Bad Proxmox Update Warning (
from to on 17 Jun 21:15


threaded - newest on 17 Jun 21:30 next collapse

Looks like someone fucked up package dependencies somewhere.

I’m surprised they don’t have some basic automated testing running in a VM after new package releases but I suppose they don’t need it if they can farm that duty out to their free userbase. on 17 Jun 21:49 next collapse

Isn’t that the explicit downside to their free plan? I mean it would still be baffling if they don’t have any in-house testing. on 17 Jun 22:16 collapse

Been a while since I used proxmox but that’s the nature of a lot of those free/corporate type softwares. The free ‘community’ edition is pretty well a public beta that you can get forum level support for, or sometimes you can get paid support at some limited level. on 17 Jun 23:43 collapse

The probably do for the subscription on 17 Jun 21:30 next collapse

Jokes on you I never update my proxmox on 17 Jun 21:58 collapse

lol - I’m the same, and frequently wonder if I’m allowing tech debt to creep in. My last update took me to 8.0.3, and that was only because I built a new node and couldn’t get an older version for the architecture I wanted to run it on. on 17 Jun 21:51 next collapse

Start of thread: ……/upgrading-pve-tries-to-remove-prox…

Solution: wget ……/proxmox-backup-client_3.2.5-1_amd6… dpkg -i proxmox-backup-client_3.2.5-1_amd64.deb on 17 Jun 22:56 next collapse

Oh thanks for the heads up on 18 Jun 07:58 next collapse

Oh thank god i thoght about updating my servers last night but was too lazy to do so on 18 Jun 08:24 collapse

This is now sorted -…/post-675259