Allow argument in macro to be Option<T> or T
from to on 16 Jun 2024 07:48


Is there any way to create a macro that allows a Some<T> or T as input?

It’s for creating a Span struct that I’m using:

struct Span {
    line: usize,
    column: usize,
    file_path: Option<String>,

…and I have the following macro:

macro_rules! span {
    ($line:expr, $column:expr) => {
        Span {
            line: $line,
            column: $column
            file_path: None,

    ($line:expr, $column:expr, $file_path: expr) => {
        Span {
            line: $line,
            column: $column
            file_path: Some($file_path.to_string()),

…which allows me to do this:

let foo = span!(1, 1);
let bar = span!(1, 1, "file.txt");

However, sometimes I don’t want to pass in the file path directly but through a variable that is Option<String>. To do this, I always have to match the variable:

let file_path = Some("file.txt");

let foo = match file_path {
    Some(file_path) => span!(1, 1, file_path),
    None => span!(1, 1),

Is there a way which allows me to directly use span!(1, 1, file_path) where file_path could be “file.txt”, Some(“file.txt”) or None?

Thanks in advance!


threaded - newest on 16 Jun 2024 08:17 next collapse

Option<T> has a From<T> implementation that lets you write Option::from($file_path).map(|path| path.to_string()) to accept both cases in the same expression.… on 16 Jun 2024 10:18 next collapse

This does not work, as rust cannot infer the type of path on 16 Jun 2024 11:47 next collapse

A generic impl is impossible.

Imagine you want to turn a Into<String> to Some(val.into()) and Option<Into<String>> to

Now, what if there is a type T where impl From <Option<T>> for String is implemented?
Then we would have a conflict.

If you only need this for &str and String, then you can add a wrapper type OptionStringWrapper(Option<String>) and implement From<T> for OptionStringWrapper for all concrete type cases you want to support, and go from there. on 17 Jun 2024 07:52 collapse

Right, there may be too many unknowns involved. 🤔

[deleted] on 17 Jun 2024 07:51 collapse

. on 16 Jun 2024 10:50 next collapse

It’s surprisingly simple:… As a side node, asking for a value, and then immediately calling to_string on it seems kinda hiding the allocation. I’d suggest let the user call to_string on it themselves.

(e) Changed it a bit to account for passing None as the third argument. on 16 Jun 2024 17:38 collapse

I think the point is that the variable itself is an Option. Your example only works for literal Option (although the value inside the optional itself might not be a literal).

One option to OP’s problem is to use an auxiliary trait implemented on both string and Option<string> on 16 Jun 2024 20:06 collapse

One option to OP’s problem is to use an auxiliary trait implemented on both string and Option<string>

This looks something like the following… on 16 Jun 2024 22:08 collapse

* Two of your macro rules are not used 😉 (expand to see which ones).

  • This doesn’t support Option<&str>. If it did, we would lose literal None support 😉

Similar impl, but using wrapper struct with From impls on 16 Jun 2024 22:37 collapse

Two of your macro rules are not used 😉 (expand to see which ones).

The macro rules are all used. (Macros are matched from top to bottom by the declared match types. The ident/expressions can’t match until after the more text based Option matching.)

let _foo = Span { line: 1, column: 1, file_path: None };
let _bar = Span { line: 1, column: 1, file_path: "file.txt".upgrade() };
let _baz = Span { line: 1, column: 1, file_path: Some("file.txt".to_string()) };
let _baz = Span { line: 1, column: 1, file_path: None };
let _baz = Span { line: 1, column: 1, file_path: borrowed.upgrade() };
let _baz = Span { line: 1, column: 1, file_path: owned.upgrade() };

This doesn’t support Option<&str>. If it did, we would lose literal None support 😉

I didn’t make Option<&str> an option because the struct is for type Option<String>. It does support Option<String> though.

impl OptionUpgrade for Option<String> {
    fn upgrade(self) -> Option<String> {

It looks like the following, and uses the last match case.

let opt: Option<String> = Some("text".into());
let opt = span!( on 16 Jun 2024 22:51 collapse

The macro rules are all used.

Oops. I was looking at it wrong.

I didn’t make Option<&str> an option because the struct is for type Option<String>.

Re-read the end of OP’s requirements. on 16 Jun 2024 22:57 collapse

I made an edit.

There’s not anything stopping it from supporting Option<&str> though. This would be the implementation

impl OptionUpgrade for Option<&str> {
    fn upgrade(self) -> Option<String> {|v| v.into())

It’s also possible to just make it generic over Option types

impl<A: ToString> OptionUpgrade for Option<A> {
    fn upgrade(self) -> Option<String> {|v| v.to_string())
} on 16 Jun 2024 23:52 collapse

Yes, but then the concrete type of None literals becomes unknown, which is what I was trying to point out.

[deleted] on 17 Jun 2024 00:10 collapse

. on 16 Jun 2024 12:18 next collapse

Why not add a new() function that does the same? Macro seems unneccessary on 10 Jul 2024 16:25 collapse

You might be okay with this:

macro_rules! span {
    ($line:expr, $column:expr) => {
        Span {
            line: $line,
            column: $column,
            file_path: None,
    ($line:expr, $column:expr, $file_path:literal) => {
        Span {
            line: $line,
            column: $column,
            file_path: Some($file_path.to_string()),
    ($line:expr, $column:expr, $file_path:expr) => {
        Span {
            line: $line,
            column: $column,
            file_path: $file_path,


However, sometimes I don’t want to pass in the file path directly but through a variable that is Option<String>.

Essentially I took this to mean str literals will be auto wrapped in Some, but anything else is expected to be Option<String>