Dev rejects CVE severity, makes his GitHub repo read-only (
from to on 30 Jun 2024 21:33


threaded - newest on 01 Jul 2024 01:25 next collapse

The library hadn’t had any updates in 2 years before this. Clearly it wasn’t maintained. If you’re a user and bothered by this super edge case “vulnerability”, fork it and take on the responsibility yourself. on 01 Jul 2024 03:32 next collapse

100%. I think the developer taking the project read only was not a temper tantrum, it was just them signifying they don’t have time to maintain it. So now if you want anything to happen you must fork it. on 01 Jul 2024 03:49 collapse

I find this outcome delightful for all the compliance mandated organizations that are leaching with no intention to contribute back.

It could be really helpful for developers at pure leech organizations to make a case for being ready to contribute in an agile manner.

Now they’re all stuck waiting on either a good Samaritan, or their lawyers to get out of the way of progress.

I have little doubt that the fix has been committed to private forks dozens of times already, of course. on 02 Jul 2024 07:57 collapse

This whole debacle is a festival of stupidity:

  • It’s a personal project that taxes the sole maintainer disproportionately.
  • Millions of idiots use it blindly and end up building elaborate software on it.
  • I’ll bet you 99.99% of those idiots use it only for ip.isPrivate(), which you can write yourself in 5 minutes.
  • The CVE is a non-issue (who the fuck would call a function that takes string notation with hex numbers?)
  • Appealing and reverting or downgrading CVEs is super complicated.

At this point the maintainer is fucked no matter what they do, so archiving the project and telling everybody to fuck off right back was really the only sane thing to do. on 01 Jul 2024 15:57 next collapse

Clearly it wasn’t maintained.

Lol. It’s an IP library. IP classifications haven’t changed. What could he possibly update? on 02 Jul 2024 03:27 collapse

There’s a whole bunch of pull requests and issues sitting there for a start.

Personally I’d also update the example in the readme and set an engine value in the package.json file. on 02 Jul 2024 07:44 collapse

Then fork it and do that.

These projects are structured as hobbyist projects and get whatever time the maintainer can spare. I have projects like that, they’re useful, but I’m not gonna prioritize them over… anything else, come to think of it.

The fact so many people treat a hobbyist project with one maintainer as critical infrastructure is insane, but that’s on them. Everybody likes free software, nobody likes to help or pay the maintainer. on 02 Jul 2024 08:42 collapse

“unchanged” isn’t “unmaintained”. Wow, that’s a really short-sighted take. on 01 Jul 2024 23:18 collapse

I do feel like we may have hit a time where the groups classifying CVEs are a bit desperate for numbers. It’s really hard to tell the legitimate ones from the ones where it’s like “If you had tiny gremlins with soldering irons living inside your PC, its possible they might be able to determine what year your computer thinks it is. The gremlins are assumed to have full domain admin access”.