Run Your PS2 Library from a $50 Memory Card Effortlessly (
from to on 04 Feb 11:45

A new innovation in the retro gaming community now allows you to run your entire PS2 library directly from a $50 memory card, thanks to the Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) protocol.


threaded - newest on 04 Feb 11:52 next collapse

times like these I wish I didn't live paycheck to paycheck on 04 Feb 12:38 collapse

If it makes you feel any better compatibility is probably pretty mixed. Last I checked the PS2 memcard slot doesn’t have enough bandwidth to load all games reliably. on 04 Feb 15:03 collapse

Makes me wonder if it’s faster than the USB 1.1 ports on the PS2. I used to load PS2 games from a USB drive but 1.1 speeds meant that some games had stuttering FMVs and some with texture/geometry streaming were more susceptible to pop-in.

I can’t imagine it’d be much better via memory card though, considering it was only ever intended for small savegames and for loading firmware updates (which is also what this memory card or rather FreeMcBoot exploits). on 05 Feb 14:36 collapse

It is faster then the USB ports. I think fast enough for fmv too on 04 Feb 12:17 next collapse

That’s cool and all, but you can probably run your entire PS2 library from stuff you already own. on 04 Feb 12:19 next collapse

Kinda difficult to put all of your game discs into the PS2

Although seeing a CD carousel for it would be pretty neat. on 04 Feb 13:24 collapse

You can install a hard drive and burn your games to it. on 04 Feb 23:07 collapse

I’ve got a hard drive that’ll make you burn on 05 Feb 00:09 collapse

Not if I give ya the cold shoulder. on 04 Feb 12:34 next collapse

Some people like to play on original hardware but I guess this still being emulation makes that a little cloudy. I certainly couldn’t justify it. I own a computer and wireless controller, so as you said. on 05 Feb 00:56 next collapse

If you have a relatively powerful computer or phone, and your library only contains games from the console’s top 100 or so, you’re probably right. on 05 Feb 14:30 collapse

I have my ps2 games on my Nas and set up a share that Open Ps2 Loader could access, except the games that don’t work like that which i have on an internal ssd, this sounds like a much easier solution I could have done instead of needing to get an oem network adapter, a hard drive, a sata adapter board, a d all the configuration and freemcboot… sounds like this would replace all that… if I wasn’t already set up I would have gone this route. on 05 Feb 20:26 collapse

Woah woah slow down, this sounds like more fun. What is your setup? on 05 Feb 20:42 collapse

what do you mean my setup? I have a fat PS2 with an OG network adapter that I removed the IDE board from and replaced with a SATA board and attached a SSD to it. Network cable runs from the network adapter to the wall, I have lots of magic behind the wall, and then it comes out at the NAS where I have a share where all the games are digitally backed up while the discs store dust in a box in my closet. Only game I currently run off the SSD since it won’t work over the NAS is FF10-2, and really the only reason I even ripped it was because that’s how I felt when the game came out… on 05 Feb 22:41 collapse

I mean that. I thought open loader 2 was some streaming platform or something. on 05 Feb 23:01 collapse

Nope homebrew ps2 app to load games from hdd, usb, or ethernet on 04 Feb 14:26 next collapse

Probably cheaper/better to use a 2.5" hard drive. Though I guess this works with Slims as well on 04 Feb 14:33 collapse

I think the best thing is to load your games over the network. The usb ports are only 1.0. And I’m pretty sure the network adapter hard drive connector either only accepts up to 40gb drives or it only uses a pata connection. on 04 Feb 14:54 next collapse

There are newer adapters for the network port. I use a 500GB SATA drive just fine, it’s just a pain in the butt to transfer games on 04 Feb 16:56 next collapse

I just added a SATA drive to my ps2 yesterday, and it plays ps2 games fine but I really want to play psx games. Is there a solution for this yet? on 04 Feb 17:12 next collapse

You can use POPStarter to use the built-in software emulator, but it’s not great. There’s also FreeMCBoot and MechaPwn if burning discs isn’t a problem (might only work on some models? I’m not sure) on 04 Feb 17:57 next collapse

I modded my PS Mini for PS1 games. Its pretty simple. on 04 Feb 20:30 collapse

Hell yeah, that sounds awesome. Does it have native composite video out? I wanna play on my crt without using an hdmi converter on 05 Feb 02:40 next collapse

I think the PS Mini is HDMI only.

Do you happen to have a Wii lying around? It can do actually pretty good PS1 emulation nowadays, and supports analog signals (including 240p) on 05 Feb 14:01 collapse

I do! I’ll have to play around with it on 05 Feb 13:12 collapse

Its HDMI only.

The Wii someone else suggested may be a good way to go, I think they are fairly easy to get a hold of. I have not personally modified a Wii yet but its next ony todo list for console upgrades. on 05 Feb 01:30 collapse

What ShinkanTrain said. The last a read about it, the PS2 only switches into PS1 mode on a trigger from the optical drive subsystem, and then most of the memory and other hardware used to run homebrew is deactivated. AFAIK no-one’s yet found a way to trigger the change in software and keep the connection to wherever you’re loading your game from.

I believe that on certain revisions of the console, MechaPwn can overcome the protection, but you still need a “Playstation 1” CD in the drive to actually run something, as ShinkanTrain wrote. on 04 Feb 23:08 collapse

Why is it a paid in the butt on 05 Feb 01:24 collapse

Probably because it’s pretty slow, and the custom drive format used by the PS2 isn’t very flexible; game images have to be in one continuous block, and blocks can’t be moved. You can overwrite one game with another, but only if it’s the same size or smaller. So if you delete games off in the reverse of the order you put them on you’re fine, but otherwise you’re going to leave empty “holes” of wasted space. on 04 Feb 17:56 next collapse

I bought a 3rd party drive adaptor without a network port and had to load my games on my PC using a network enclosure.

It was still a pain. Its all soooooo slow and buggy. on 05 Feb 01:18 collapse

Having tried both a USB3 drive adapter and downloading over Ethernet, I’ll say that Ethernet was way slower for me.

The average copy time on the adapter was about 30 minutes, but over Ethernet it took 3-4 times as long. on 04 Feb 18:01 next collapse

I have a 500GB drive in my hard drive slot using the third party adapter and grimDoomer OPL on 05 Feb 01:15 collapse

I have a 2TB SATA HDD in my PS2 fat. AFAIK that’s still the maximum storage size possible with the FMCB/wLaunchELF software. I believe that an unmodded original network adapter should be able to take up to a 512MB IDE drive, but I’d have to double-check that.

I used to use a third-party “network adapter” (they usually don’t have Ethernet, just an HDD connector) with SATA support, which still works fine (it seems like most brands stopped working properly after a certain homebrew software version), but later I bought an official adapter (IDE/PATA) and a SATA conversion kit (a kit specific to the PS2 network adapter, not a standard IDE-SATA converter, which sometimes work with the PS2 and sometimes don’t) so I could try network stuff.

I don’t think it was worth it, but these days it’s probably the way to go since there no longer seems to be any way of telling the non-working aftermarket adaptors from the working ones; the companies making the bad ones just started putting the brand name of the one still working adapter on their products. on 04 Feb 18:00 next collapse

From my experience using mem2sio to run games from an SD card is that the memory card slot causes issues with certain games causing issues from lagging cutscenes, long load times, and freezes. Are those fixed in this version or is it similar as far as compatibility goes? on 07 Feb 14:51 next collapse

Yeah, I saw this AFTER I installed the IDE Resurrector in my slim. JFC. So much soldering. So much troubleshooting. on 07 Feb 14:53 collapse

What if I wanted to use a cheaper memory card?