Broken Sword Ventures onto Evercade Next Month | Retro Gaming News 24/7
from to on 17 Jan 2025 09:18
from to on 17 Jan 2025 09:18
Blaze Entertainment is set to release the first two Broken Sword games on a single Evercade cartridge in February.
- Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
- Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror
These classic point-and-click adventures have been ported to Giga Cart format (for CD-based games), allowing them to be released on Evercade’s larger storage cartridges. Each game is a beloved and successful title in the genre, with the first release date back in 1996.
What are your memories of the Broken Sword games?
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Brilliant game - perhaps the highlight of the entire point & click series.
If anyone else enjoyed the game, I’d thoroughly recommend reading Revolution by Tony Warriner, what a wild ride that was - and gives a brilliant rundown of how the games (before and after Broken Sword) were made.
Broken sword is awesome