on 23 Oct 14:23
Fun fact: Macs were a legitimately good gaming platform in the early 2000s with the first Halo being developed for Macs. Microsoft saw the threat and bought out Bungie and made it an Xbox exclusive.
on 23 Oct 14:32
Found a neat quote from the judges in the Sony v Connectix case:
“For this reason, some economic loss by Sony as a result of this competition does not compel a finding of no fair use. Sony understandably seeks control over the market for devices that play games Sony produces or licenses. The copyright law, however, does not confer such a monopoly.”
Now, it’s worth noting that Connectix actually produced their own BIOS, so this is not quite the same as the common emulators of today.
But still: The idea that copyright does not confer a monopoly on hardware to play your games would be a very spicy take from a court in 2024.
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Fun fact: Macs were a legitimately good gaming platform in the early 2000s with the first Halo being developed for Macs. Microsoft saw the threat and bought out Bungie and made it an Xbox exclusive.
Found a neat quote from the judges in the Sony v Connectix case:
Now, it’s worth noting that Connectix actually produced their own BIOS, so this is not quite the same as the common emulators of today.
But still: The idea that copyright does not confer a monopoly on hardware to play your games would be a very spicy take from a court in 2024.
I miss Connectix. They made some special and weird hardware and software, mostly for the Mac, back in the day ♥️
Bleemcast was black magic.