Need suggestions for VPS
from to on 13 Jun 17:49

I want to get a new VPS. It’ll mostly be used to host lightweight Docker images, and reverse proxying through Caddy. So, decent CPU and fast network speeds are the main things I need.

I have a cheap VPS with RackNerd. It’s fine, but only has a single CPU core, which gets overwhelmed if multiple connections are trying to pull stuff from some service. So, I guess having multiple cores is a requirement as well.

I want to spend around $5/month, but willing to go a little higher if it’s worth it. Any suggestions are appreciated.

P.S. I’m based in US and would prefer something in here for lower latency.

Update: Hetzner’s CX22 IPV6 only plan seems to be very good in terms of price-performance ratio. But the servers are in Europe. I’m planning to try it out for a while and see how the latency is. It’s great that they don’t lock you in with yearly plans.


threaded - newest on 13 Jun 17:54 next collapse I use hetzner and it looks fine to me on 13 Jun 17:57 collapse

Where are you, if I may ask? Their Intel offers are not based in the US. Most of the time, I’ll access it from inside US, so I’m worried about the latency. on 13 Jun 18:06 next collapse

I would recommend Digital Ocean for a VPS. With you being in the US latency should be decent and you can pick whichever is closer to you either SF or NY. My Lemmy instance is hosted on DO even. on 13 Jun 19:16 collapse

Thanks for the suggestion. on 13 Jun 18:40 next collapse

Have checked out OVH yet?

Have a VPS and a dedi with them on 13 Jun 19:16 next collapse

Thanks, I’ll check it out. on 13 Jun 22:24 collapse

All I will say is that company has issues. Make sure you have the full backup of whatever data you put there. on 14 Jun 00:49 next collapse

If you need support outside of business hours, you’re fucked.

Friend had a network misconfig on their side take his server out on Friday night and they didn’t fix it until Monday. on 14 Jun 06:16 collapse

That’s just like Aws, you pay for better and longer support. But they don’t make it clear support is only 9-5 on 14 Jun 06:22 collapse

That is definitely not like AWS on 14 Jun 07:06 collapse

Ok, Aws is 24/7. But they will just help you spend even more money on 14 Jun 16:03 collapse

True, welcome to the “cloud” on 14 Jun 06:12 collapse

That is true of any hosting provider, I have backups backblaze. on 14 Jun 13:01 collapse

That’s good, because otherwise your data might end in a blaze.

(Totally not speaking from experience) on 13 Jun 20:16 next collapse

Digital Ocean ? on 14 Jun 06:21 collapse

They have had a few issues that are offputting to me personally on 14 Jun 12:46 collapse

Can you share details into that? on 14 Jun 15:06 collapse

They have many bad customers running things like email servers to send out spam. They then seen to ignore the problem which leads to digital ocean getting blocked. on 15 Jun 00:22 collapse

Now that you say that once I had Microsoft refusing to receive email sent by a DO IP but I filled some form and the block was lifted in a few hours.

[deleted] on 13 Jun 21:07 next collapse

. on 13 Jun 21:59 next collapse

I know I’ll be told that it is a shit company, but Oracle free VPS works like a charm for me. Using it to circumvent CGNAT by running Wireguard on it on 13 Jun 23:14 next collapse

I’ll second that. Oracle sucks but they’ve given me thousands worth of free cloud shit over the last 3 years so I’m not displeased. on 14 Jun 09:59 next collapse

+1 on OCI free tier (ARM) - works like a charm. No need to spend those $5 a month of what OP want’s to do. on 14 Jun 14:03 collapse

As a note of caution, I used Oracle’s free tier to run a personal Matrix server, and it got deleted without any advance warning after a few months. I migrated to another provider and haven’t had any issues for 2+ years now. on 14 Jun 16:08 collapse

I got notification from them that they will stop unused machine. I’ve just rebooted and didn’t get anything for a few months now on 15 Jun 01:04 collapse

A big point of confusion that keeps happening in relation to OCI is that there’s actually two “tiers” of free, and one of the two is subject to resources vanishing.

If you convert to a pay-as-you-go account, all that shit stops, and you’re treated as an actual customer while keeping all the free tier stuff.

I suppose you could get hit with a surprise bill if you’re not careful and use things that have a free tier and then convert to billing (example: you exceed your object storage free amount), but if you don’t use anything outside of the compute resources, it’s just as good without the resource reclamation stuff. on 15 Jun 14:59 collapse

I think I’ve tried to switch to pay as you go, but they wanted to reserve $100+, so I said no. And didn’t have any bugging restarts or anything. on 13 Jun 22:05 next collapse

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I’ve seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
CGNAT Carrier-Grade NAT
DNS Domain Name Service/System
IP Internet Protocol
NAT Network Address Translation
VPS Virtual Private Server (opposed to shared hosting)

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If you’re happy with Racknerd, they have deals on LEB all the time. Right now, even…/kvm-vps-specials-by-racknerd-from… on 13 Jun 23:55 collapse

I got a little server from them a few weeks ago for $17/yr ($1.42/mo) and it’s great. 1 core, 2 GB RAM, 35 GB storage.

I used rclone to mount a Backblaze bucket and transferred a couple services to it, including Immich. on 14 Jun 06:20 next collapse

I use Linode on 16 Jun 19:51 collapse

You mean Akamai Connected Cloud, formerly Linode. on 16 Jun 21:46 collapse

I am not calling it that on 16 Jun 22:22 collapse

That’s what it’s called. Linode is gone my friend. It’s time to say goodbye. on 17 Jun 00:49 collapse

NO on 14 Jun 06:50 next collapse

Contabo is really cheap and has a few datacenters around the world. That low price comes at a cost though, their uptime is not as good as that of other providers. Expect about 3 outages a year, lasting about half an hour, maybe a day in extreme cases. on 14 Jun 08:54 next collapse

AFAIK Contabo seems to oversubscribes harder than others, so Performance can be really bad, high CPU steal, low IOPS, etc. It varies from instance to instance, as usual, sometimes support can move you to a different node but many people seem to prefer other providers after having used contabo. on 14 Jun 13:00 next collapse

Yeah I went back from Contabo tbh, as you said, I had several outages, the worst of which lasted several days with absolutely no information, nor response from the support. (My VPS had all the symptoms of a broken disk, which was extremely worrying)

That, plus the subscription fees, it’s not something I would advise today on 14 Jun 18:33 collapse

Yeah, I’ve used it for years without issues before I moved to using my own hardware on 14 Jun 08:22 next collapse

If you’re okay being in the EU, I use Ionos. €1 a month with a IPv4 address and no contract.

On the US side, Oracle has a free tier for 2 arm CPUs. You could load balance between them, but they’re still kinda slow.

Either of these you can test for very low costs and see what you enjoy. on 14 Jun 16:02 next collapse

DigitalOcean and Vultr are options that “just work” and have reasonable options available in $5-6/month category.

DO is more established and I’ve used them for nearly 10 years now for a $6/mo VPS and for managing DNS for my domains. Vultr has some much closer datacenter options if you happen to be in the southeast US, rather than basically just covering California and NYC like DO does. on 15 Jun 15:35 collapse

You might find this list useful:…/delightful-libre-hosters