on 28 Aug 2024 15:33
screw you, my wife loves my jokes.
my farts, on the other hand, don’t quite amuse her as much as myself.
on 28 Aug 2024 19:24
What’s her stance on fart jokes?
on 29 Aug 2024 08:32
In one night, the first 2 is somewhat amusing. The next 2 will be side eyed. The next 2-3 will receive heavy complain and criticism. The next 5 will be met with physical violence.
If I manage to fart more than 12 times a night then it’ll go back to amusing with a hint of respect and impressed.
However, at any point, if the fart is smelly then it’s game over.
on 30 Aug 2024 06:04
My wife and I have a good marriage but my sense of humour is vastly different from hers. It happens often I tell her a joke and she just doesn’t get it while I can barely finish the joke without laughing… it doesn’t mean our marriage is shitty nor lifeless
on 29 Aug 2024 17:31
Idk, that other poster seemed so sure of themselves. You might just be in a shitty marriage and don’t realize it.
on 29 Aug 2024 17:59
Of course it does, you must divorce now lest you provoke the ires of the internet
threaded - newest
It also looks like the head of a fox on the body of a jackrabbit.
The side eye in the last one. Too real.
Reminds me of those medieval drawings where animals have a somewhat human face
It’s Glenn Powell’s spirit animal
Me after I am done getting sand into my eyes
I bet it is not only as intelligent as regular foxes but also the wisest of them all… Did Pixar get inspired by the Tibetan fox yet?
About to turn “latest” into “last” joke
Better stay away from !
screw you, my wife loves my jokes.
my farts, on the other hand, don’t quite amuse her as much as myself.
What’s her stance on fart jokes?
In one night, the first 2 is somewhat amusing. The next 2 will be side eyed. The next 2-3 will receive heavy complain and criticism. The next 5 will be met with physical violence.
If I manage to fart more than 12 times a night then it’ll go back to amusing with a hint of respect and impressed.
However, at any point, if the fart is smelly then it’s game over.
I believe was asking about fart jokes, not actual farts.
Ah yes, I’ve been inhaling too much carbon dioxide and methane tonight to read clearly.
That animal looks like bad taxidermy even though it’s still alive. Poor thing
Was this on ich_iel yesterday?
Looks like a character in a Wes Anderson film.
If you stay in a shitty lifeless marriage, sure.
Jeez… I think you took it too far.
My wife and I have a good marriage but my sense of humour is vastly different from hers. It happens often I tell her a joke and she just doesn’t get it while I can barely finish the joke without laughing… it doesn’t mean our marriage is shitty nor lifeless
Idk, that other poster seemed so sure of themselves. You might just be in a shitty marriage and don’t realize it.
Of course it does, you must divorce now lest you provoke the ires of the internet
See? this is the type of hilarious comment I will share with her later on and she will not understand
When you do, please post a picture of her expression so we can compare with the fox’s.
Brak from space ghost