Open Source Server Overview App
from to on 03 Jul 01:23

Serverbox Github Link

Looking for a convenient overview of your servers?

Randomly found this app on F-Droid and I am blown away.

It fetches the server stats, even drive usage and makes it super easy to open an sftp browser or even a ssh console if you quickly need to.

deep recommendation


threaded - newest on 03 Jul 05:58 next collapse

Just installed this.

It’s brilliant! Thanks for the pointer. on 03 Jul 09:59 collapse

You’re welcome : ) on 03 Jul 06:38 next collapse

Looks interesting ☝🏻😃

Will try it out on 03 Jul 08:54 next collapse

Have found it by accident too. Just amazing.

Would love something like that for the Desktop. Basically a Cockpit+Serverbox+xpipe for my desktop clients. on 03 Jul 09:59 next collapse

Oh that’d be really cool on 05 Jul 20:27 collapse

Xpipe does ssh and sftp pretty well, the rest can be done with htop and stuff if you need detailed system stats to diagnose something. on 05 Jul 22:08 collapse

I do not need detailed stats. I need a broad overview. For detailed stats and diagnosis i ssh into the machine with the cli. on 03 Jul 15:27 collapse

Found too yesterday on F-Droid. Absoutley glorious, even runs perfectly smooth on a almost 10 year old Galaxy S6 Edge.