identified many years ago that our definition of “intelligence” is far-too-narrow, & anybody who’s read it, can understand why I say the evidence is thiat the orginal definition of “intelligence” was intended to lock-out all kinds of intelligence that male academics were not good at…
( 1 example, right from that book, is … it usually is possible to find 1 girl in a grade-school-class who can identify who’s friends with whom, who’s enemies with whom, and why, having all that stuff mapped-out in her head…
I’m autistic.
I can’t even manage to be anybody’s present-friend, more than a few minutes per year?
Been a few years since I had friends…
What any such girl is demonstrating absolutely is an intelligence!
Denigrated by male “authorities”, of course, as is to be expected…
Gender-prejudice taints all our world, doesn’t it?
Another item, though, music isn’t an intelligence, it is a whole set of intelligences:
& I rather suspect that ALL intelligences are fractal, like that…
Nick Lane’s Royal Institution Talk, on yt, also indicates that the “atom” of awareness may be mitochondria ( since jamming them jams our awareness, as the anaesthetic xenon, iirc, demonstrates )
threaded - newest…/0452281377/
identified many years ago that our definition of “intelligence” is far-too-narrow, & anybody who’s read it, can understand why I say the evidence is thiat the orginal definition of “intelligence” was intended to lock-out all kinds of intelligence that male academics were not good at…
( 1 example, right from that book, is … it usually is possible to find 1 girl in a grade-school-class who can identify who’s friends with whom, who’s enemies with whom, and why, having all that stuff mapped-out in her head…
I’m autistic.
I can’t even manage to be anybody’s present-friend, more than a few minutes per year?
Been a few years since I had friends…
What any such girl is demonstrating absolutely is an intelligence!
Denigrated by male “authorities”, of course, as is to be expected…
Gender-prejudice taints all our world, doesn’t it?
Lipman’s “That’s what SHE said!” backs this……/B0716GZT1P/ )
( obviously, these aren’t “affiliate” links )
Another item, though, music isn’t an intelligence, it is a whole set of intelligences:
& I rather suspect that ALL intelligences are fractal, like that…
Nick Lane’s Royal Institution Talk, on yt, also indicates that the “atom” of awareness may be mitochondria ( since jamming them jams our awareness, as the anaesthetic xenon, iirc, demonstrates )…/how-the-krebs-cycle-powers-life-a…