CryZENx Unveils 30-Minute Zelda Ocarina of Time Preview
from to on 01 Jan 2025 08:16
from to on 01 Jan 2025 08:16
CryZENx, a well-known indie developer, has released a stunning new 30-minute gameplay preview of his fan-made remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 5.5.
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How have Nintendo’s lawyers not shut this down yet?
They're waiting until enough work is put in to actually upset people, just as a warning to other potential criminals thinking of doing anything similar.
Slowdown there, Mr Nintendo.
On my way to sue you for daring to type out the trademark "Nintendo" without proper authorization.
They’re never the quickest and usually only act if they learn of something from the media. That said, by asking for money via Patreon, the developer is also asking to get sued.
How come these people never learn?
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
— Sun Tzu, The Art of War
In its current state this is pretty much a tech demo. Typically companies will use copyright if they see the end product as something that could compete against their current products while infinging their trademarks.
<img alt="" src="">
Nintendo, hire this man
It’s still crazy to see this man working on this all these years later. Even if I have very little interest in the project now, kudos to him for doing this as a one man band. Something like this takes crazy dedication and love.