It probably won't give you nightmares or anything
from to on 28 Feb 17:21


threaded - newest on 28 Feb 17:38 next collapse

And the ReDead face huggers approaching as you are literally frozen in fear. on 28 Feb 23:32 collapse

I think Link was frozen in the game, too on 28 Feb 17:58 next collapse

8 year old me was so excited to play that game and I can remember being in the basement running around Hyrule and encountering my first Redead. The corpse got up from the ground, turning in that stilting fashion, screaming, and leaping onto my back and biting my neck until I died. I was petrified for a moment, I then turned off the game and didn’t come back to play it until I was twice that age.

Fuckin great game tho on 28 Feb 18:25 next collapse

Probably the most legit scared I ever was in a video game, and I was 13.That, and Half-Mummified Gibdo Dad popping out of the wardrobe in Majora’s Mask. on 28 Feb 23:58 next collapse

Always got my older brother to complete the well & the spirit temple. Noooo thank you. on 01 Mar 00:55 next collapse

I read all these people here being creeped out by the zombie-like creatures. And I get that. But the things that really gave me the creeps as a child were the like like… Just that hairy texture, and them looking like leeches really made my skin crawl. on 01 Mar 00:57 collapse

The re-deads in OOT did kinda freak me out, and I had played shit like Castlevania and Splatterhouse long before it came out.