Release: progrs v0.0.1
from to on 22 Feb 15:49
from to on 22 Feb 15:49
If you belong to the group of people playing World of Warcraft on linux somewhat competitively (there must be dozens of us!), you might be interested in progrs. It is an alternative to warcraftrecorder and used to create videos of your play. It monitors the combat log for interesting events (for now, deaths of players) and creates chapters in the video for easier searching. For now, only “encounters” are supported (might mean just raid bosses, but I’ve not done any testing in M+), but each try will end up its own video, just as in warcraft recorder.
I’d be glad for anyone trying it out and giving feedback.
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It reminds me I published this Rust library a while ag o 🤣
(Not ambitious or maintained, rather use indicatif if there are Rust developers around)