on 07 Mar 22:16
Not Jumping Flash, after all? Neat.
on 07 Mar 23:48
I played Specter on the Super Nintendo as a kid, that might be a contender. It’d older than Super Mario 64.
It’s a tank game where you roam around an endless flat space, hunting other extremely-low-poly tanks. The only other objects are cylinders sitting there. It was actually pretty fun.
Great, but nobody’s going to be able to guess that until they sit through
And I don’t really care about this person or their video
I’m not trying to be hurtful but that’s the truth
on 08 Mar 10:39
That’s understandable and fair enough - main reason I pointed it out was because your comment made it seem like the video was one of the watchtime bait ones, that only reveal the answer halfway through or even only at the end, potentially keeping even people interested from even trying to watch. Thankfully, its right at the beginning, and the rest is just details about development, context, gameplay and such.
threaded - newest
Not Jumping Flash, after all? Neat.
I played Specter on the Super Nintendo as a kid, that might be a contender. It’d older than Super Mario 64.
It’s a tank game where you roam around an endless flat space, hunting other extremely-low-poly tanks. The only other objects are cylinders sitting there. It was actually pretty fun.
<img alt="" src="">
Doesn’t really look like you are jumping on platforms, But I could of course be wrong
Looks like a clone of Battlezone, which predates this by quite a lot
Alpha Waves by Infogrames
Saved you 20 minutes.
Funnily enough, he reveals that quite early in the video, so you saved them maybe 5 minutes at best. EDIT: It’s actually at about the 1:15 mark
Great, but nobody’s going to be able to guess that until they sit through
And I don’t really care about this person or their video
I’m not trying to be hurtful but that’s the truth
That’s understandable and fair enough - main reason I pointed it out was because your comment made it seem like the video was one of the watchtime bait ones, that only reveal the answer halfway through or even only at the end, potentially keeping even people interested from even trying to watch. Thankfully, its right at the beginning, and the rest is just details about development, context, gameplay and such.