Just read Cinder Spires book 2 and these books are a Steampunk sequel to Stephen King's "The Mist."
from thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz to sciencefiction@lemmy.world on 17 Nov 2023 05:55

No really, these books are what you get if you answer the question “What if after the Mist came, the surviving humans rebuilt a Steampunk civilization with magic airships and uplifted cats?”

I was gonna say this is now my head canon, but I actually think he’s so obvious about drawing the connections in this book it’s a little beyond head canon.

Anyway, since I feel sure it will come up if I start a conversation about these books on Lemmy, feel free to use the space below ↓ to hate on Jim Butcher for his MenWritingWomen problems… They’re real and they bug me too. They just don’t stop him from telling a fun and engaging story, which this was for me.


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