The warning on PBS Nova is heartbreaking!
from to on 01 Jan 00:12


threaded - newest on 01 Jan 01:30 next collapse

Too late, I’m in a quantum superposition of alive + dead (inside) on 01 Jan 05:56 collapse

Wake me up inside

Cant wake up

I need a supercritical temperature of 80°C

Bring meee tooo half precissssion…

I’ve been living a lie! I’m only 36°C inside!

Bring me toooooo ---- on 01 Jan 22:11 collapse

Evanescence in my Lemmy? Hell yeah! on 01 Jan 01:35 next collapse

at least it's not about quantum inertia ... right? on 01 Jan 02:17 next collapse

As someone who did 3 years of a physics degree and then ended up crashing and burning at the basic quantum stuff until I ultimately quit, I sympathize with this wholeheartedly. Like its fascinating and all, and its great that some people are able to get it, but like, if I have to deal with a Schrödinger equation again I think I might scream. on 01 Jan 05:22 next collapse

I just enjoyed how new freaky symbols being used for operators started popping up out of nowhere.

Because without them you run out of paper too fast on 01 Jan 06:23 next collapse

It wasn’t this part that tripped you up was it? on 01 Jan 16:31 next collapse

H|ψ> = E|ψ> 😘 on 01 Jan 17:38 collapse

That’s the devils pitch fork right? on 01 Jan 17:37 next collapse

In the end I only saw devils marching in with pitchforks on 01 Jan 20:31 collapse

I love learning about quantum physics from YouTube, but my impression is a lot of it ends up being “particals are just silly little guys at the quantum level” or “we have two models: one for normal big physics and one for batshit crazytown tiny physics”. on 01 Jan 02:30 next collapse

I wonder how many physicians are going to get calls from this… on 01 Jan 14:30 collapse

Well none, it clearly says to call your physicist ;) on 01 Jan 02:32 next collapse

I’m experiencing a great deal of uncertainty. on 01 Jan 02:52 next collapse

flashbacks of what the bleep on 01 Jan 03:38 next collapse

Quantum physics: because the universe doesn’t give a shit if you understand it. on 01 Jan 05:18 next collapse

No no no. Quantum Physics: the more you understand about the universe, the less it gives a shit if it makes any sense. on 01 Jan 05:27 next collapse

A fractal meta uncertainty principle would help explain why “chromodynamics” is allowed to exist. on 01 Jan 05:35 next collapse

Man I only took through QED. QCD is where shit goes from freaky to “what the fuck reality, stop drinking” on 01 Jan 06:29 collapse

That’s what I’m on about! The deeper you look, the more it’s like “Matter just does stuff, okay?!” on 01 Jan 14:17 collapse

Well, looks like it does exist indeed. You never know for sure in that field.

A large body of experimental evidence for QCD has been gathered over the years. on 01 Jan 16:11 collapse

OP is aware that it does exist. In quantum physics, a lot of the questions of “why does it exist” are difficult to overcome. The answer simply is “it just does.”

We can prove the math, we see the experimental evidence. The math comes long before the experiments. The problem is that “why” doesn’t work at this scale.

For a frictionless spherical cow in a vacuum, if you apply a force vector to it, it will accelerate in that direction, until you stop applying the force; at which point it will continue on that vector at the last velocity it reached. “Why” this occurs is do to energy, and energy conservation.

“Why do massless fermions spontaneously break chiral symmetry?” We can prove it through the math, we can experimentally observe it. But “why” doesn’t have a real answer. The answer is “it just does.” on 01 Jan 17:08 next collapse

Personally I’m a fan of the holographic principal. The universe is encoded on the event horizon of a black hole and our black holes create other universes. Then “why” just becomes a matter of waiting for the right conditions to come along, because with infinite universes it has to happen eventually.

PBS Space Time has done a LOT of videos on the topic. There’s no experimental support for holography, but there is a ton of circumstantial and mathematical evidence to suggest that it is worth taking seriously. on 01 Jan 20:26 collapse

I’m a fan of it too. Actually I think my dad did a bunch of stuff when he was in grad school on holography. on 01 Jan 19:05 collapse

OP is aware that it does exist.

Yeah, but I wasn’t. on 01 Jan 15:27 collapse

the more and less you understand about the universe, the more and less it does and does not give a shit and makes more and less sense. on 01 Jan 14:14 collapse

The more you understand, the less it makes sense. on 01 Jan 16:41 next collapse

Be aware! There can be spooky action at a distance! 👻😱🫨👀 on 01 Jan 17:23 collapse

“They really ought to keep this filth off public access television.”

“Due to the quantum nature of such filth, it is simultaneously shown on TV and not shown on TV.” on 01 Jan 21:57 collapse

I don’t care what all the avant-garde, intellectual nambie-pambies say, IT IS FILTH!