Best easy to use e-commerce front end with no javascript?
from to on 26 Jun 03:47


I’m trying to setup an online computer store via YunoHost installed on my VPS. I’m okay with payments to be handled via a third party payment processor (who preferrably also has no JS, but I understand that is probably unlikely). I also have my domain up and running, so I’m ready to test whatever I can get.



threaded - newest on 26 Jun 05:04 next collapse

Uhh, I may not be the sharpest software developer in the shed, but I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking for here. By the sound of it, you’re looking to build and deploy an entire e-commerce website without any JavaScript at all, correct? Which makes me more than a little curious about what you’re expecting to use instead. on 26 Jun 05:41 next collapse

It sounds like he wants everything done server side like they did in the mid 90’s. It’s certainly possible, but it won’t result in a very good user experience. The whole page would have to reload to change anything on it. on 26 Jun 06:33 next collapse

With a Blazor (serverside mode) project you could have that with a nice user experience. Blazor has a tiny js which initializes something, otherwiss it renders the site on the server and sends the component updates to the browser, so the whole site does not need to reload, only the relevant components (which is kind of interesting).

Maybe there is some blazor serverside e-commerce project out there, I wouldn’t personally recommend it though. on 26 Jun 06:49 next collapse

That’s how Amazon works.

If you think all the stores in the internet now are PWA’s you are sadly mistaken. MVC web apps are pretty well suited for things like shops and they never went away. There are entire languages and frameworks like PHP, Python, Java that actively support that style of app. It also lends itself really well to caching.

I wouldn’t say it’s completely JavaScript free though. Client side JS is still extremely useful and attempting to make a store with zero JS might be a bit tough. on 26 Jun 22:52 collapse

To me it sounds like they want to host a store on Tor or i2p considering it’s typically recommended to disable JavaScript while browsing those networks due to security concerns. on 26 Jun 06:29 next collapse

Well, I don’t think thats what OP had in mind but there is WebAssembly as well. on 26 Jun 12:41 collapse

I’m just looking to have my users not use JS to shop at my store. I’m not too familiar with web dev terminology. on 26 Jun 06:32 collapse

If you’re willing to accept JavaScript I’d recommend a Ghost setup. Pretty good platform once it’s set up and easy to selfhost. Not sure you’ll find a platform without JS for your use case tbh. on 26 Jun 07:36 collapse

I thought ghost was for blogging only on 26 Jun 14:16 collapse

That’s definitely its focus, but if you want a very simple store it does support payments: