Never Go On Vacation Without A Portable
from to on 23 Aug 2023 14:31

Analogue Pocket playing Pokemon Trading Card Game 2 (Fan Translation)


threaded - newest on 23 Aug 2023 15:10 next collapse

This picture makes me irrationally angry. You do you, but if I’m gonna travel far from home to explore the ancient ruins of a long gone civilization, I’m not gonna bring a fucking gameboy or whatever that is to play some goddamn pokemon. Seriously, wtf, and PS, when did I turn into Calvin’s dad? on 23 Aug 2023 15:15 next collapse

Understandable, but this picture is from my hotel waiting for my wife getting ready for the night out, so no time wasted and I had some peaceful rest. on 23 Aug 2023 21:17 collapse

Good points. Also they clearly haven’t played the Pokemon TCG. on 23 Aug 2023 15:18 next collapse

To be fair, you could bring it to play in your hotel at the end of the day just before bed and/or for the trip to and from your destination. But other than those times, yeah, leave it in the hotel room or in your luggage. on 23 Aug 2023 15:20 next collapse

Exactly on 23 Aug 2023 18:44 collapse

Isn’t this the only worthwhile scenario for taking handhelds with you on trips?

Definitely the complaining dude did not think this through. on 23 Aug 2023 18:36 collapse

Cause there’s never any downtime between events on a vacation, or you know, maybe it’s the end of the night and he’s just winding down before going to bed. on 23 Aug 2023 15:40 next collapse

Bothers me still that they called it analogue when it’s clearly digital technology. on 23 Aug 2023 16:12 next collapse

I always bring my ps vita with. Can play alot of different games on a modded vita . on 23 Aug 2023 18:59 collapse

I just beat tcg2, I’m onto the end game content trying to get that 50 wins in a row