Adblock and VPN all in one?
from to on 18 Jun 18:35

I love PiHole. I’ve used it in the past and it was powerful! I also use an OpenVPN/Wireguard based VPN.

So is there a service that combines the two features? Lets me import adblock lists and also VPN configurations?

Preferably something that runs in a docker container that I can throw upon portainer and running within minutes!



threaded - newest on 18 Jun 18:38 next collapse

If you don’t get any other answers:

I run OpenWRT on my router (x86 hardware), and have Adguard Home and Wireguard installed on it.

AdGuard has its own webUI, and Wireguard peers can be managed through LuCI in OpenWRT. It also supports OpenVPN as well as other VPN types.

So you could run a VM with OpenWRT and get all that. on 18 Jun 18:58 collapse

Ah, I’m not going there yet. OpenWRT is an eventual goal. But right now I’m stuck with devices that do not support it. I’m ok with alternate solutions. on 18 Jun 18:48 next collapse

There are “public” pihole servers: use their dns, or the many other ad-blocking servers out there as the dns for your VPN.

Tbh, I’ve stopped the selfhosted vpn route and use tailscale (which can be selfhosted/has a docker image). It doesn’t get simpler. on 18 Jun 18:58 next collapse

huh. Never thought about public pihole servers. So nice of those folks running them.

I don’t understand how you’re saying you’ve stopped self-hosting VPN and are still using tailscale. Are you using their SaaS service? Does that allow you to set your own DNS? Do they have speed limits? Are they zero-logs? on 18 Jun 19:42 collapse

Tailscale uses wireshark, which is peer-to-peer. Their “free” plan allows you to set up a network using their “coordination” server, which simplifies administration of your tailnet.

You control dns, exit nodes, etc, so tailscale isn’t involved with the vpn itself, hence no speed limits.

You ultimately determine what tailscale collects as far as client logging.

If you block client logging, Tailscale may not be able to provide technical support.

I imagine the docker image serves to eliminate tailscale from the equation.

ETA: there are quite a few ad-blocking dns servers.

I currently use on 19 Jun 07:21 collapse

So do you run a tailscale exit node on one of the public clouds or a VPS provider like DigitalOcean? on 19 Jun 08:39 collapse

Exit node is a VPS (Racknerd)

eta: it’s quite the deal tbh

<img alt="" src=""> on 18 Jun 20:11 collapse

There’s also Netbird as an open source alternative to Tailscale. on 18 Jun 21:26 collapse

Appreciate this. on 18 Jun 18:51 next collapse

I know some VPN providers have their own DNS service that you can use similar to other filtered public DNS. If you mean an in house DNS/VPN gateway then what you want is probably best served by something like a firewall distro (opnsense/pfsense) to handle both of them. on 18 Jun 20:39 next collapse

For Android I recommend Rethink
It has Wireguard, DNS and Firewall (per app and per IP/Domain) on 19 Jun 07:19 collapse

Nice app! I do have an android device sitting around doing nothing. Will use this app if I ever get into it! on 18 Jun 20:45 next collapse

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I’ve seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
DNS Domain Name Service/System
IP Internet Protocol
VPN Virtual Private Network
VPS Virtual Private Server (opposed to shared hosting)

4 acronyms in this thread; the most compressed thread commented on today has 14 acronyms.

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Good bot on 19 Jun 02:32 next collapse

I run a VPS with its own DNS resolver (to load blocklists), then it tunnels the traffic down a multi-hop VPN and it’s pretty excellent. on 19 Jun 02:41 next collapse

This runs a combination of both. Been using this for years and works like magic on 19 Jun 15:31 collapse

This is gold. Thank you. on 19 Jun 08:55 next collapse

Adguard? Although I don’t know if they have a firewall based Killswitch so it might be vulnerable to tunnel vision if it’s not being used in a VPN router

You might need to replace your pi-hole with adguard home to make it work on 19 Jun 10:49 next collapse

You might look at gluetun. It lets you configure various VPN services from a docker container. The interesting part is that you can point other docker containers to utilize gluetun for networking. Essentially piping them through the configured VPN. on 19 Jun 15:34 next collapse

In this same subject, is there a way to set up pihole as DoT or at least DoH? Full disclosure, I have not done any research on this. The thought just came up while reading this thread. on 19 Jun 21:13 next collapse

Not self hosted, but I’ve been using tailscale with nextdns and it has been very reliable. I got tired of worrying about availability of hosting my own on 19 Jun 22:01 next collapse

Maybe not a docker solution, but you could throw pfSense into a VM and do all that from there

I use it (as it’s intended) as my firewall, but I used to use these as general purpose network security VMs in the past (just because I know the product well)

So for you: no firewall rules, just setup DNS with pfBlocker (for the advert blocking) and setup the VPN as required…

Just an idea… on 20 Jun 06:17 next collapse

you can just set your pihole as the dns server for all your wireguard clients i guess on 22 Jun 08:38 collapse

Check out WireHole or openvpn-pihole on 22 Jun 16:05 collapse
