Analogue’s 4K Nintendo 64 retro console has been delayed, again (
from to on 18 Mar 19:37


threaded - newest on 18 Mar 20:18 next collapse

If you expected Analogue to have a reasonable amount of product (ready for release or otherwise), you have not been paying attention. on 18 Mar 20:58 next collapse

Do I still need to blow in the cartridges? on 18 Mar 21:04 collapse

If it’s anything like Analogue Pocket then the contact points will need to be in pristine condition. Blowing on them might not do the trick but isopropyl swab should. on 18 Mar 22:16 next collapse

I like to take one step further and use a white pencil eraser followed by IPA. Helps get more of the dirt and oxidation off. on 19 Mar 03:53 collapse

This may be enough for most cases but I prefer to hit the inside of my cartridges with a sand blaster and then soak the entire thing in hydrochloric acid, really gets it good on 19 Mar 04:26 collapse

I get this is supposed to be a joke but why is it funny? on 19 Mar 05:03 collapse

If I had to put it in words, I’d say that it’s an example of absurdist humor by taking the common act of “one-up’ing” to an unexpected extreme degree.

ex.: “I prefer mowers from x brand, because they give a more consistent cut height.” / “Yeah, those mowers are great and all, but I started using a ruler and scissors to cut my lawn, it really took it to the next level” on 18 Mar 22:57 collapse

In the AP I use the trick of pulling the cart 1mm. Works better than blowing. on 19 Mar 06:15 next collapse

I mean, I don’t care that much. It’s a niche product for a niche audience. This is hardly anything to get worked up about on 19 Mar 06:43 collapse

My rule of thumb: Better delayed than unfinished or unusable. on 20 Mar 20:28 collapse

It’s different when the company is know for causing artificial scarcity though on 21 Mar 05:07 collapse

I see