Yunohost Lemmy qeustions:
from to on 27 May 2024 15:19

Been setting up a Yunohost sever and really been enjoying the process/experience . The one snag I’ve had is setting up a personal Lemmy sever and the Yunohost fourms seem to be dated. Just wondering if someone might know the best place to look for solutions. Thank you, and have a good day.


threaded - newest on 27 May 2024 15:44 next collapse

If it’s not available as an application, you should probably look into docker compose on 27 May 2024 16:14 next collapse

Last time I checked the Yunohost package for Lemmy was severely outdated and not usable. on 28 May 2024 18:27 collapse

Yeah, I just installed it a month ago and the subscribing of communities was not working. Everything else worked even if it was an old version. Its unfortunate as its almost there.

Most of yunohosts self hosting services are fantastic and dont require me to do a ton of work getting apps up and running (as well as maintenance). on 27 May 2024 19:42 next collapse

YunoHost is pretty much alive than ever, but don’t expect it to be up-to-date all the time since their way of doing stuff is pretty extreme to maintain.

So my advice would be, spend enough time with it, and when you get the grips move to docker containers. on 05 Jun 22:39 collapse

What’s your question? I just did it today with YunoHost and it all worked as normal. Only problem is the version is nearly a year old (0.18.2) so I immediately abandoned it since I couldn’t use it with any third party frontends. on 06 Jun 00:05 collapse

It’s been a wild ride… Actually still trying for Lemmy; but YUNoHost has been a great experience. Just having fun in the land of multiple services and sub-domains. Glad it was smooth for you! on 06 Jun 00:27 collapse

I’m about to boot up a Cosmos server