Get scattered
from to on 21 Jun 10:34


threaded - newest on 21 Jun 10:57 next collapse

Their on 21 Jun 11:13 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 21 Jun 12:24 next collapse

How do you explain me looking this psycho if there is no SATAN on 21 Jun 12:30 collapse

<img alt="" src="">

The devil is real!! on 21 Jun 12:47 collapse

Yep! That’s him!!! on 21 Jun 13:02 next collapse

Well, it takes one to know one! on 21 Jun 16:28 collapse

Do all devils have a private jet? Or just this one? on 21 Jun 19:37 collapse

Yes. Therefore, Taylor Swift must also be a devil. Science. on 21 Jun 14:16 collapse

How can someone so “filled with the light of god” look so darn angry all the time? on 21 Jun 15:10 collapse

Dead smile of someone who had too many pictures taken of them as a child. I like to think I preserved my authenticity by being a little monster during pictures as a child. on 21 Jun 12:37 next collapse

Hanlon’s Razor and all that, but I just assume that’s to drive up interaction in the post.

Rant/ramble ahead, you can skip:

By misspelling something, or just doing/saying something that common sense should say is wrong (“life hack, I just discovered this thing that literally every 5 year old already knows about”) you will draw out all the people who are genuinely trying to help, people who just can’t help themselves but smugly correct someone, people who THINK they know the right way but aren’t sure, people who claim to have never seen the right way before, and all the bitch fights such comments produce.

The increased interactions make the post do better in algorithms, which means it goes out to more and more people, who continue the cycle.

My wife watches short form endless scrolling videos despite knowing how bad those are for your mental health, and some of the people she stops to watch are CONSTANTLY pulling the “common sense says otherwise” one. Like my dude you did NOT just figure out in your 20s that you can wait for the shower to warm up before you get in. Literal toddlers know better. It’s such a simple thing, I genuinely do not believe anyone in their 20s just gets in the shower while the water is still cold because they never figured out they can wait for the warm water. But hoooo boy did their video take off and have millions of views, and thousands of comments about how wild that is. on 21 Jun 13:02 next collapse

They’re* on 21 Jun 13:33 collapse

There, there on 21 Jun 14:59 collapse

Xere, xere on 22 Jun 13:51 collapse

Hare, bear on 21 Jun 14:01 next collapse

Whenever these people write something, the spelling mistakes are all but inevitable. I’m really impressed if they manage to spell a whole sentence. on 21 Jun 17:58 collapse

Their isnoogod, your isnoogod, my isnoogod

It’s not racket skiense on 21 Jun 11:07 next collapse

The sun just… set? I don’t understand what is to be explained. on 21 Jun 11:11 next collapse

Idiots. You shouldn’t care to explain anything, they are beyond dumb. on 21 Jun 12:07 collapse

Well, she’s a flat earther, so how does the sun set work without God? on 21 Jun 11:08 next collapse

Their on 21 Jun 11:48 next collapse

Isn’t it more of a blue shift / red shift situation, rather than scattering? on 21 Jun 11:52 next collapse

No, it’s definitely atmospheric scattering. Blue and red shifting occurs when interstellar objects accelerate towards or away from us near the speed of light on 21 Jun 12:25 collapse

Imagine the horror if the earth accelerated at such extreme speeds on a regular basis. on 21 Jun 12:34 next collapse

How do you know it doesn’t? Science. on 21 Jun 15:08 next collapse

Or rather imagine the horror if the earth accelerated at such speeds DIRECTLY TOWARDS THE SUN 😬😂 on 21 Jun 15:56 collapse

Not for long at least… on 21 Jun 19:23 collapse

Okay, class. We’re going to watch NOVA today.

“Earth: God’s Baby Rattle” on 21 Jun 12:37 next collapse

There is a very small amount of red shift. If you were standing on the equator watching a sunset, then your radial velocity relative to the sun is only ~461m/s. So the green light from the sun 550nm would be red shifted by +0.0008nm. That little red shift wouldn’t be noticeable. However, as the sun sets there’s a lot more atmosphere in the way, which scatters blue light more than red light (Why the sky is blue). Also in a sunrise you are moving towards the sun, so sunrises would be blue! :P on 21 Jun 23:05 collapse

Are you sure those numbers are right? The proportions of 550nm/0.08nm and c/461m/s are very different. on 22 Jun 00:58 collapse

Oops you’re right missed a few zeros. on 21 Jun 14:35 collapse

Dunno, I’m still waiting for HL3 so I haven’t played that expansion yet on 21 Jun 12:07 next collapse

I feel like there’s a lot of these, where someone says “how do you explain [extremely basic, everyday thing] without [religion]?”, it’s kinda weird. Like being a certain level of religious makes you immune to all common sense. on 21 Jun 12:25 next collapse

I think what they are trying to say is that the emotional experience they have when they look at a sunset is similar to the emotional experience that gives them conviction that there is a God. It's not a statement of objective fact about the universe and its processes; it's a statement about their mental and emotional life and how they want to feel inside their own head.

Although, maybe they are saying that no one knows how sunsets work and so therefore a wizard did it. I would hope it is that first thing though. on 21 Jun 12:29 next collapse

I feel like it has to be the second thing, but not everyone has those religious experiences, and even the religious don’t always correlate these things to God. It just requires so many layers of weird assumption that I really don’t know what to think. on 21 Jun 15:42 collapse

“… that I really don’t know what to think.”

There, you’re starting to get it! That’s exactly what the religious do. Get confused, start using “god did it” as a gap filler in their knowledge, and soon, they “know” less than nothing. on 21 Jun 12:56 next collapse

Although, maybe they are saying that no one knows how sunsets work and so therefore a wizard did it. I would hope it is that first thing though.

There is still a decent chance it’s the second tbh. Fucking magnets/tide goes in etc. on 21 Jun 14:01 collapse

God’s just a burst of dopamine. on 21 Jun 15:08 collapse

Dopamine used to be considered the generic pleasure chemical, but I think it’s not anymore. Has more to do with reward pathways and learning, maybe? on 21 Jun 12:53 next collapse

In my experience of these zealot types, it's that they don't want to know the answer, and won't accept any answer that isn't literally bulletproof all the way back to the beginning of time - no matter what you tell them, God did it.

It's like playing a pigeon at chess. It'll shit on the board and then strut around like it won. on 21 Jun 15:07 next collapse

Well that’s a fairly consistent pov. “God of the Gaps” is what it’s called. Ostensibly, that sort of person accepts new evidence for things, so it’s probably not one of the worst ways to think on 21 Jun 15:39 next collapse

No, it’s not “god of the gaps” to deny elementary school education.

This post is specifically selecting for the complete morons who won’t even listen to a basic explanation of refraction…

If you say, “well a lot of religious people will say that!” then yes. Yes, religious people are morons. on 21 Jun 15:53 collapse

Yeah, I'm aware of the "God of the Gaps" idea.

But that's not what I'm talking about, nor are those the types of people I'm talking about - people willing to take in new ideas are a much friendlier bunch.

The zealot types, the self-proclaimed "sceptics" don't just avoid learning about science, they actively oppose it. They ask questions like those @Ibaudia said not because they want to know the answer, but because they're trying to sow seeds of doubt into those who see them.

Those questions aren't made for you or I to answer - and if you do try, they'll shout you down or sandbag you until you give up. on 21 Jun 15:11 next collapse

won’t accept any answer that isn’t literally bulletproof

Quite fitting, then, that the Venn diagram of people who would literally shoot bullets at a question and people who are religious is pretty much a circle 😉 on 21 Jun 15:50 collapse

These are emotional people with absolutely no care or enjoyment for reason or logic or learning how the world works. I believe strongly that the way our brains develop as we grow, be it influences from environment or genes or upbringing, just can go in radically different directions. Kind of like how some people have no internal monologue, or some people can’t visualize images in their mind, I think some people can’t comprehend the world outside of a very “mystical” interpretation, even when taught how physics and evolution work, they still will see those forces as expressions of a mystical universe with a personal, subjective God who is trying to communicate with them.

You absolutely cannot reason with this kind of perspective because it’s not one of reason. The MOST you can hope for is getting them to feel something, and in this I have only ever found common ground in things like expressions of love for the universe or the beauty of nature, but that’s like one person going to the baseball game to watch the game, and the other to eat the food. on 22 Jun 11:35 collapse

I believe strongly that the way our brains develop as we grow, be it influences from environment or genes or upbringing, just can go in radically different directions.

Well, you’re right.

and the other to eat the food.

Bad deal, stadion food is usually overpriced. on 21 Jun 17:15 next collapse

They’re just shuffling cards. They will make whatever mouth noises get to their foregone conclusion. This is how they perform loyalty to the ingroup.

They think that’s all you’re doing, because they think that’s all there is. on 21 Jun 18:19 collapse

“Tide comes in, tide goes out. You can’t explain that!” —Bill O’Reilly on 21 Jun 12:58 next collapse

<img alt="tide goes in" src="">

<img alt="r u serious" src=""> on 21 Jun 17:38 collapse

It’s not that we can’t explain it, it’s that you can’t understand it. on 21 Jun 17:46 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 21 Jun 13:11 next collapse

Tide comes in, tide goes out. Explain that, atheists! on 21 Jun 13:50 next collapse

idiot on 21 Jun 13:53 next collapse

Same way I’d explain a sciency-type person who doesn’t know the difference between there, their and they’re. on 21 Jun 15:02 next collapse

They’re* on 21 Jun 15:31 collapse

This needs a /s. on 21 Jun 15:35 collapse

Nah, this isn’t reddit. on 21 Jun 18:15 collapse

That’s the online universal way to indicate sarcasm on 21 Jun 15:03 next collapse

That’s a really rudimentary question for a religious person to ask. But then again nothing really surprises me anymore. Oh wait more than likely a non-Muslim / non-Jew would ask such a question. Carry on. on 21 Jun 15:43 next collapse

Their is the ciense on 21 Jun 16:17 next collapse

Thank you r/atheism on 21 Jun 16:26 next collapse

Get a ball, hold it between your eye and a light source. I know that some natural phenomena are hard to explain, but this one is really easy to conceptualize. on 21 Jun 17:20 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 21 Jun 18:47 next collapse

Sunset and twilight are my fave parts of the day. The colours are just so pretty…Thank you, rayleigh scattering! on 21 Jun 19:20 collapse

Oh? And is this “Rayleigh” here in the room with us right now?? on 21 Jun 19:38 next collapse

When we’re talking about sun sets, I heard somewhere (a meme with jesus ?) which says the pink is pollution.

Iny info about the pink in the sunset?

Cheers on 21 Jun 19:39 collapse

BTW yesterdays sunset here :

<img alt="" src=""> on 21 Jun 19:59 next collapse

THEIRS IS NO GOD. THE ONLY TRUE GOD IS THOR on 23 Jun 13:59 collapse

LIAR !!! The only real gods are ms. spagetti monster, and Tlaloc.

And i only worship one of those 2. on 22 Jun 07:32 next collapse

My favourite is the one where they use bananas as proof of God. (Always boring monothiests, too… on 22 Jun 10:14 collapse

Also she used the wrong “there.”