me too.
from to on 16 Feb 18:26


threaded - newest on 16 Feb 20:33 next collapse

I feel attacked on 16 Feb 21:33 collapse

Don’t worry you are nothing like the picture.

The cat is cute. on 16 Feb 23:12 next collapse

How did my cat end up in a textbook?

And bullshit he’s unhappy. on 17 Feb 07:08 collapse

they’re always so fucking chill and unbothered when the world is burning, smug af on 17 Feb 00:27 next collapse

Sounds like projection to me. on 17 Feb 07:52 next collapse

Low carb diets work perfectly for humans to lose excess fat (with plenty of meat if you don’t want to lose muscle)

Cats are obligate carnivores, they get fat on cat foods with cereals in them. A cat will get healthy if fed just meat and fish, there are cat foods that are just that, but tinned tuna might be cheaper than the same thing packaged as cat food

(I’m allergic to too many plants – the big one being grasses, including all the food grains, as well as bamboo clothing – so my low carb diet is/was no carb just meat) on 17 Feb 14:48 collapse

Its worth noting that it should be low sodium if you go for canned tuna (altho the high potassium that can be there still isn’t great) 1 advantage of even cheap wet cat food over people-canned-fish is the salt. Cats are prone to kidney issues. on 18 Feb 13:10 collapse

List (video game) music here that is fitting to this image.