Story bundle - The Universe of Adventure Sci-Fi Bundle (
from to on 17 May 2024 08:31

Honestly I don’t know the authors or books, but I know that the the Storiybundles are usually not bad.

The Universe of Adventure Sci-Fi Bundle - Curated by independent authors John Wilker & Dave Walsh: When it comes to science fiction, there are a lot of different flavors. Through the ages, science fiction has been many things to a great many people. It’s never been just one thing. Just one type of story. There’s sci-fi that’s quiet and contemplative, sci-fi that sticks to our understanding of modern science, then there’s sci-fi that spans different galaxies and times, or even sci-fi that warps our understanding of reality.

For $5:

For 20 $:

Archive link:…/The-Universe-of-Adventure-Sci-F…


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