sexy time
from to on 29 Nov 20:32


threaded - newest on 30 Nov 09:40 next collapse

I dont get it on 30 Nov 12:21 next collapse

It’s a violent process on 30 Nov 19:19 collapse

Males stab the females with their genetalia (literally stab as there is no opening) and ejaculate into the cavity. Then hopefully it gets carried through the blood stream and ends with successful insemination. on 01 Dec 19:46 collapse

From what I know there is an opening. The males simply don’t use it. on 01 Dec 20:52 collapse

TIL on 30 Nov 12:20 next collapse

Bed bugs use a process called traumatic insemination to reproduce. The male breaks the female’s shell to inject sperm into a cavity called the hemocoel. It travels around the bed bug’s ‘bloodstream’ to the ovaries and fertilizes the eggs. The female will then leave to find another harborage and lay eggs for 6-8 weeks after mating just once.

For those who don’t know. on 30 Nov 16:39 next collapse on 30 Nov 20:20 collapse

Evolutionary, what advantage could this possibly hold? on 30 Nov 20:47 next collapse

When you’re a shitty little insect it’s easier to knock her up if you merely have to aim for “in her body.” on 01 Dec 00:13 collapse

Peak patriarchy on 01 Dec 07:39 collapse

As a whole? Basically none. It’s advantageous for the males though, it’s something that evolved in a context of sexual conflicts (males and females have contradictory evolutionary optima). Here the males advantage is to have a many mates as possible while the female is advantaged by being choosy regarding its mate(s).

Evolution is not always about optimising things for a whole species. on 30 Nov 14:17 collapse

Meanwhile, mantises:

Him 🙏

Her 💆‍♂️🔪