Lunar Remastered Collection Launching April 18
from to on 14 Jan 2025 15:46
from to on 14 Jan 2025 15:46
The Lunar Remastered Collection, featuring Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete, is officially set to launch on April 18, 2025.
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OMG I cannot wait!!!
One of my strongest gaming memories growing up was beating Silver Star Story sitting in a cramped hotel room in the middle of a Minnesota blizzard. My parents let me lug along my PSX on this road trip and I beat the last boss on last possible hit. Like everyone dead but the main character, if I didn’t win this round then the boss would wipe me next time around. I had a full on throw the controller in the air, run circles around the 6’ of open floor space in the hotel room, kind of celebration. My parents… didn’t get it, but that’s okay 😆
I never did get around to finishing Eternal Blue. Maybe this will be my excuse to pick it up again.
Hope it still has the hidden breakout mini game.
For the lazy: ……/LUNAR_Remastered_Collection/
You’re welcome.
I have these, and I thought it would be neat to re-experience them a few months ago.
Wow, voice acting has changed in the last little bit, huh? I remember laughing along, but i couldn’t last for more than an hour with those voices.