The Sims 1 and 2 Could Be Re-Released This Week
from to on 28 Jan 2025 12:18
from to on 28 Jan 2025 12:18
According to multiple reports, The Sims 1 and The Sims 2 are set to be re-released digitally on PC later this week as part of EA’s “Nostalgia Now” event celebrating the franchise’s 25th anniversary.
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Wow, fun. 3 had so many improvements over 2, but some things that were so fun about 2 got left behind in 3 as well.
And yet I somehow have a very nagging feeling that they screw it up somehow. Either some expansions missing, lincensed content packs (like the Ikea one) not available or some financial decision that will bleed any fan dry more than anything.
They gave people who could prove they had Sims 2 the Ultimate Collection on Origin and… you are correct. It was missing content. I see no reason that it won’t still be true.
Heck, for The Sims 1 there was a ton of official stuff that you had to download from Maxis’s website. Some of it is lost media.
Not sure about that last bit. IIRC all of the EA TS1 downloads are archived pretty extensively, across many fan sites and the IA for good measure.
Then again the last time I checked was probably over a decade ago.
Yeah, I went through the hunt about 3 months ago. MANY of those fan sites are long-gone, and couldn’t save them because they put the downloads behind a login.
There were about 2 good archive locations, but both were incomplete. I got about 96% of the official stuff though.
Here’s what I got in my old local archive folder, if it helps. Let me know if I have something missing, I’ve never been on this side of this interaction!
list of files
Not entirely sure if this is complete, or if it’s even all Maxis. I have a third party mod folder backed up somewhere (and one with those old text guides, loved those) but I didn’t find it with a quick search. This folder is from 2010, so it’s not exactly period-correct. In case Windows doesn’t like these older .exes they seem to just be archives with the .far files inside, so you can rip them open. Not exactly sure why some of these are .zips and others are .exes, but the .zips only contain the .far files.
One thing that sucks is that some disk content was just permanently gated behind these downloads, and there was every possibility that you wouldn’t know these downloads existed. Specifically there were Makin Magic recipes for child-only magic stuff that used ingredients only adults could gather. So the Magic Bookshelf was mandatory to see that stuff that came on the damn disk. I’m pretty sure I was using a third party reskin of that item before looking for the original, but I could be wrong.
Good lord, .far files. Remember FARout? Those really were the days. I still like to think I’ll revisit TS1 properly someday. That was a proper game, with unapologetic personality.
Here’s the stuff I was able to find. I think I’m missing some Command & Conquer crossover stuff, as well as some celebrity NPCs. NPC_SarahMcLachlan was probably the hardest to find.
Some of these were DLC for the base game that was later added via expansion pack, but it should all be official EA/Maxis as far as I am aware:
Sims 1 DLC
BalloonArch.exe BookshelfMagic.exe cheerleader.exe ClownCatchers.exe ColumnFrench.exe CuckooClock.exe Dartboard.exe DormBookcase.exe DormChairLiving.exe DormLampDesk.exe DormPainting.exe DormSculpture.exe DormStereo.exe DoubleDeluxe1.exe doubledeluxe2.exe doubledeluxe3.exe FunHouseTrack4x1-1003.exe FunHouseTrackLoop-1003.exe GardenPack.exe GreenBedroomSet.exe GuineaPig.exe HolidayCookies.exe HouseHatfield.exe HouseJones.exe HouseMaximus.exe HouseSnooty.exe HouseValentino.exe HPPottyPack.exe HulaLamp1.exe HungryHamster.exe IntelComputer_International.exe JackOLantern.exe McFoodCart_International.exe Moosehead.exe MTVSkins.exe NPC_FreddiePrinzeJr.exe NPC_SarahMcLachlan.exe PartyBalloons.exe PartyLights.exe PepsiMachine1.exe PetSkinsPack1.exe PetSkinsPack2.exe PicnicUmbrellas.exe PlantCarnivore.exe Plants.exe QueenVivRoses.exe RenegadeSkins1.exe RenegadeSkins2.exe SCDrinks.exe ShrimpCart.exe sidmeierskin.exe SkinPack.exe Skin_Pack_One.exe SlotMachine.exe SSXSkins.exe StairsSweepingReverse.exe StrayAway.exe SweepingStair.exe TableSoccer2.exe Topiaries.exe Turkey.exe TVCommercials.exe TVSkins.exe VacationSkins.exe WallLightPack.exe WhiteHouse.exe
Ah. I was hoping I was holding on to some long-lost file, I think every one in my list is included in your list. I think the rare ones were limited-time exclusives.
If it’s not too much trouble, you should make sure there’s an up to date copy of all these files somewhere. At least the IA should have it, I’d think.
Best of luck finding the rest.
They better at least allow more resolutions for the Sims 1. I’m not gonna play a 1024x768 game on a 4K display.
Well, that’s good, because I don’t have an analog PC.
Right? As if any physical medium used in modern computing had been analog.
The only one I can think of is the Datasette, which was released in the late 70s…
Well, there's also software on vinyl! I think Techmoan has something on that.
The question is, have they gone in and fixed the big sources of corruption in the game… or is it just gonna be the same ol’ slightly broken Ultimate Collection?
I might get Sims 2 just for nostalgia if the pricing is not too high. These are old af games and not even remastered so they shouldnt cost too much, right EA? right?
I can’t wait to play sims 1 and 2 now with microtransactions. Just what it was missing