Why are we nice? Altruism’s origins are put to the test (www.nature.com)
from fossilesque@mander.xyz to science@mander.xyz on 21 Feb 2024 22:52


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tiredcapillary@iusearchlinux.fyi on 22 Feb 2024 02:11 next collapse

Wow, that research article is loooonng. Could only get halfway before needing a break. Really cool insights!

Paragone@mander.xyz on 22 Feb 2024 06:51 collapse

“access through your institutions”…

So, I’m blocked from reading it.

EDIT: Found an alternative, I think:


No matter.

  1. Wasp-researchers in the Americas ( don’t remember if central or south, sorry ) discovered that altruism is generalized mothering.

IF there isn’t much need for mothering in this nest, THEN go provide mothering in other nests, even-though wasps are … aggressively competitive critters according to them.

This isn’t the version I’d read before, but it’s the same research:


That is 1 evidence-based-science identifying altruism’s root.

  1. AwakeSoulism/Buddhism has been insisting that altruism is generalized mothering for 25 consecutive centuries, and the phrase “all our kind mothers” meaning all other Souls/Continuums who’re lavishing lessons on us, is the current rendition of that ( though Buddhism’s people often forget to differentiate between the local person/mind vs the eternal Continuum that currently is trapped in an individual-life/incarnation )

  1. In the Abrahamic religions, they have a story in Genesis, where women “ate of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good & Evil”, which means Morality, and having eaten Morality, they shared it with men.

Mothering the root of it, again.

Of course, religious-men twisted the text to mean that women were “guilty” of “sin” and used that to justify mysogyny for many many millenia, but what should one expect of male-supremacism, when its too-fragile ego feels threatened?

History, Western, Eastern, doesn’t suggest that we should expect honest integrity of it, obviously.

( the literally millions of women who were forced to die in India due to that male-supremacism, iirc 1 census pegged it at 30,000,000-ish missing women, and that number wouldn’t have gone down recently…

the selective-abortion-of-female-foetuses/babies, in order to protect male-supremacism, including the Chinese woman who died while aborting her 4th or 6th or something daughter, because her husband wanted a son to be their only or 1stborn child…

it isn’t just China that selectively exterminates girl-lives, the West shows the same thing, & as a Jewess pointed-out, nobody in Jewish culture celebrates the birth of a girl: only boys.

The Catholic inquisition’s holocausting of women…

Hatred of female-lives & female-validity seems to be a deep current throughout humankind’s diverse cultures, for millenia. )

3 different views into ancient psychology, and all-3 identify mothering as being the root of altruism…

That seems a trend…

_ /\ _

apolinariomabussy@lemmy.calvss.com on 22 Feb 2024 07:44 collapse

Having come from an Abrahamic school background, I’m curious about the sources for #3. It is true that the meaning of the story has been twisted to justify misogyny, and that was how it was taught to us back in school.