Rescued old CRT (
from to on 18 Oct 09:57

Rescued old CRT I put a lot of work in. Was totally dead when I got it, rescued it to be almost perfect again.

It still has an intermittent horizontal size issue and the power button has some cosmetic wear. But at least the power button works, it used to only work when you would hold it down.

Be sure to enable the audio for some good retro tunes coming from the monitor.


threaded - newest on 18 Oct 10:53 next collapse

Wow that’s gorgeous great work. I just picked up a Memorex MT1091 and when it arrives it will be the first CRT I’ve owned since childhood and I’m pretty stoked for it to arrive. Mines in working condition - bought it for use on a gaming test bench, but I definitely can appreciate the hard work that goes into these. Your final result is beautiful. on 18 Oct 11:13 collapse

Wow that’s awesome man. Glad you added the ‘since childhood’ part, I was feeling a bit old.

I’ve fixed up a lot of CRTs, but this one is kinda special, since it goes so well with the MSX system. on 18 Oct 11:17 collapse

Indeed the color pallete, the geometry, its spot on. on 18 Oct 11:29 next collapse

Really cool find and great work with the refurbishing.

I’ve picked up a 14" Bush CRT with a VHS player and a 29" Ferguson that people put out next to the rubbish bins. They both need repairs, but they kind of work. It’s so cool to play the old consoles in these! And there’s a special thing about playing a video cassette for those of us who grew up with it 😬 on 18 Oct 11:42 next collapse

Congrats and mad respect! Was reading some of the details in your comments in the other thread. A function generator is definitely on my want list, along with a CRT analyzer (if I happen to find a deal on a good one). on 18 Oct 11:54 collapse

Function generators have come down in price so much the past 10 years or so. In the past a good function gen was a very specialized expensive piece of kit. These days you can get a pretty decent unit for not much money at all.

When I first got this monitor powered up, the vertical deflection was totally collapsed. Turned out two transistors were acting weird. They weren’t broken exactly, but not acting like they should either. Without a function gen I would not have caught that as quickly as I did. on 18 Oct 11:55 next collapse

That MSX though, my childhood passes before my eyes looking at it. on 18 Oct 12:12 collapse

My first computer was an MSX (the model in the vid, not the same one alas) in 1984, it opened up the world of computing for me (hence my username having the 84).

I have DOS 2.0 running on that thing with FAT16 support, so that means folders and it can (in theory) handle 4GB of data. If I would have told my young self that, my head would have both literally and figuratively exploded. on 18 Oct 15:09 collapse

Nice you should throw this on /c/crtgaming . We love this kind of stuff. on 18 Oct 15:49 collapse

Crossposted it! Thanks, I didn’t know that community existed. on 18 Oct 16:24 collapse

Its pretty small, but thats what makes it special. Real people that love the hobby.
