DOOM CAPTCHA: Defeat 3 Monsters for Verification | Retro Gaming News 24/7
from to on 06 Jan 2025 09:13
from to on 06 Jan 2025 09:13
The DOOM CAPTCHA is a unique verification method that requires users to play a small section of the classic DOOM game, defeating three monsters using just a pistol. This approach uses WebAssembly to run a mini-game directly in the browser.
- Accessibility Concerns: Users may find it challenging, especially since it seems to use higher difficulty levels like Ultra-Violence or Nightmare.
- Tech Community Reaction: The concept has gained traction online, with mixed reviews from users, who often describe it as ‘fun but frustrating’.
While this system isn’t likely to replace traditional CAPTCHAs widely, it definitely adds an interesting twist.
Could you beat this CAPTCHA?
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Interesting, but honestly this takes too much time to be a captcha. The longer it takes people to complete a captcha, the higher chances greedy people start looking to inject ads into it. I mean, they already do, but like, worse. Afterall, captchas are not “skippable,” and therefore ads in a captcha cannot be skipped.
Id rather not live in a world where verifying I am a human means I need to be subjected to 27 ads just to find the one thing I need to click on to prove I am, in fact, a human.
In the near future you can verify that you are human by putting in the code that you find on you daily Dr. Pepper can. The best thing? You have the chance to win a free COD skin!
Drink your verification can of Mountain Dew.
Drink verification can
Thanks, I hate it. It’s even worse than cloudflares’s captcha where you need to mark images with the same vibes as example.
Rotate and tap an imp could be a more realistic option.
This would be fun in very specific use cases and for a very specific audience of people. But otherwise it’s a lot of trouble and people would hate doing it most of the time. A true gimmick.
Yeah, not to mention it’s a little violent for mixed audiences.
Neat. I feel like this is one area where bots are already good at it but maybe with just visual data to work with they might have to try harder.
I beat this captcha on my phone in about five minutes. The on screen keyboard is fucken terrible. 10/10 would put this on my website.
The tactic is to be seen then get the fuck away and snipe three people
No. You shoot once and they will come like flies to a smelly meat.
This is what I did. I just died trying to maneuver my aim cause its on some hard ass difficulty with the demon panopticon right there.
This have so much challenge potential. Spawn, do a full circle around the map, return to spawn and win. I want a leaderboard for this.