I’ve been playing my non-hacked WiiU today, it’s great!
on 14 Oct 20:44
I’ve been meaning to hack mine
Lately I’ve been using a hacked 3Ds and it’s honestly the best thing ever
on 14 Oct 21:19
I want a 3ds to hack!!
So expensive
on 14 Oct 23:18
Has the price gone up? I bought one for each family member a couple years ago when they were getting rid of old stock. They were pretty cheap at the time. What’s the going rate?
on 14 Oct 23:38
Idk I’m seeing em on craigslist for no less than like $250+ : (
on 15 Oct 00:07
Holy crap! That’s nuts! Hopefully they come back down for you
I relate to that so hard though!
I got 3 friends that I hand out with on a regular basis and 2 that keep some what in touch. I love them all like brothers (known them all for 20 years) and everyone else can kick rocks 😆
threaded - newest
The WiiU’s entire target market was people with exactly 4 friends
That’s because Nintendo only sod 3 WiiU systems!
Unless you were playing Smash Brothers, then you could have 8.
But I sure do love my hacked wiiu
I’ve been playing my non-hacked WiiU today, it’s great!
I’ve been meaning to hack mine
Lately I’ve been using a hacked 3Ds and it’s honestly the best thing ever
I want a 3ds to hack!!
So expensive
Has the price gone up? I bought one for each family member a couple years ago when they were getting rid of old stock. They were pretty cheap at the time. What’s the going rate?
Idk I’m seeing em on craigslist for no less than like $250+ : (
Holy crap! That’s nuts! Hopefully they come back down for you
As soon as they shut down the 3ds store I was like “well, it’s open hacking season!” Honestly, it’s pretty cool. Highly recommend.
Pretendo gang rise up
Which failed and prompted Big N to target the Switch at people with 1-3 friends, again.
I relate to that so hard though! I got 3 friends that I hand out with on a regular basis and 2 that keep some what in touch. I love them all like brothers (known them all for 20 years) and everyone else can kick rocks 😆