Game suggestions for daily bus/train rides?
from to on 27 Jan 11:50

Looking for retro games to play while on a bus/train. Any retro console.


threaded - newest on 27 Jan 12:08 next collapse

You could try Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on an Android Phone with VCMI App installed. Requires that you purchase Heroes 3 from Runs pretty well, but there are some elements that are pretty small. Ideally you are familiar with the game or similar games because it has some complexity. on 27 Jan 12:27 next collapse

Pretty much any console that your phone can emulate is an option. That gives you yor pick of whatever consoles and genres you like within the capabilities of your phone basically. on 27 Jan 12:49 collapse

I’ve got an RG505 and can play up to ps2. Was just looking for games that might be fun or nice to play on a bus ride. on 27 Jan 13:32 next collapse

I don’t have any recommendations myself, but anything that you can pick up and play in short bursts would be best for this I think. on 27 Jan 14:22 collapse

Ace Combat 2 and 3 (PSX), each mission is short and the flight controls are great. I expect the PS2 ace combat games to be equally great.

Chu Chu Rocket (DC) if you’re into puzzle

Neo Bomberman (Neo Geo), one of the best looking Bomberman games. It has both a traditional stage mode and a battle mode. on 27 Jan 12:28 next collapse

I’ve been replaying Link’s Awakening on my phone using a gbc emulator, you could try that. I’ve also just found Winlator so I might start also playing Sam and Max, you might see if those point you in any directions. on 27 Jan 13:12 collapse

Lots of adventure games available via scummvm. on 27 Jan 12:53 next collapse

Vampire survivor, good luck not missing your stop. on 27 Jan 13:11 next collapse

Final fantasy tactics on 27 Jan 15:18 next collapse

There are not many games I would get/build a retro handheld, but this is one that I would. on 27 Jan 15:28 collapse

Nintendo DS

Final fantasy tactics a2 on 27 Jan 13:19 next collapse

I just did a playthrough of Earthbound on my retro handheld that had the Maternalbound rom hack installed. It’s a cliche choice but super wonderful none the less on 27 Jan 14:22 next collapse

Pokemon or other turn based games that were originally designed for portables usually work great for a commute! Also monster hunter, I played a lot of that on the subway back in the day on my 3DS. Thr PSP games might be easy to emulate. on 27 Jan 14:49 next collapse

Devil Dice on Playstation on 27 Jan 15:31 next collapse

Advance Wars series on 27 Jan 15:34 next collapse

gonna throw out my favorite. shadowrun on the genesis. can't save at any point like while under attack or in the middle of a matrix run but you can save often and it works out good. on 27 Jan 16:18 next collapse

DOS emulator with classic ADoM on 28 Jan 03:32 next collapse

+1 towards turn-based games for your commute, keeps it easy to still be engaged with everything around you so you don't miss a stop or something. i really love the Mystery Dungeon games, which are roguelikes in the literal sense that they're procedurally generated dungeon crawlers where you start from scratch (or scratch-ish depending on how beginner friendly the title) when you die. the pokémon spinoffs are the most well known but there have been a lot of crossovers with other series as well as a line of completely original games called Shiren the Wanderer

i also have to mention Densha De Go, not because they would be particularly feasible but c'mon. don't you wanna drive a train while riding a train? it's real-er than VR! on 28 Jan 12:47 next collapse


Bank panic

Black Tiger


The Speed Rumbler

Wonderboy in Monsterland

All 9 or 10 out of 10s.


But yeah, set a timer-alarm to finish gaming 5min before your stop. on 28 Jan 16:01 next collapse

Picross 3D

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure on 28 Jan 20:08 next collapse

RYMDKAPSEL on Android isn’t retro but has very simple graphics and feels as hard as a lot of retro games do on 05 Feb 14:24 collapse

Chrono Trigger. It’s known as the best turn based RPG ever.