I swear to god if that one gaurd in the Rock doesn't stop telling I can take spacesuit off on this planet, I'm going to quicksave.
from Blamemeta@lemm.ee to starfield@lemmy.zip on 02 Oct 2023 18:01


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[deleted] on 02 Oct 2023 18:44 next collapse


NOT_RICK@lemmy.world on 03 Oct 2023 02:08 collapse

The head guy in neon is a real asshole, he got the quick save and Barrett was not happy with me lol

variants@possumpat.io on 03 Oct 2023 19:49 collapse

I had to go back a few times to get the right dialogue options to start the fight haha without just clicking the attack one because I was trying to make him attack me so andreja wouldnt get mad but she didnt care in the end lol

docclox@lemmy.world on 03 Oct 2023 15:47 next collapse

You could just take it off.

The game hides it, but you’re still wearing it.

Zahille7@lemmy.world on 11 Oct 2023 04:47 collapse

But that’s tedious to go into the menu and re-equip it every time you need it.

docclox@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 09:27 collapse

It is. On the other hand, I get a perverse satisfaction from the times I forget to wear the suit and almost suffocate on an airless moon somewhere before I remember to dress properly.

It doesn’t help that the “dying from no atmosphere” warning looks exactly the same as the one you always seem to get for too hot/too old/solar radiation/noxious fumes/high pollen count.

Of course, I’ve also been known to take the suit off on airless worlds just for screenshot purposes. Not generally without activating Personal Atmosphere though :)

Zahille7@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 21:05 collapse

I mainly use Personal Atmosphere so I don’t have to fat walk back to my ship anytime in overencumbered.

docclox@lemmy.world on 13 Oct 2023 18:42 collapse

Yeah, I do that too. Also in combat when I realise the CO2 is solid red.

jordanlund@lemmy.world on 05 Oct 2023 23:38 collapse

I did the Juno mission and had that Khambatta asshat stuck on my bridge for way too long even after dropping him back off at Neon and ending the quest. Was getting super tired of his dialog trees.