Crazy girlfriend
from to on 29 Jun 11:27


threaded - newest on 29 Jun 12:06 next collapse

Mt. Rainier. Absolutely stunning “when it’s out” as we used to say (because of the usial cloud cover). on 29 Jun 12:53 next collapse

Good for the mountain to come out 🥰 on 30 Jun 07:42 collapse

Ooh! Mountain’s out! on 30 Jun 07:55 collapse

That’s it! on 29 Jun 12:43 next collapse

I miss the mountains of the Northwest. There’s something that remains really weird to me about how flat my stretch of the Great Lakes are, even 20 years on. on 29 Jun 13:03 collapse

Western Washington is profoundly beautiful. Unless it’s 1700 or 1980.

We know that the ≈9.0 earthquake occurred on the evening of January 26, 1700, by way of Japanese records of the resulting tsunami. (!) on 29 Jun 17:57 collapse

Western Washington is very beautiful unless you like sunshine, in which case it’s mostly depressing for somewhere between 9 and 12 months out of the year, depending on the year. There have been years where we didn’t get a summer, and rolled right over into fall, which resulted in like 20 months of overcast skies and rain. on 29 Jun 19:13 next collapse

That sounds hella nice actually on 29 Jun 20:20 next collapse

A lot of people seem to enjoy it. on 29 Jun 21:31 next collapse

I looooooooooove how green everything is so early in the year. Or when it’s snowing in the passes but the cherry blossoms have erupted in Seattle.

Caveat that every tolerable place on Earth seems a little like Eden when I’m not there. on 30 Jun 04:54 collapse

A few weeks ago wild foxgloves erupted everywhere in our neighborhood. We have a patch in our backyard that are six and a half feet tall now. I love all the birds everywhere, and the flowers, and the greenery. When the sun comes out and it warms up, it’s honestly like paradise. But I do get a little SAD by about the middle of winter. on 30 Jun 19:03 collapse

What’s not to love about 3pm dusk (assuming that the sun even rose every day)?? on 30 Jun 20:14 collapse

I am not a fan. In the summer the sun is up from about 4 am until about 9:30 pm, which is pretty awesome. on 30 Jun 06:01 collapse

What’s not to enjoy? We have our own beautiful rainforest within a couple hours of ocean beaches or a couple hours of snowboarding or a couple hours of sand dunes or a couple hours of river rafting or … on 30 Jun 06:07 collapse

River rafting is just an hour away, up in Gold Bar. Well, I guess it could be a couple hours depending on where you live, but if you’re in Seattle then it’s just a short drive. The only real drawbacks are the constant overcast skies, and how short summer is. We’ve got all these great outdoor activities nearby, but only a short window to enjoy them in, unless you don’t mind doing them while cold and wet. on 29 Jun 23:01 collapse

Exactly. I hate the sun. Too bright and too hot. on 29 Jun 22:35 next collapse

All that green takes a lot of rain on 30 Jun 09:20 collapse

You’ve just described the UK. on 30 Jun 13:57 collapse

We’re at very similar latitudes.