from to on 01 Dec 22:03



threaded - newest on 01 Dec 22:06 next collapse

Possums with wings! on 01 Dec 22:55 next collapse

So just regular angels <3 on 01 Dec 23:05 next collapse

Screaming since the beginning of time! on 02 Dec 01:09 next collapse

This is low key, terrifying. on 02 Dec 01:20 collapse

Scary 😂 on 02 Dec 01:28 collapse

what’s even scarrier is the idea that this might give possums… ideas. on 02 Dec 02:42 collapse

Thinking takes brain wrinkles.

There’s no thoughts in that head. Merely a marble. on 02 Dec 04:14 collapse

And this is why no one will see the possum take over coming. on 02 Dec 04:42 collapse

Our future overlords can be easily manipulated with Taco Bell and alcohol.

You won’t even notice if it happens. on 02 Dec 23:49 collapse

So far, it was working. The trail of possums stretched behind them. Where they’d just walked, possums sat hunched on the ground, munching contendedly. Further back, they slept.

The only problem was, they still had a long way to go.

“Taco check!”

“Three” “One” “I’m out”
“Me too”

Halfway across the field, and they were down to just four tacos left. A new cloud ptossums erupted over the hill, bearing down faster than the group before.

“Switch to soakers!”

They all carried Super Soaker 50s — courtesy of the Toys R Us — filled with jim beam. Carl and Anne also had the two pistols they’d found, loaded with Peppermint Schnapps.

“Remember to pump!” was all Carl had time to cry out before the swarm was upon them. on 02 Dec 02:53 next collapse

All hail our skypossum overlords! on 02 Dec 03:34 next collapse

She nap, she crap, but most importantly, she flap on 02 Dec 07:47 collapse

Ptossums. on 02 Dec 23:39 collapse

A sort of battlefield drone used by the Raptor Legions. So called because you’d “ptossum” at the enemy where’d they’d wreak havoc on 01 Dec 22:16 next collapse

Why do the background creatures look more like modern reconstructions than the creature in the foreground? Lmao on 01 Dec 22:45 collapse

Because it’s further away so you just see the shape like the skeletron on 01 Dec 22:46 next collapse

I never thought about Mesozoic fauna having external ears. Birds don’t, so presumably their dinosaur ancestors didn’t. But maybe pterosaurs did? (Would we be able to tell by looking for muscle attachment points on their skulls?) on 02 Dec 05:20 collapse

Imprint fossils preserve feathers and other soft tissues. No ears. on 01 Dec 22:48 next collapse

In German, we call bats “Fledermaus” (fluttering mouse) and this is the missing link between them and regular mouses. Who would have guessed that of all the peoples in the world, the Germans have been right all this time on 02 Dec 04:00 collapse

My dog’s name is Die Fledermaus. He’s a black-and-tan dachshund.

We call him Maus for short. But he does look like a little bat dog. on 01 Dec 22:57 next collapse

Omg I would love if they had big possum energy.

You know, like not dick seagull hustle tactics. on 02 Dec 01:21 next collapse

With long nails 😜 on 02 Dec 01:25 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 02 Dec 03:08 next collapse

It could work as a new Lemmy logo. on 02 Dec 03:57 next collapse

wildly inaccurate animal illustrations is such a vibe on 02 Dec 22:27 collapse

Look at samurai era illustrations of lions and leopards. The artists only had the skins to work off, so they used house cats for the faces. And they thought they were the same species, with lions being males and leopards being females. on 02 Dec 03:58 next collapse

How is it that we discover bones of a large flying creature, and first thought is “it looks mammalian, like a flying possum!” And then “nah, that’s ridiculous. It was a flying reptile! Like a DRAGON!”

Large flying creature, and nobody thinks giant bird? Really? on 02 Dec 04:14 next collapse

We already have birds. Give us flying possums or dragons. on 02 Dec 17:08 collapse

Apparently they were way more similar to bats than to birds. on 02 Dec 07:50 next collapse

Pteroratyl on 02 Dec 19:58 next collapse

He’s the motherfucking pterodactyl, and he’s here to ptero you a new asshole! on 03 Dec 01:07 next collapse

Boy had possums on the brain on 03 Dec 01:16 collapse

Imagine how archeologists would draw an elephant or a camel if they only had bones to go from.