How hard could it be?
from to on 17 Oct 16:39


threaded - newest on 17 Oct 16:46 next collapse

To be fair, assembly lines of code are fairly short.

/ducks on 17 Oct 17:19 collapse

Back in the day we wrote everything in asm on 17 Oct 18:36 next collapse

Pssh, if you haven’t coded on punch cards, you aren’t a real coder on 17 Oct 18:39 collapse

Writing in ASM is not too bad provided that there’s no operating system getting in the way. If you’re on some old 8-bit microcomputer where you’re free to read directly from the input buffers and write directly to the screen framebuffer, or if you’re doing embedded where it’s all memory-mapped IO anyway, then great. Very easy, makes a lot of sense. For games, that era basically ended with DOS, and VGA-compatible cards that you could just write bits to and have them appear on screen.

Now, you have to display things on the screen by telling the graphics driver to do it, and so a lot of your assembly is just going to be arranging all of your data according to your platform’s C calling convention and then making syscalls, plus other tedious-but-essential requirements like making sure the stack is aligned whenever you make a jump. You might as well write macros to do that since you’ll be doing it a lot, and if you’ve written macros to do it then you might as well be using C instead, since most of C’s keywords and syntax map very closely to the ASM that would be generated by macros.

A shame - you do learn a lot by having to tell the computer exactly what you want it to do - but I couldn’t recommend it for any non-trivial task any more. Maybe a wee bit of assembly here-and-there when you’ve some very specific data alignment or timing-sensitive requirement. on 17 Oct 18:52 collapse

I like ASM because it can be delightfully simple, but it’s just not very productive especially in light of today’s tooling. In practice, I use it only when nothing else will do, such as for operating system task schedulers or hardware control. It’s nice to have the opportunity every once in a while to work on an embedded system with no OS but not something I get the chance to do very often.

On one large ASM project I worked (an RTOS) it’s exactly as you described. You end up developing your own version of everything a C compiler could have done for you for free. on 17 Oct 16:53 next collapse

I mean, I’m pretty sure it would be a good learning experience so I would really not regret it. on 17 Oct 17:15 collapse

I tried decades ago. Grew up learning BASIC and then C, how hard could it be? For a 12 year old with no formal teacher and only books to go off of, it turns out, very. I’ve learned a lot of coding languages on my own since, but I still can’t make heads or tales of assembly. on 17 Oct 17:17 next collapse

Sounds very similar to my own experience though there was a large amount of Pascal in between BASIC and C. on 17 Oct 17:31 collapse

Yeah, I skipped Pascal, but it at least makes sense when you look at it. By the time my family finally jumped over to PC, C was more viable. Then in college, when I finally had to opportunity to formally learn, it was just C++ and HTML… We didn’t even get Java! on 17 Oct 18:13 collapse

I had used like four different flavors of BASIC by the time I got a IBM compatible PC, but I ended up getting on the Borland train and ended up with Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, and Turbo ASM (and Turbo C++ that I totally bounced off of). I was in the first class at my school that learned Java in college. It was the brand new version 1.0.6! It was so rough and new, but honestly I liked it. It’s wildly different now. on 17 Oct 18:06 next collapse

Assembly requires a knowledge of the cpu architecture pipeline and memory storage addressing. Those concepts are generally abstracted away in modern languages on 17 Oct 18:12 collapse

You don’t need to know the details of the CPU architecture and pipeline, just the instruction set.

Memory addressing is barely abstracted in C, and indexing in some form of list is common in most programming languages, so I don’t think that’s too hard to learn.

You might need to learn the details of the OS. That would get more complicated. on 17 Oct 19:48 collapse

I said modern programming languages. I do not consider C a modern language. The point still stands about abstraction in modern languages. You don’t need to understand memory allocation to code in modern languages, but the understanding will greatly benefit you.

I still contend that knowledge of the cpu pipeline is important or else your code will wind up with a bunch of code that is constantly resulting in CPU interrupts. I guess you could say you can code in assembly without knowledge of the cpu architecture, but you won’t be making any code that runs better the output code from other languages. on 17 Oct 21:57 collapse

Try 6502 assembly.

My favorite assembly language by far. on 18 Oct 00:54 collapse

this page is great. starting right at “draw some pixels” in such a simple way just instantly makes it feel a bit more approachable! on 17 Oct 17:14 next collapse

Step 1: Begin writing in Assembly

Step 2: Write C

Step 3: Use C to write C#

Step 4: Implement Unity

Step 5: Write your game

Step 6: ???

Step 7: Profit on 17 Oct 18:22 next collapse

Eww Unity on 17 Oct 18:44 next collapse

Step 6 extort developers on 17 Oct 19:51 next collapse

Step 0: Invent the universe on 17 Oct 20:32 collapse

What are we doing here? Baking a pie? on 17 Oct 19:59 collapse

Good thing I wrote my own game engine using D, and soon there will be 2 (known) games for it. on 17 Oct 20:25 next collapse


Don’t give me hope.

I was really into D, but I gave up on it because it seemed kind of dead. It’s often not mentioned in long lists of languages (i.e. I think Stack Overflow’s report did not mention it), and I think I remember once looking at a list of projects that used D and most of them were dead. I think I also remember once seeing a list of companies that used D, and when I looked up one of them I found out it didn’t exist anymore 😐️ on 17 Oct 21:43 collapse

I’m on E already on 17 Oct 17:23 next collapse

Reminder that ttd was open source even before open ttd :D on 17 Oct 17:34 next collapse

I don’t know if everyone gets the reference: RollerCoaster Tycoon is in fact writing mostly in assembly to use the hardware more efficiently on 17 Oct 18:53 collapse

It also makes it really portable which is a big part of why all the ports to modern systems are so close to the original. Obligatory OpenRCT2 shoutout. on 17 Oct 19:25 next collapse

Started playing openrct2 multiplayer with a friend yesterday. Some of the best fun I’ve had. on 17 Oct 20:45 next collapse

Damn this post. This is really going to f up my weekend plans. on 17 Oct 23:20 collapse

My friend and I created MONORAIL LAND on 18 Oct 03:12 collapse

Does it have a scientist Batman? on 17 Oct 22:24 collapse

Writing it in assembly would make it pretty much the opposite of portable (not accounting for emulation), since you are directly giving instructions to a specific hardware and OS. on 18 Oct 02:49 collapse

Not necessarily, unless you’re working on something like an OS you’re not usually directly accessing/working on the hardware. As long as you can connect the asm up to your os/driver abstraction layer and the os to hardware apis work the game should be functional. Not to mention RCT targets the x86 assembler architecture which was one of the most popular at the time on 17 Oct 17:49 next collapse

Is it only 500,000 lines? on 17 Oct 17:50 next collapse

Shifts bit to the left

Um what am I doing

Shifts bit to the right

program crashes on 17 Oct 17:57 next collapse

Chris Sawyer is a madman. on 17 Oct 18:53 collapse

I believe you meant to write genius. on 17 Oct 19:50 collapse

Chris Genius is a madman. on 17 Oct 20:47 collapse

Who the hell even is Madam Chris Genius? on 17 Oct 18:33 next collapse

Your game will actually likely be more efficient if written in C. The gcc compiler has become ridiculously optimized and probably knows more tricks than you do. on 17 Oct 20:15 next collapse

Especially these days. Current-gen x86 architecture has all kinds of insane optimizations and special instruction sets that the Pentium I never had (e.g. SSE). You really do need a higher-level compiler at your back to make the most of it these days. And even then, there are cases where you have to resort to inline ASM or processor-specific intrinsics to optimize to the level that Roller Coaster Tycoon is/was. (original system specs) on 17 Oct 21:41 next collapse

Yep but not if you write sloppy C code. Gotta keep those nuts and bolts tight! on 18 Oct 01:40 collapse

If you’re writing sloppy C code your assembly code probably won’t work either on 17 Oct 21:50 collapse

Write it in Rust, and it’ll never even leak memory. on 17 Oct 18:34 next collapse

This game ran so smooth. on 17 Oct 18:51 next collapse

Don’t Want to be that Guy but you can actually use libraries in Assembly and probably want to, as otherwise you have no good way of interacting with the os. on 17 Oct 19:21 next collapse

You can actually pluralize library and probably want to. on 17 Oct 20:16 collapse

In fact Chris Sawyer did use C for the purposes of linking the OS libraries necessary for windowing, rendering, sound etc. on 17 Oct 18:54 next collapse

They call me the Programmer and I speak to the metal,

Now check out this app, that really shows off my mettle! on 18 Oct 00:48 collapse

where’s your furry cracktro then?? on 17 Oct 18:56 next collapse

I want to get off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride on 17 Oct 21:21 next collapse

The ride never ends! on 18 Oct 00:01 collapse

I was looking for this comment. Brings back so many good memories of the early internet. on 17 Oct 18:59 next collapse

you need all of that when writing a game in assembly. wtf do you think assembly is? on 17 Oct 19:27 next collapse

I love Roller Coaster Tycoon. It’s absolutely crazy how he managed to write a game in a way many wouldn’t even attempt even in those days, but it’s not just a technical feat, it’s a creative masterpiece that’s still an absolute blast to play.

It still blows my mind how smoothly it gives the illusion of 3D and physics, yet it can run on almost anything.

OpenRCT brings a lot of quality of life and is often the recommended way to play today, but the original RCT will always deserve a spot on any “Best Games of All Time” list. on 17 Oct 22:40 collapse

It was even ported to the original Xbox. I remember the total games file size being incredibly small - compared to most other titles on that system. on 17 Oct 19:30 next collapse

Not Assembly, but HROT was written in Pascal by one person and runs buttery smooth. on 17 Oct 21:55 collapse

Oooh! Know what I’m playing this weeeknd! Thanks! on 17 Oct 21:17 next collapse

  • Programming was never meant to be abstract so far from the hardware.
  • 640k is enough ram for everybody.
  • The come with names like rust, typescript, go, and python. Names thought up by imbeciles.
  • Dev environments, environmental variables, build and make scripts, and macros, from the minds of the utter deranged.

They have played us for fools on 17 Oct 21:39 next collapse

try writing it it in Assembly

Small error, game crashes and takes whole PC with it burning a hole in the ground. on 17 Oct 22:09 next collapse

Back into the fiery pit of hell, where it belongs! on 17 Oct 22:17 next collapse

Just don’t make any errors. Not one. on 17 Oct 22:48 collapse

It dis-assembled the computer! on 17 Oct 21:49 next collapse

Roller coaster Tycoon is one of a lifetime game.

Now everything is electron or react shit. Gone are the times of downloading fully featured software under 10mb. on 17 Oct 22:33 collapse

But the modern OpenRCT, written in an actual language, is better in every way. on 18 Oct 00:33 collapse

Probably not as optimized though.

RCT could run on a toaster from the 90’s (ok, maybe early 2000’s) and looked amazing for the time.

OpenRCT can run on a toaster from the 2010’s and looks great because of the timeless art style of the original.

It’s still an incredible feat, though! on 17 Oct 22:12 next collapse

petah please what’s this mean on 17 Oct 22:18 collapse

The game Roller Coaster Tycoon was famously hand written in raw CPU instructions (called assembly language). It’s only one step removed from writing literal ones and zeros. Normally computers are programmed using a human-friendly language which is then “compiled” into CPU instructions so that the humans don’t have to deal with the tedium and complication of writing CPU instructions. on 17 Oct 22:34 collapse

thanks petah on 18 Oct 00:44 collapse

Glory to you… abd your hoooouse!

[deleted] on 18 Oct 00:49 collapse
