not good enough and always takes a bunch of configuration to get working. It’s better than neovim, that’s for sure.

If there were an opensource IDE with a GUI (not TUI) that didn’t use web rendering to draw its interface, worked on Linux, weren’t bought by yet another tech-overlord, and were comparable to a Jetbrains IDE, there’s a good chance it’d get my money. Until then, it’s Jetbrains for me. I hope they never go public.

Anti Commercial-AI license on 22 Jul 2024 21:45 next collapse

Depends on the language. C/C++/C# I never manage to make it work. Rust works incredibly well. Python needs some small fixing on the paths but works good too. Java needs a lot of fixing, sometimes I make it work, others not.

C# and java are both much easier to set up in an IDE (VS and eclipse (ew)) respectively. C/C++ are just hard to set up, I don’t think it’s much harder than CLion.

So except java and C#, every language is as easy to set up as any other editor/IDE.

I only use vim to edit config files through ssh, so I don’t know how it works for actual development. However, I doubt it is easier than vs code. on 22 Jul 2024 22:35 next collapse

For C++ I found the clangd plugin to be the secret. Just install that and get your build to output a compile_commands.json in your build folder. That is easy to do with cmake but most other setups can do it too. The plugin will find that after a clean build. Then it will magically index your whole project. on 23 Jul 2024 04:33 collapse

I use vscode everyday with gdb and gcc (and gdbserver.) it works well, but does require some set up. on 22 Jul 2024 23:33 next collapse

I used to use VSCodium (pretty much just VSCode without the closed source binaries and telemetry) but now I completely use Helix and Zellij. on 23 Jul 2024 00:32 next collapse

I’m currently using VSCodium too, why did you switch? What’s the appeal? Would you recommend them? on 23 Jul 2024 01:10 next collapse

I would like to know, too. on 23 Jul 2024 06:37 next collapse

Not the OP, but I switched to helix, because I always wanted to learn something vim-like, and helix is just perfect for that. It’s simple, working great without any configuration, and has nice keybindings. on 23 Jul 2024 02:34 collapse

Maybe he’s just a hipster on 23 Jul 2024 06:37 next collapse

Not the OP, but I switched to helix, because I always wanted to learn something vim-like, and helix is just perfect for that. It’s simple, working great without any configuration, and has nice keybindings. on 25 Jul 2024 00:12 collapse

Well I guess I can give my opinion as a former VSCode and Vim user that migrated to Helix. was curious too.

Way back when, I used Sublime Text and got proficient with those keyboard shortcuts. Then VSCode eclipsed (pun unintended) Sublime, so I switched and I was thankfully able to keep using Sublime key bindings. I was also productive with VSCode, except it wasn’t popular at the company I was working at, where most people used Vim. I ended up learning a bit of Vim for pair programming, but I still clinged to VSCode, even though it lacked proper support for connecting to a VM via SSH (which was a very common workflow).

At some point I realized that it was important to have a totally keyboard-centric workflow to level up my productivity and ergonomics, and being able to use a mouse in VSCode was hindering my progress. So I tried NeoVim, and it was kind of a nightmare. I know many people enjoy tinkering with Lua to get NeoVim working as they want, but I found it more of a barrier to productivity than anything else.

So then I learned about Helix, and it seemed like a love letter to devs that just want a modal in-terminal editor that works out of the box and has modern features like LSP support, DAP, etc. Also it’s written in Rust by good maintainers. I haven’t looked back, because the Helix + Tmux combo is incredibly versatile. on 23 Jul 2024 03:08 collapse

if you want even more frictionless experience and save a few megs of ram check out wezterm, it does a pretty good job of integrating multiplexing into terminal. also it’s very extensible as it’s configurable with lua.

on a side note, I had some stability issues with vscode-neovim where it’d crash it in worst cases. on 23 Jul 2024 00:01 next collapse

What do you mean fix it? I haven’t had an issue with vscode or extensions unless I was going against established patterns.

For an actual recommendation, if you were fine with tmux and vim rock em yo. Don’t forget vim has panes as well. on 23 Jul 2024 12:29 collapse

Platformio maybe?

That thing just sometimes won’t work on some PCBs unless you explicitly specify a build option (I had it once that I had to specify a build option that was already specified in that board configuration)

Installing pycom stuff too. All of their software is crap (hardware isn’t amazing either) so their released version simply didn’t work by default on a fresh installation and the fix was to roll back to the previous version manually. on 23 Jul 2024 00:01 next collapse

Use what works for you.

[deleted] on 23 Jul 2024 01:37 next collapse

. on 23 Jul 2024 03:15 next collapse

I only use vscodium for things that are not that well supported by neovim, in my case it’s only Scala basically, but I guess I’m just to lazy to properly configure metals. I use Sway as my desktop and I don’t want to go into configuring DPI just for vscodium or switch to gnome to not ruin my vision even further when using it. This is what I like about terminal-based editors - the whole Ui scales with a single key combination. Speaking of which I also consider the combinations provided by many Neovim “distributions” (and my workflow ;p) way more ergonomic than emacs-y finger gymnastics of vscode and the likes, since I just hit the space twice and type a command alias without moving my fingers from where they should be on the keyboard instead of memorizing gazillion combinations working little by little towards giving me a carpal tunnel. on 23 Jul 2024 03:21 next collapse

Funny to read VSCode described as an IDE.

Where I work, I’m the weird one for preferring VSCode over Visual Sudio or Rider.

I prefer using a terminal to run build tasks and execute tests and do version control, and have mostly Language Server stuff integrated into the editor. on 23 Jul 2024 05:47 collapse

Funny to read VSCode described as an IDE.

Why would VSCode not be called an IDE? on 23 Jul 2024 06:13 next collapse

No, it’s a code editor. It can become an IDE with the right set of plugins. on 23 Jul 2024 18:45 collapse

It’s a modular IDE. on 23 Jul 2024 19:46 next collapse

Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual Studio IDE.
~ on 23 Jul 2024 21:50 collapse

They’re just saying that so that they have a justification for making two IDEs. on 23 Jul 2024 23:06 collapse

What is your definition of an IDE? on 24 Jul 2024 06:40 collapse

I don’t think there’s an exact definition but broadly I would say if it has the majority of these features it’s definitely an IDE:

  • Integrated debugger
  • Intellisense
  • Build/debug shortcuts that start the build in the IDE
  • Parsing of error/warnings from the build output into a structured list that you can click on

If you make something with all those then it’s definitely an IDE. Without some of them it’s more debatable. For example the old Arduino editor… I would still say is a very basic IDE even though it doesn’t have a proper debugger - it has other heavily integrated development tools, e.g. the UART viewer. on 23 Jul 2024 21:43 collapse

does that make it a disintegrated IDE? on 23 Jul 2024 13:12 collapse

Nobody loves arguing semantics more than a programmer. VSCode is absolutely an IDE. Jetbrains is entirely plugin based, Eclipse is totally plugin based, and yeah so is VSCode. on 23 Jul 2024 20:52 collapse

🙏 Happy to see this opinion somewhere else. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I see folks adamant that Code-like editors aren’t IDEs while saying other plugin based editors are. on 23 Jul 2024 03:45 next collapse

Been using vim+tmux for the last 8 years and still going strong. Wouldn’t ever give it up. Vscode’s pretty lackluster in comparison. on 23 Jul 2024 04:33 collapse

What’s the tech stack you work with with that setup? on 23 Jul 2024 14:07 collapse

Last 3 years has been working on large backend web services in Haskell and Postgres, with some shell scripting thrown in here and there.

Before that, it was a mix of Python, Typescript (React), Rust, and C++. on 23 Jul 2024 03:56 next collapse

VS Code is a highly configurable editor that can get really close to being like an IDE, but you should really check out the Jetbrains IDEs. Best in class for just about every language they support. on 23 Jul 2024 04:07 next collapse

I do Rust and Go and VSCode has been fine for both so far. I put off trying it for ages out of a hatred/distrust of MS products, but I'm quite happy with it. on 23 Jul 2024 04:16 next collapse

vscode is bloated, switch to emacs

emacs is bloated, switch to vim

vim is bloated, switch to vi

vi is bloated, switch to ed

ed is bloated, switch to cat


No, I don’t use vscode, I use mg (tiny emacs-like editor, lighter than nvi) and ed If you’re already comfy with vim, don’t switch. If anything, I encourage you to try even more minimal editors. on 23 Jul 2024 06:07 next collapse

nothing is working out of the box

I mean, it cannot fly you to the moon, but depends on what you’re expecting.

If nothing works, did you install it via the manual? on 23 Jul 2024 06:46 next collapse

I use neovim, with my own built configs. You can literally configurate/program everything in your editor.

I’d say that IDEs are becoming less and less common these days. Vscode is definitely the most popular editor, but through the language server protocol, we have more options than there used to be.

Personalized Development Environments (PDE) are becoming more common. Vscode is one to a lesser extend (it’s just a text editor if you don’t add extensions), but in my opinion, neovim definitely does this best by far.

It’s been some time, but I remember my confusion when I was an amateur and hardly knew the difference between visual studio and vscode. I agree it can be very confusing at the start. Just go get the extension for that programming language or framework and you should be fine. Or maybe ask your colleagues, as they use it already.

If you want a real idea, her brains products are probably best, many of them have a community version, but see about getting a license if you need it. on 23 Jul 2024 09:44 next collapse

I switched to Zed recently. Very basic and definitely is not as feature rich as VSCodium but I’m sure it’ll get better. on 24 Jul 2024 14:52 collapse

Zed looks very promising. There are only 2 things that prevent me from using it.

  • The git lens vs code extension
  • Rust-analyzer configuration

I’ll keep an eye on zed, but I think most people will stay on VSCode until zed gets feature-rich enough that they won’t miss VSCode. on 24 Jul 2024 18:50 collapse

I understand you. Zed does give me some headaches sometimes but I mean it’s still pretty alpha. Maybe I’ll switch back to vscodium until zed becomes more mature after all. Though they never said it was an IDE so I don’t expect for it to be ever feature rich as vscodium. on 23 Jul 2024 09:55 next collapse

I tried using VS Code but the fact that it’s not fully open source (VSCodium has limitations) bothers me a lot, as does the presence of telemetry.

I like some of the convenience features, like having a file picker when you’re writing paths, my students use it a lot, but I’m sticking with Kate. on 23 Jul 2024 10:15 next collapse

I’ve not had any of these issues with VSCode and i do use it just for the seamless Remote Development over SSH abilities.

The learning curve for it is a lot less than Vim even if Vim is likely a much more powerful tool imo on 23 Jul 2024 11:25 next collapse

Just to add my two pennies (that’s a saying, right?), I do use VS code as my default text editor. Professionally and for other projects in C++/C# I use the full fat visual studio. But for scripting, config editing, hex files, todo lists and such I use Code.

I’ve never been much of a person who needs to shave off every possible second in my workflow with macros and plugins, my brain is just not fast enough to out pace my hands, and the command palette does pretty much all I could wish for.

I of course wish it was fully open source, but for being the only Microsoft product I daily it isn’t too bad. on 23 Jul 2024 14:27 next collapse

Just to add my two pennies

It’s to add my two penis, if you are a snake and a male. <img alt="" src=""> on 23 Jul 2024 14:53 collapse

I of course wish it was fully open source

Allow me to introduce you to Codium on 23 Jul 2024 21:18 collapse

Last time I checked codium out it couldn’t support the vs code marketplace/plugin repo. Is this still the case? I should take another look at it either way though :)

Edit: I answered my own question by reading some more comments. So looks like there are alternative plugin registries. I’ll definitely have a go at switching now. on 23 Jul 2024 13:44 next collapse

I use jetbrains’ PyCharm. Work paid for it. It does the things I want it to do (works with docker, git integration, local history, syntax highlighting for every language I use, refactor:rename and move, safe delete, find usages,.find declaration, view library code, database integration, other stuff I’m forgetting) on 23 Jul 2024 14:07 next collapse

Well it may absolutely suck, but they’ll tell you

  • it’s everywhere
  • once you learn a few tricks it’s great
  • you’ll get used to a non-intuitive macro and command setup
  • adapt your entire workflow around it and you’re fine
  • it’s … fast?
  • it has such power

The last two are lies. And I was talking about vi here, in the hopes you’ll get it. And like when I first used vi, the best thing was learning there were alternatives. on 23 Jul 2024 14:32 next collapse

Do not use Microsofts Telemetry Studio Code but Code-OSS or VSCodium.


Regarding your question Code is not powerful enough of what we do at work. There we use IntelliJ IDEA. Our frontend guys use Code as it’s enough for them and they usually are not that quality oriented, be it their tools or their product. Sadly mediocre is enough. on 23 Jul 2024 18:53 next collapse

could you give a couple examples of how vscode degrades quality? on 23 Jul 2024 20:49 collapse

Honestly I don’t care about telemetry. I’m not trying to start an argument about it, I’m just explaining to readers that there are still reasons to use VSCodium over Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code (the build available) masquerades as open source while having a non-FOSS license. Also, Microsoft does not allow other programs (like VSCodium or Code - OSS) to access the Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace. Being plugin based, that essentially means all useful functionality in Code-like editors is gated behind a proprietary website you aren’t allowed to access except with a proprietary editor (Visual Studio Code). on 23 Jul 2024 14:56 next collapse

Hell no, Emacs and nvim UX is far superior. I won’t ever go back to clicking. on 23 Jul 2024 15:04 next collapse

I use it because I’m switching between different projects and frameworks a lot. I found that me aligning with expected use patterns was easier than constantly adapting things for my magic setup.

I’m also not a config hound. on 23 Jul 2024 17:09 next collapse

Check out Pulsar

It’s basically the continuation of Atom. It’s got rough edges though regarding plugins but it’s good enough to allow me to avoid VSCode. on 23 Jul 2024 17:13 next collapse

I mostly use VS Code as a simple text editor with some of the CSV plugins. Though with JetBrains coming out with Fleet I’ve started to use that more. It doesn’t have plugin support yet so it’s not getting a lot of use.

For everything else I use whatever JetBrains IDE fits. For work, it’s mostly IntelliJ, DataGrip, PyCharm, and DataSpell. At home, it’s IntelliJ DataGrip and CLion. I guess I’ve kinda drank the JetBrains KookAid, but to me, it’s worth the subscription to the all products pack. Especially if you are a polyglot since you keep a consistent IDE experience. on 23 Jul 2024 23:37 collapse

As says VS Code is ok for simpe text stuff but I prefer Goland and PyCharm for development. As a Child of TP6 I miss the simplicity of the IDE and the color scheme :) on 23 Jul 2024 19:46 next collapse

VS Code is a great text editor for me. I write Markdown documents, manipulate bulk strings, and diff files with it. Aside from small scratch projects, its consistency and reliability as an IDE is varied for me. It’s far from “just works”, at least for the types of things I do (C, C++, C#, Rust) and isn’t really on my list of editors I’d recommend for those workloads.

You can make it work, but it’s going to require extensive time spent figuring out what extensions to use (and their quirks), ensure that you have a working setup to the language server, and learn how each environment wants you to setup its tasks and launch configurations, if applicable. Unlike larger IDEs like VS or Rider, it doesn’t have a consistent “new project” process either, so you’re on your own for that. on 24 Jul 2024 14:45 collapse

I wonder what troubles you had with rust in vscode. In my experience. I just install the rust-analyzer extension and it works every time.

Plus some (optional) extension to display the available dependency versions in the Cargo.toml.

Maybe debugging can be a bit tricky, but other than that it’s just installing 1 (or 2) extensions. on 25 Jul 2024 03:04 collapse

It’s exactly that: the trickiness around debugging is the main thing that feels like it’s got some barriers compared to a turnkey solution in an IDE. I heard VS Code and Godot was available until I realized that the LSP and debugger for Godot 4.x was unusable for months until the recent refactor.

Don’t get me wrong though, I am totally using VS Code for my Rust projects. It just isn’t a turnkey solution that I’d recommend to someone if they just want to hit “New project” and do the whole write-compile-debug loop without needing to understand anything. (I had also used it a while back prior to rust-analyzer being the main go-to extension, I think…) on 23 Jul 2024 20:26 next collapse

VSCode isn’t an IDE, although you can kinda make it work like an IDE with extensions.

I use Visual Studio Professional as my IDE at work, but we do a lot of C#. on 23 Jul 2024 20:43 next collapse

With these modern extensible text editors the line between IDE and editor is too blurry to really tell. Many things people would agree are IDEs (like Eclipse) are entirely based around a plugin architecture too. I don’t think it’s worth it to split hairs over whether Visual Studio Code and similar programs are or aren’t IDEs. With enough plugins, they’re IDEs. With too few, they aren’t. Where that line is is entirely subjective. on 24 Jul 2024 00:10 collapse

You also run into different sets of tools that define an IDE. And especially with language server protocols giving almost any text editor access to the only things that were ever strictly the domain of IDEs, I think it’s safe to say we live in a golden age of being able to write things with as much or as little assistance as you want on 24 Jul 2024 15:06 collapse

Like (Neo)vim, it’s a PDE: Personalized Development Environment

Props to TJ DeVries for coming up with that term. on 23 Jul 2024 20:41 next collapse

I use VSCodium instead of Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code is a closed source distribution of “Code - OSS”. The names get a little confusing but Code - OSS is like Chromium, Visual Studio Code is like Google Chrome, and Codium is like ungoogled chromium. I use this because Visual Studio Code masquerades as being Open Source while hiding most of the functionality behind extensions in the marketplace while not letting other tools access the marketplace. on 23 Jul 2024 21:07 next collapse

Vs codium, which is based on vscode but spyware is stripped out on 24 Jul 2024 01:57 next collapse

VSCodium > VSCode on 24 Jul 2024 07:13 collapse

Since no one told me this, I will trek people:

If you go for codium, be warned that one of the big points of vs code, extensions, gets a lot more of a hassle.

One of the things you lose is access to Microsofts extension store, and they’ve added their own instead, and that one is missing a lot.

If you want extensions from the Microsoft store, you need to download them manually from the website, and keep them updated manually. on 24 Jul 2024 15:04 collapse

This includes the Python extension, so no Python for you (or at least no Pylance ;_;) on 24 Jul 2024 01:14 next collapse

What’s even the point then?

The point is that you can enable each separate extension you want running on your code editor or uninstall them if you’re unsatisfied. This makes it as light as you want it to be - or as heavy as you need it to.

I was doing fine with just vim and tmux

VSCode is like vim without vim controls and in a browser. Seen that way, it makes more sense. With Vim, you have to hunt for obscure Github repositories and follow arcane installation instructions for hidden extensions that you may or may not need and you have to learn a whole-ass keyboard-shortcut-based programming language just to use any of it.

With VSCode, you click on Extensions, search what you want and it’ll probably be there unless it’s a toxic ecosystem like PHP/C# or some niche ecosystem that no one heard about. on 24 Jul 2024 03:56 next collapse

I used Sublime Text for YEARS, then they kept changing the license and pricing model, so with everyone at work going to VSCode I finally gave in for scripts and web dev. For Java (which is a decent chunk of my day) I use Intellij. on 24 Jul 2024 04:28 next collapse

I used vscode for a few years, but I eventually went back to neovim/tmux. It’s a lot less resource heavy, and it’s easy to just ssh and jump in from home. I also much prefer a modal editor and I don’t want to have to touch a mouse. on 24 Jul 2024 05:14 next collapse

If you’re already doing vim an tmux then vscode is not be worth it. The main draw of VSCode is LSP but you can get that from either COC or nvim+lspconfig. Those will still take more effort than vscode but it’ll be more familiar. on 24 Jul 2024 17:50 next collapse

I do a lot of c++ and c# stuff. That feature where it opens a list of all the member functions and or variables of a given class or data type, the part where it underlines incorrect code as well as the thing that adds tooltip type documentation with comments to everything you hover your mouse over is invaluable.

The idea that there are people who program without that type of thing blows my mind. I can’t just memorize the entire code base myself 🤷 if I had to search the source code to verify every little thing every single time, it would take ages to get anything done.

I only use Linux and I don’t know what I’ll do when Microsoft eventually takes vs code away from us, whether by making it paid or dropping linux compatibility. I guess I’ll have to pirate the jetbrains software or something. on 24 Jul 2024 18:11 next collapse

I use neovim. But if I had to choose between vscode vs. JetBrains stuff, I much rather vscode. It’s far cleaner. on 24 Jul 2024 20:18 collapse

It’s good for new, unrelated stuff. For example if you’re just starting to work with python, or just want to test some project, its much easier to setup than nvim or emacs. I also like intellij idea. I think in terms of just works, it is much better. But it is more resource intensive