How To Integrate Home Assistant with Grafana (
from to on 30 Jan 11:52

Learn how to connect your Home Assistant setup with Grafana for advanced data visualization. Perfect for Home Assistant users looking to take their smart home monitoring to the next level with real-time insights and enhanced data analysis capabilities.


threaded - newest on 30 Jan 12:08 next collapse

I’m guessing the author is getting some kind of referral to send them to that other site that hosts grafana. Because home assistant has a 3rd party app for grafana built in. Granted it would be a few more steps than they outlined, but it’s also not sending your data to some random company. on 30 Jan 12:37 next collapse

Thanks! Meaning, this is no grafana but third party integration on 30 Jan 14:30 collapse

Yeah their link has a referral code: on 31 Jan 01:49 next collapse

I think the home assistant crowd prefers locally hosted but i guess i could be wrong. on 31 Jan 02:17 next collapse

This is an ad. Mods should remove this. on 31 Jan 07:24 collapse

Getting feedback about this post being spam. The article details a legitimate integration for HomeAssistant. But, it seems contrary to what this community would value. Going to leave this post up, but suggest that OP consider moving it to one of the HomeAssistant communities. Everyone else: use the downvote arrow to judge the worthiness of the posting.